

“Hey! Macarena! When the boys they call me Macarena, da, da, da, da, something, say, something, they all want me, they can’t have me, something, blah, blah” Brendon sang along loudly with the stereo, before laughing on cue with the girl, “Now, come on, he was in a towel, and his two friends were, soooo fine!” Brendon quoted running a finger along Zack’s jaw line in the car.

“How does he even know this song?” Zack asked aloud.

“Brendon had two sisters.” Ryan shrugged.

I twisted in my seat in the back of the big van (Yeah, that’s right, we are traveling to Chicago in a big white kidnapper van) trying to fall asleep.

“Who wants food?” Zack called from up front.

After Pete yelling out something about dying of starvation we pulled into Wendy’s.

“Put these on.” Zack said giving us each a baseball cap as we exited the van, stupid Witness Protection. I let Hana get Nate out of the car and take him inside and trailed silently behind the group.

“Okay, I’ll get the food, you guys get the table. Orders?” Zack asked, going down the line.

“Two cheeseburgers, extra ketchup and a large fry,” Ryan said rubbing his stomach hungrily, “Oh, and a drink!” he added. Everyone looked at him weird.

“Okay, I eat like a horse, we’ve established this.” He stated blankly. Zack continued going down the line before stopping at me.

“Uh, get Nate chicken nuggets and fries.” I shrugged, glancing at the door. We’ve only been driving for four hours, maybe I could hitchhike back home.

“And you?”

“M’not hungry.” I mumbled.

“Okay, burger it is.” Zack said, before turning and waltzing off to the counter.


We’re now seated at a random table in the back of the restaurant.

“I’m gonna, go to the bathroom.” I mumbled, getting up and heading that way. The restaurant wasn’t crowded and the bathroom was empty and pretty clean, surprisingly.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a second before thinking about Zack’s words. He was living in my attic. With that thought in mind, I entered a stall and threw up in the toilet.

After washing my mouth out a bit and washing my hands I exited.

“Order up.” Zack called from our table, waving me over. I nodded a little and sat down.

“You okay?” Hana asked.

“Fine.” I nodded.


I didn’t eat anything at Wendy’s. I wasn’t sure I could keep it down. After piling back in the van in the same seat I was in, I discovered everyone else was switching seats, which is how I ended up next to Brendon.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is really short, but I've had most of this typed for a while. And I figured that I may as well just post what I have rather than waiting until the end of next week to post a long chapter...
So, I hope you guys like. :D