

“Okay, so, I have a big question, and I don’t know how to ask it?”

I woke up and squinted mumbling a ‘huh’.

“Hey, it’s late-ish. Wake up.” And that’s definitely Brendon’s voice.

“What do you want?” I asked rubbing my eyes and pulling the covers higher.

“I have a question, a big question and I don’t know how to ask.” He said again.

“What is it?” I mumbled, fully opening my eyes.

“I don’t really know how to ask without being like awkward.” He shrugged.

“Mmph,” I groaned rolling over.

“Okay, here it goes, how did Adam uhm, no, no wait,” He sighed, before speeding up, “was Nate a,” He paused again choosing his words carefully, “Was Nate a surprise?”

“What?” I squinted.

“Nevermind, don’t answer.”

“Now that I know that you want to know it’s just awkward.”

It was Brendon’s turn to be confused as I sighed and started.

“Nate was planned.” I shrugged rolling onto my side so he couldn’t see my face, “I’d known Adam since we were kids. I made fun of him until freshmen year of high school. He was a huge nerd, he didn’t hit puberty until junior year. He had a squeaky voice and whined like a little girl. His voice would occasionally crack and every time it did everyone thought he was finally going to grow. He was a foot shorter than me and he didn’t make the basketball team any time he tried out.”

I breathed out a laugh, “He was on our school’s ‘Tech team’ so he made videos and power points for special school functions like graduations and did the lights and music control for pep rallys. We weren’t actually friends, like I said, until Freshmen year of high school. I was a cheerleader in Middle school, but I didn’t want to be one in high school, so I joined our school’s tech team. I didn’t do much. I have no idea why they let me on it. To this day I can’t tell you what that damn panel with all the buttons controlled, but it was fun and I felt special getting to sit in the little dark tech room,” I smiled closing my eyes, “He was over at our house every weekend, we would always find excuses to hang out. He pretty much became part of our family. Our parents became close, and his family knew how much we struggled to keep our heads above water. They helped out at our house all the time, whether it was something little like making a bed or something like helping the bills get paid on time.

“We didn’t give ourselves the title of boyfriend and girlfriend. People around school teased me for hanging around with the short kid who looked like he was in elementary school and he got teased for liking a girl period. Then Junior year came around and he was freakin’ six foot three. We were kind of really in love by this point, actually way before this point. Our parents were already like eachother’s parents. It was like we were practically already married. Our parents encouraged us to have kids. They didn’t care how early in life it was. Mom getting pregnant was a surprise. We were a bit worried with the pregnancy’s so close. I had Nate before they passed away, but after Adam,” I cut my sentence short, swallowing, “It was really scary, but I,” I stopped myself shaking my head and finishing, “Nate wasn’t a surprise.” It was barely a whisper, I turned to see him swallow slowly.

“Oh.” Brendon said quietly. In a blur he was leaning down as I met him and before I knew it our lips were connected. If I thought the kiss a week or two ago was intimate, it had nothing on this. I shifted my weight onto my good arm as Brendon slowly found his way on top of me. I was lost in the moment, before my eyes opened quickly and I pushed him away, breathing heavily. He started ducking down again, but I pushed harder murmuring a weak ‘No’.

Brendon’s phone rang then and he jumped up mumbling a ‘Crap.’ Before saying ‘Hello’ and exiting the room. I laid there and pulled the blankets up higher rolling to the opposite side of the mattress.

After laying quietly for a few minutes, I sighed pulling myself out of bed and going to the bathroom that Greta had pointed out last night across the hall. I knocked on the door and Bill pulled it open with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

“Hey.” He said managing to keep most of the toothpaste in his mouth. I entered the bathroom and washed my face, before sighing and going downstairs, Bill following behind.

“I have to teach today, also, I’ve arranged haircuts for you and Pete and I’ll go pick up some uniforms for you.” Greta said from her spot in front of the stove sipping coffee and making eggs.

“What?” Bill said grabbing his head as if protecting his hair.

“Oh, they have strict dress code guidelines. The uniform is pretty simple. Khaki pants or shorts, with a navy or white polo. Your hair can’t hang over your ears or the collar on your polo.”

“What?!” Bill repeated a bit more hysterical, “My hair?”

“Sorry.” Greta laughed shrugging and grabbing her purse from the counter, pouring the pan of eggs into a large bowl, “This should be enough for everyone. Patrick’s out in the car. Grace is coming with us, Sam and Nate are still asleep upstairs. We’re leaving the Honda, so if any of you guys want to go out, just watch the gas meter. Your hair cuts are at two. Natalie, make sure they go. I think that’s it. Our numbers are on the counter, call if you’re confused about anything.”

I nodded, scratching my head. Greta narrowed her eyes at me and stared for a second, I quickly licked my lips and prayed that she didn’t suspect anything between me and Brendon.

“Are you still feeling sick?” She asked. I relaxed.

“I feel fine right now.” I shrugged.

She nodded, “Okay, let’s hope you stay well. See you guys later.”

With that she was out the door.


“Do you have any clue how we need to take care of Sam?” I asked Hana in the hallway.

“Greta gave me a bit of information about it, yes.” Hana nodded.

“So one of us here knows what we’re doing?” I asked quietly.

“I’d hope so.” She smirked heading down the hall. I walked the opposite way and headed into Nate’s room. He was sitting in his crib quietly, playing with a teddy bear that I don’t remember getting him, but who knows.

“Nate, want to come eat breakfast?” I asked him. He acted like he just saw him and stood up giggling.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I mumbled pulling him up with my good arm and carrying him down the hall.


Picking at a plate of eggs, I decided that food didn’t sound all too great right now and gave them to Nate, who happily accepted, just as Hana was walking down with Sam.

“He’s so cute!” She cooed tickling him a bit and making him giggle.

I smiled a little and stood up, putting Nate’s now empty plate in the sink and sitting him in the living room to play before running upstairs to get my computer. I need a distraction. I grabbed a notebook and pen, before bringing it back down to the dining room and making a fresh pot of coffee. I got on the internet and logged into my college courses. Yeah, I’m way behind and I have a paper that’s way overdue. I was hooking up the headphones when I heard ‘What do you major in?’.

I put a hand to my heart and looked up at Ryan, “You scared me,” I mumbled before, “Marketing’.

“What do you want to do?” He asked.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. I may end up just working in a daycare center forever, but I would prefer to work in an office of some sort and make a little more money than I make now, which is not much.”

“How much?” Ryan smirked.

“I’m not telling you.” I said before putting in my earbuds and listening to my lecture.


I heard a slight noise, before the distinct scuffing of a chair against the hardwood and felt a person sit down next to me and practically half on top of me. I pulled out my earbuds and looked over, going wide eyed to see Brendon.

“Hey, Nat.” He smiled, “You want to come out with us?”

“Who’s us and where’s out?” I gulped holding my breath.

“Everyone in this house.” Brendon shrugged before finishing, “And we’ll probably explore, go out to eat.”

“I have to work, a lot.”

“Psh. You can do it later.”

“No, I can’t. Just go without me, you can leave one of the little kids here.”

“Fine.” He mumbled, getting up. A few minutes later Hana came in and sat Sam down declaring that they were taking Nate with them. I nodded half-heartedly and went back to what I was doing.


Sam was content to stand in the chair next to me and color. He did that for about an hour at least, before he got a bit whiney. I poured some goldfish in a bowl and filled a sippy cup with water before sitting it in front of him. That seemed to calm him a bit and he went back to coloring, going for a goldfish every now and then.

I had finished about half a weeks work, by speeding through the lectures and doing the work half heartedly.

I was in the middle of typing a paper, when I paused and thought about this morning. No, way. Stop, just work on your paper and forget about it.

I didn’t have to distract myself as I felt something dry and crummy press against my mouth. I glanced at Sam and he was holding out a goldfish and opening his own mouth like mother’s often do to get their children to copy. I laughed a little as he glady shoved the goldfish in my mouth before going for another one. I went back to typing my paper as Sam fed me goldfish. It wasn’t until I heard Sam squeal that I realized Greta and Patrick were home.

“Hey,” I laughed a little pushing Sam’s hand away.

“Hey, did everyone go out?”

“Yeah, I had some work to do though.” I shrugged.

“Did William and Pete get haircuts?”

“Uhm,” I pulled out my new phone quickly and called Bill.

“Hello,” he answered dully.

“Hey, did you get your hair cut?”

“Oh, my gosh, yes. It’s horrible!” He wailed.

“Okay, good just checking.”

“Fine.” He muttered, “We’ll be home soon.”

“Mhmm.” I hung up.

“Yeah, he got one.” I nodded.

“How did they all fit in the Honda?” Patrick asked squinting.

“Umm,” I quickly did the math, “I don’t know.”

“Okay,” Greta laughed. Grace ran in then declaring how her shoes were in the bin by the door, before coming over and giving ‘Sammy Boy’ a hug.

“Okay, well I’m going to start making dinner. Anything you want?” Greta asked.

“Oh,” I mumbled quickly, “I already ate, I thought you guys would get something on the way home.”

“That’s fine, maybe your appetite will be back when it’s finished.” Greta smiled. I nodded, picking up my stuff from the table. I’m so done for the day. I grabbed my phone and went outside.

“Hey!” Adam answered quickly.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing, actually, something, I can’t really talk on the phone.”

“Seriously!” I groaned.

“Yeah, but,” He paused for a second and coughed a little, “I can get on my dad’s computer and see if I can remember my aim password.”

“Oh, gosh.” I laughed before, “It’s better than nothing, talk to you in a few.”

I sighed and re-entered the house, seeing everyone home and heading up to their rooms.

Brendon was once again on the phone. I grabbed my computer and took it to my own room, plugging it up and unlocking it, before getting online.

I creeped up towards Brendon’s door and I don’t even care if anyone sees.

“No, I’m kind of nervous to tell you this, but I kissed her this morning.” He paused.

“I don’t know, she pushed me away after a few seconds, it was right after she was telling me about-”

“Who are you talking to?” I asked knocking on his door and furrowing my eyebrows.

“My, uh, mo-” he stopped himself, “No, it’s uh, it’s, Amanda. Sorry, I should’ve told you I got her number out of your phone.”

“Oh,” I nodded not giving away anything that I may have heard, he looked really nervous, before saying something quietly into the phone.

“No, no, you can keep talking, I’m going.” I left, thinking I probably should’ve made him hang up before seeing that Adam signed on.

We had a conversation going in no time, well until he typed this:

So…How’re you’n Brendon?

I quickly replied with a large ‘What?!?!’.

He proceeded to go into a large explanation of how he can read me so easily, and he knows that I like him, and he’s happy about it, and says that Brendon’s a good guy.

I sat there glaring at the screen before typing ‘Yeah, well, I’m going to go.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm pretty much in the complete opposite of a writer's block for this story, guess you could call it a 'Writer's high' or something. I don't know.

Anywho, I wanted to wait until I had this chapter like really, really complete and not just halfway to post it, but I have a bunch of tests these next two weeks, plus finals, and I have a 10 minute presentation I have to finish my tuesday, so I won't have much time to write. I figured I may as well go ahead and post what I have.
