

“Where were you young lady?” Bill asked.

“I was looking for a coke machine.” I lied as I climbed back up on the bed.

“That’s what I’m here for. Do you even have a dollar on you?”

“No.” I mumbled attempting to cross my arms, but failing.

“Why were you crying?”

“Because of Brendon. I’m emotional, jeez!”


“Hey, Brendon’s awake.” Ryan said poking his head in. I gave him a thumbs up. Pretty much everyone had to go home except for Ryan and Nate, since they really had no obligations.

“You okay?” he asked stepping in.

“I’m great, I’ll be in to see him in a minute.” I nodded.

“Kay.” He headed out the door. I got up and grabbed Nate’s hand. They took me off my IV about an hour ago so that makes things easier. I headed towards that room and when I opened the door there was a nurse in there. She’d already looked up so I couldn’t escape.

“Natalie, are you lost?” she questioned. Crap, she’s the nurse who took out my IV.

“No, he’s, uh, a friend.”

“Nate?” Adam questioned quietly.

“Natalie, I’ll let the desk know that you’re in here.” The nurse said before exiting. Adam sat up and stared at Nate wide eyed.

“It’s him.” He whispered as Nate ran up to the edge of the bed and bent down before jumping up and shouting a ‘Boo!’. Nate broke into giggles and Adam reached down to him.

“Up.” Nate said holding up his hands as Adam lifted him onto the gurney.

“I don’t know where he got his blonde hair.” I laughed.

“My grandpa was blonde.” Adam shrugged.

“He has your eyes.” I said as I sat at the end of the bed before laughing a little and finishing,

“And your nose, and your smile.”

“But he has your face shape and ears.” Adam smirked poking one of Nate’s ears.

“Totally. I mean, I look at those ears every morning and it’s like looking in a mirror.”

Nothing was said for a few minutes when I decided to speak up, “This is so surreal. I don’t
understand what’s going to happen.” He looked up at me for a few seconds.

“Have you met anyone?”

I was silent for a moment, “I’ve met a lot of people. I work at a daycare center down the street from my house. So, I have some friends there. I got in contact with Bill not long after I had Nate. Just a few weeks ago Witness Protection called me so I housed a guy named
Brendon.” I shrugged.

“Are you seeing anyone?” he rephrased.


“Do you want to?”

“Why would I want to see someone right now?” I asked looking at him.

“Natalie. I don’t care. Listen, I used to never understand how husbands and wives would always say ‘If I die, I want you to move on’. I never understood that. I thought that I would always want my wife to be mine and only mine. That was before I even knew what love was. That was before I realized that if you moved on, it would probably be for a great guy. I trust that you won’t pick some jerk. I trust you. I want you to be happy and I don’t want you to be alone. Don’t say that you aren’t alone because of Nate. Don’t say that I’ll make it, because I’m not going to. I’ve lived a great life. I don’t want you to get upset over this an-” He stopped when the door opened and we both turned to see Bill in the doorway.

“Dude, is this?” Bill asked wide eyed.

“Uhm,” I said quietly, swallowing down a lump in my throat.

“I’m Adam.” Adam said quickly. I looked back at him wide-eyed before trying to calm down a bit.

“The one from the pictures?!”

“Uhm,” I repeated more unsure this time.

“Probably.” Adam shrugged.

“Oh, my gosh. It’s an honor. I’m Bill.” Bill said walking over and shaking his hand.
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I'm sick. :p
Went to the doctor and they said that it was just Asthma mixed with allergies. Then it got worse. So now I'm on steroid. Woohoo.
Going to the beach Saturday Night so I may not post for a while.
I will have internet and such there though, so...depends on what's going on.
Honestly I will probably just lay on the beach every second.