

Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you would just get knocked unconscious, or feel like you could rip your hair out? I am sure you have, and if not, you will in the future. Today is one of those days. Nate is throwing a temper tantrum, I am trying to focus on my college course, the phone is ringing, and so is the doorbell.
Let me start from the beginning.
My name is Natalie Rae Brown. My parents were both disowned from their familes for having a baby at age 16. Me. Even though I was an accident they still loved me. I was born on Christmas Day, which is why they named me Natalie (It means born on Christmas Day..). They both got decent jobs that earned the money they needed. We had a house and food, so we never had a problem.
Seventeen years after I was born, my mother had forgotten to take her birth control pills, and that's how my little brother was conceived.. While my mom was pregnant with Nathan, I tried to contact our family. The family that disowned us all. The only person that picked up the phone was my dad's older sister, and she hung up on me when I told her my name. I gave up after that. It was dumb anyway. Sure they had a baby before they were married, but that doesn't mean you push them out of your life.
My mother died in childbirth, but Nathan was living and healthy. My dad killed himself a week later, alcohol poisoning. Then there were 2. Nathan and I. I got everything in their will. After a week of job hunting, I found the perfect one. It was at a daycare center down the street. Since I was still in school, they kept Nathan and then I would work their after school. It was very hectic and difficult, but once I graduated it got easier. I decided I should try to get a hold of my family again. I did some research and digging, ungtil I found out I had a cousin a year younger than me. I got his name and a picture and drove to his high school 6 months after Nathan was born. I know it sounds stalkerish...well, it was stalkerish. I stood in the schoolyard glancing around the students. Looking for that one face. I was getting looks and whispers from the students as they passed. No doubt, because I am holding a 6 month old baby in my arms. Then I saw him. I walked over and hesitated for a second.
"William Beckett?" I asked. he spun around and eyed me and Nathan curiously.
"Natalie Brown, I'm your cousin." I said quickly. He stared at me and Nathan for a second.
"We, are your cousins." I corrected.
Ever since that day William, or Bill, has been helping me out behind his family's back. He helped me pay for these online college classes. Which brings me back to right now. 1 year later.
The phone is still ringing, with the doorbell, my virtual college professor is continuing the lecture, and Nathan is still rolling around the living room screaming. I jumped up to grab the phone, knowing who it will be.
"Hey, Bill."
"Hey, how're you?"
"It's almost bedtime, so I'm doing pretty good." I laughed. Nate's bedtime was my favorite time of the night, it was so peaceful, not that I didn't like having him around.
"Ah, well why don't you let me in so I can put the little guy to be." I hung up and sprinted to the door, opening it and pulling the tall boy inside.
"I thought you were a sailsperson." I said. He just laughed.
"Nathan!" he called stomping down the hallway into the living room. I just smiled and walked in after him sitting down beside him on the floor.
"Nate, I think it's time for night night." I said.
"No." he argued. He didn't speak too well, he mostly just said the first syllables of words. He called me "Na" and he could say bill.
"Do you want Bill to put you to bed?" I asked. He nodded and Bill picked him up.
"2 books, 1 song, and turn the noisemaker on before you leave." I reminded him. He nodded and started the routine of saying 'night night' to everyone and everything in the house.
"Say night night toys." Bill said as Nate waved to his toys.
"Say night night Natalie."
"Night night, Nate, I love you." I said kissing his head. He waved and they made their way into his room. I cleaned up the toys, putting them in the cabinets beside the tv. I shut my laptop and put some dishes into the dishwasher, putting the clean ones in the cabinets. Bill walked back in. I closed the dishwasher.
"I thought you died!" I said walking around the counter and hugging him.
"I got grounded." he explained.
"Ouch. Why?"
"Grades." he said.
"What's your excuse tonight?" I asked.
"Spending the night at Pete's."
"Does he cover for you?"
"Everytime." Bill smirked. In case your wondering, Bill's parents don't know that he even knows who I am. So he makes excuses to come see me.
"So...the WPP called." I said.
"Witness Protection Program?" he questioned, I nodded.
"Random, why?"
"Well, my mom apparently worked there for a while, part time. They didn't know that she was gone, so they asked if I could house a guy who witness...something. I told them my situation and they offered me money, enough that it would pay the bills."
"So they want you to house a complete stranger?"
"He's around my age."
"Yeah, and he still has hormones just like every other guy, plus he could chop you up into little pieces, he could be a mass murderer!" Bill shuddered.
"They do a background check. He's safe." I defended.
"What about hormones?! It sounds like you are considering this." he scoffed.
"I already said yes." I said quietly.
"What? Why?" he demanded.
"You were grounded. I couldn't get a hold of you, I decided it was a good opportunity, plus this guy needs it!"
"If he cuts you into little pieces, I am killing him." Bill said, I laughed.
"Will you watch Nate tomorrow morning while I go to the airport to get him?" I asked.
"No." my jaw dropped, Bill never said no to babysitting, "We are going with you." I shrugged, better than nothing.
"How are you planning to find this guy?"
"They are emailing me a picture and a name sometime tonight." I explained.
"You are going to find someone by a picture and a name?"
"That's how I found you." I reminded him, pinching his cheek.
"Okay, well, let's get this party started." he said grabbing a movie off the dvd player and putting it in.
"I love the way we party." I said sitting on the couch and popping up the footrest.
"Disturbia, it's really good, and I may be a tad obsessed." he stated holding up the case. I laughed.
"We watch this everytime you come over, and oddly, I'm okay with that." I said pressing play. I leaned back and closed my eyes.
I woke up and looked at the clock: 6:00am. Shit! I was suposed to be up an hour ago to wake up Nate and give him a bath. I sprinted to his room, but stopped when I passed the bathroom.
"William Beckett, you are a god!" I said to the boy crouched beside the bathtub.
"Na!" Nate said reaching for me. I smiled and crouched beside Bill.
"Did you take a shower?" I asked feeling his damp hair.
"Yup, it's all yours." he said. I hugged him before skipping to the other bathroom. I took a shower and blowdryed my hair. I put on jeans and my bumble bee sweater (it's black and yellow striped).
I got downstairs and checked my mail printing off the picture and information. I glanced at it, Brendon Urie, hmm. I walked into the living room where Bill and Nate were playing.
"Hey, help me move the crib." I said pointing to Bill. he jumped up and followed me into Nate's room.
"Why are we moving this?" he asked as we lifted it up and down the hall.
"Cause, I am not having Nate and my guest sleep in the same bedroom, and I don't want to move in there." I explained setting down the abnormally heavy piece of furniture.
Bill grabbed my shoes and handed them to me before disapearing to the living room. I sat down on the edge of my bed and slipped my toes into the worn black converse. I put on some mascara before heading to the front door.
"Bill. Grab Nate and let's go!" I said grabbing Nate's jacket and slipping the diaper bag (which looks like a huge purse) over my shoulder and sticking some toys into it. Bill walked over holding Nate and took the jacket putting it on the younger boy who looked exhausted. We buckled him into the backseat of my silver Ford Edge, and got up front. I started the car and pulled out.
"Did you check your email!?" he asked sitting up as we pulled into the freeway. I stuck my hand in the diaper bag and pulled out the paper handing it to him.
"Hmm. What'd you think?" he asked. I shrugged.
"You know you're going to fall in love one day!" he pushed. I sighed.
"Nah. I've got Nate, and you, and my coworkers." I smiled.
"And one day, I will be in love and married, Nate will be in love and married, and some of your coworkers are probably already married." he said. I nodded.
"Yup, and I'll still have you!" I said. he sighed.
"Is Nate asleep?" I asked changing the subject.
"Yup." he said glancing behind him.
You know what's weird?" I asked changing the subject.
"If you had a kid today, you could raise it, perfectly, and you know exactly what to do, and your parents don't have a clue. They probably think you can't even take care of yourself." I said, he scoffed.
"I don't want them to know! If they did then they would throw responsibility on me!" I just laughed before turning on my Daft Punk CD. He groaned. I turned on One More Time.
"Disgusting." he said making gag noises. I just rolled my eyes and adjusted my grip on the steering wheel.
"MMMMMMMM! You know I'm just feelin'...celebration...tonight. Celebrate. Don't wait too late. MMMMMM! No! We don't stop, AH! You can't stop, AH! Were gonna celebrate, one more time. ONE! MORE! TIME! more time." he sang along making weird faces and imitating the guys voice.
"You don't like them, yet you know every word." I smirked.
"Cause I hang out with you!" he defended. I just laughed.
"Technologic!" he said as the song ended and 'technologic' came on.
"Sing along with this one!" I said, he scoffed.
"Yeah right!"
I pulled into the airport and drove around looking for a parking spot.
"That was just getting to the good part!" Bill complained. As I turned parked and turned off the car.
"Sorry." I smiled getting out and pulling the bag over my shoulder. He woke up Nate and we headed towards the building. I pulled out the paper and looked at the flight number. We scanned the screens and found the right terminal. There was a starbucks right next to where they would unload the plane. We pulled 2 chairs next to a table and sat down. I sat Nate sideways on my lap so that he could watch the planes.
"Oh, potty alert." I said standing up and reaching for the diaper bag.
"No, no. I got this." Bill said taking Nate from me and grabbing a diaper and some wipes.
"You are way too good to me." I sighed sitting back down.
"Good, cause I still owe you." he said heading towards the bathroom. Bill always sayed that since I was disowned that I owned him for life. I am holding him to that.
I waited about 10 minutes and Bill stepped out of the bathroom and gave me a thumbs up.
"Success." he said handing Nate back to me and slipping the wipes back in the bag. I laughed.
Natesoon fell back asleep.
"Boredom!" Bill groaned grabbing his face. Some people gave us dirty looks, but I just laughed.
"There are some toys in the bag." I laughed. He grabbed it and pulled out some books. He started reading it outloud and showing me all the pictures. I laughed.
"Stop. The plane is here." I said.
"No! It's almost to the good part!" he whined and kept reading. I laughed, watching for the face in the picture. I glanced back at Bill, who was making weird faces.
"The End." he sighed and closed the books slipping them into the bag.
"Even better the 6th time." I smiled glancing back over.
"Hey, Bill is that him?" I asked pointing to a guy glancing around in a hoodie and tight jeans.
"Yeah, that looks like the mass murderer." he said standing up. I rolled my eyes and rose next to him. He pulled the diaper bag over his shoulder. I tried to walk gracefully, so I wouldn't wake up Nate.
"Hi, Brendon Urie?" I asked. He looked up.
"Yes. Natalie Brown?"
"Yup. Welcome to Reno." I said. He laughed.
"This is William, and Nathan." I said motioning to the 2 boys, "but you can call them Bill and Nate." I added in quickly. Bill was looking at Brendon, I'm assuming he was making judgements. We went and got his bags then headed back to the car.
"So, I'm curious, why'd you choose Reno?" I asked.
"It was the closest option they gave me." he said. I nodded.
"That sucks. What'd your family and friends think?"
"Well, my family..they don't really care, I don't see them much, and I only have one friend, as sad as that sounds, and he is trying to get an apartment up here."
"Well that's two things we have in common. I don't have many friends, and I don't see my family at all, either." I laughed.
"Hello. Family." Bill said pointing to himself.
"Well except for my cousin. I tracked him down and payed him to hang out with me." I joked pinching Bill's cheek again, making Brendon laugh, "Oh, and Nate, so I guess that makes 2 family members." I added quickly. We made it back out to my car.
"Hey, Bill, will you sit in the back?" I asked.
"No. I can-" Brendon started, but I stopped him.
"Bill is going to." I said buckling Nate into his seat while trying not to wake him. Bill obliged and slipped into the backseat. Brendon put his bags in the trunk and got up front. I slipped in and turned on the car. Technologic automatically started where it left off. I turned it off as fast as I could.
"Well that's embarrassing." I mumbled backing out. Brendon laughed again.
"No, Daft Punk is cool."
"See, Bill, he has good taste!" I said turning it back on. Bill scoffed. Nathan woke up and started crying.
"Give him so goldfish." I said to Bill handing him the diaper bag.
"There aren't any."
"Then give him his pacifier." I said trying to think quick. I pulled over to a McDonald's.
"Have you had breakfast?" I asked Brendon.
"No, but you don't have to get me anything."
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Are you sure-"
"She's sure. Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit please!" Bill said from the backseat. I nodded.
"Uh, I guess I'll have the same." he said. I nodded and pulled into the drivethru. I ordered the food and some pancakes for me and Nathan. I got the food and passed it to everyone.
"What did we do before they invented the drivethru?" I asked opening the styrofoam container and handing Nate a pancake.
"Make sure he eats it and doesn't play with it." I told Bill grabbing one for myself and taking a bite.
"Thanks, for everything, by the way. Hope I'm not imposing." Brendon said.
"No problem, and if I thought you were imposing you wouldn't be here." I reminded him. He shrugged and nodded.
"So, this is probably a big change for you though. Like, did you go to college anywhere? Have a job?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No. I shared an apartment with my friend Ryan, and the reason I don't really see my family at all is because I didn't want to be a part of the church anymore and didn't go to college." he explained. I nodded.
"but still. I mean, I am sure you miss the casinos if you were into that?" I asked glancing at him, but still keeping my eyes on the road.
"Yeah, that's pretty much how I made my living." he said.
"Well, tell me about yourself. How has your life been so far? What did you witness that you need protection from?" I asked turning down the music. He laughed a little.
"I was born into a Mormon family, went to school, got into good music and rebelled a bit, then when I turned 18, I decided I didn't want to be mormon. It just wasn't for me. My parents kicked me out of the house, so Ibought an apartment with Ryan. There's not much more to it than that." he shrugged, "What about you?"
" story is complicated." I said turning onto my exit.
"More." Nate said from the backseat.
"Did he eat the other one, Bill?" I asked.
"Yeah." I grabbed the last pancake and passed it back to him. He smiled really big and took it. I laughed a little.
"I think I can keep up." Brendon resumed our conversation.
"Well, my parents had me when they were both 16. Which resulted in them both getting disowned. I was born on Christmas, which is why my name's Natalie. My mom and dad both died in my senior year of high school. I tracked down William, and showed up at his high school. He's been helping me out ever since." I explained..not very well.
"Wow. I'm sorry, but that leaves me with 2 questions."
"How is William related to you and sorry to be blunt, but is that your son?" he asked. I laughed.
"Ah, I get that a lot. Well, first, Bill is my cousin. Though he looks like he is older than me, he's still in high school, and that's my little brother."
"Wait, how is he your little brother if.." he trailed off.
"My mom died in childbirth, my dad killed himself a week later." I said. I could tell he felt extremely awkward.
"You never told me what you witnessed." I pointed out. He sounded thankful for the change of subject.
"Well, basically I saw this guy kill a girl, and then the police came, but the guy got away, apparently he is a serial killer or something. So..'I am next' or something." he shrugged. I let a laugh slip.
"Well, you don't sound like you think you're in any danger, so why'd you go to the WPP?" I asked.
"Oh, the police took me there. I should have said that the guy didn't see me, but I didn't know they would take it this seriously." he said rolling his eyes.
"Oh, let me warm you, don't get excited about the house, it's pretty small."I said.
"and clean." Bill put in. I laughed and pulled into the driveway.
"Better than my old apartment." Brendon said stepping out of the car. I opened the trunk and helped him get his bags out while Bill got Nate.
"I'll also warn you that I live a very boring life." I said unlocking the front door.
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I hope you guys like this! It's fun to write.