
26 part 1

“Sorry,” I apologized to Greta and Patrick again on the way home.

"I just wish we'd of known that you weren't feeling well."

"Sorry," I repeated quietly.


"She's just doesn't seem interested," Brendon sighed, "I don't know."

"I don't know what to tell you, man." Adam returned.

"I think I'll just lay low for a while or something." Brendon changed the topic by launching into what happened at dinner that night.


I played with Nate before he went to bed, and is it bad that I didn't realize how much I'd missed playing with him?

I laid him down for bed before exiting his room and entering my own. I quickly got changed and in bed. I was asleep on after.


The next morning I exited my room at seven thirty and went down the hall to get Nate. He was sitting up in his crib talking animatedly, and he stood when he saw me, holding his arms up.

I pulled him out of his crib and headed downstairs where Greta was already up and feeding Sam. Grace was sitting at the table eating a banana and some oatmeal.

I sat Nate down in his booster seat, and he took in his surroundings before deciding, 'Want Juice', and he's finally starting to get the 's' sound on the word juice, even if he still stumbles over it a bit.


I was sitting on the floor playing cars with Nate and Sam when Brendon came down and sat on the couch behind me. I let out a sigh and didn't bother turning around.

"Morning," He muttered.

"B!" Sam giggled, and Nate repeated it. Nate went back to playing with his cars as Sam got up and attempted to climb onto the couch that Brendon was on. He finally got up there with Brendon's help, and he was content to watch as Brendon leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Sam started giggling, and Nate's attention was turned to them once again before he joined in. He opened his mouth letting out a loud, "Wake up!"

Brendon played along, lifting his head and looking at Nate wide eyed, before he would slowly lower his head back and close his eyes again, fake snoring loudly.

They repeated the cycle over and over, and I watched amused. Brendon didn't once make anything awkward. It was a good morning after all.


Lunch came around, and Greta had made a casserole using all bland foods that wouldn't make me sick. It actually wasn't bad. I was bummed, however, when she wouldn't let me have a second piece.
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Sorry, it's so short. I leave for camp in less than twelve hours and I wanted to give you guys something before I left. :)