

Bill continued ranting as Ryan stared with his jaw dropped and a finger rose slightly.

“Okay guys, here’s what’s gonna happen.” Zack said swinging open the door with Pete and Hana in tow. He paused upon seeing Adam, “Sorry, you’re gonna have to leave. Private info.” Bill was cut short and stopped confused.

“He won’t tell anyone.” I mumbled.

“We can’t trust anyone at this point.”

“He’s been in the hospital for months!”

“That’s what you think.” Zack said.

Adam laughed a little beside me before saying, “I’ll go.” And exiting the room. I couldn’t decide whether I was thankful or upset upon not receiving a kiss.

“Okay, so, we’re going to have to relocate all of you.” Zack started once the door closed, “We were going to split you guys up, but we think it’d be safer to put you all in one place.”

“Wait, why?” Brendon asked quickly.

“Well, there’s this organization called ‘Witness Protection’ and they take people who are in danger and hide them.” Zack said slowly.

“No, but why are we still in danger?”

“The police didn’t get him.”

You know those parts in horror movies where the music starts building up and then you get that chilled feeling. That’s exactly what just hit the room. Hana and Pete had their head down.

“What about them?” I asked.

“They are in just as much danger.” Zack answered.

“Wait, why?”

“Well, we found some stuff.” Zack said slowly. I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting.

“What stuff?”

“You may be better off not knowing.”

“I want to know!” I groaned.

“He was in your house.”

“Obviously.” I muttered rolling my eyes.

“No, he was inside of your house for at least a week. Did anything suspicious happen?”

“Wait, wait, how could he just be in my house and I not know about it?”

“You have an attic that you rarely use. We found he had been staying up there and could get out through the closet in your bedroom.”

I instantly felt nauseated. The room got oddly silent.


Bill’s parents stopped by and Bill sat staring at his hands as they found out that he had been secretly hanging out with me behind their backs and when they heard my ‘situation’ they immediately gave me all the sympathy they could muster. Which was a lot, let me tell you.

I don’t deserve it, because of me their son has to move halfway across the United States.
Adam’s parents stopped by and his mom literally screamed when she saw me.

“Where have you been?!” she squealed. Yes, squealed.

After explaining everything they promised that they would always be there, even when I’m all the way in Chicago, and that when I got back I was always welcome at their house. Then they proceeded to coo over Nate while I had some time with Adam.

How do you say goodbye when you know that you will never see that person again in your entire life?

“I’m sorry.” I cried into his shirt, “I’m sorry that I pretended that you didn’t exist and that Nate wasn’t our son, and for that one time when I laughed at you when you tripped over your own shoelace and called you a baby, even thought your ankle turned out to be broken and fo-”

“Shh.” Adam calmed rubbing a hand down my back.

“And I’m sorry that I kissed Brendon, but I thought it was a dream and I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to move on.” I cried harder and I heard his hitched breaths, signaling the beginning of his own tears.

“Promise me something.”

“I already did.” I mumbled, sniffing against his itchy hospital gown.

“What?” he laughed quietly.


“Oh,” he muttered, “Promise me something else.”


“Promise me that you’ll get over me and marry a hot guy who loves Nate and you more than

“Adam.” I mumbled clinging tighter to his shoulders.

“Promise.” He said quietly.


“Promise me.” He said more firmly.

“Can you just live?” I asked, making it hurt worse just to say the words.

“That’s not what’s going to happen. I’m sorry.” With that he let go.

“No, please, no.” I cried harder grabbing for him again, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorr-”

“Will you stop apologizing?” he asked quietly. I just cried harder.

“Natalie.” Zack said quietly knocking on the door.

“Leave me alone, I wanna stay here!” I said as mean as I could.

“2 minutes.”

“I love you.” I mumbled.

“I love you, too, and I love Nate. Please, don’t dwell on the past. Don’t forget about me, but don’t hold onto me, when I can’t hold onto you. How is that fair?”

And now he’s making me feel guilty with some weird metaphor thing that I don’t understand!

“It’s not. Please, call me. Your mom has my number. Bye.” I said not knowing how else to end it.

“I love you, bye.” He mumbled giving me a quick, meaningful kiss, before I slowly exited his room. I wiped under my eyes and looked down, pulling on my sweater that I got to change into. I brushed my fingers through my hair and took in a few deep breaths, not caring that they were witnessing me composing myself here. Better them than Adam.


We checked out of the hospital and got some papers on how to take care of my shoulder and Brendon. We weren’t flying, that’d be too easy. No, we are driving, because Zack Hall is…is…ugh. I can’t even come up with a good insult. Oh, did I mention where we are going?
Chicago. Yes, you read right. Chicago, Illinois, here we come.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took forever!
I pretty much am at a good inspirational part of this story, so I may or may not be writing more...