

I didn't manage to get any sleep while Nate napped, and it felt entirely too soon for him to be waking up, but seeing how dark it had gotten outside, I guess it had been longer than I thought. I picked Nate up, and I carried him downstairs, sitting him on the couch. 

"Will you watch him for a few minutes?" I asked Will clearing my throat.

"Yeah," Will nodded quickly before, "Are you feeling okay?" 

"I think I'm fine, I am just going to go take a quick shower," I spoke glancing up at him and pushing my hair out of my face.

"Take your time," he spoke softly before he averted his gaze to Nate, "Because I don't think I have had Nate all to myself for a while." he broke into a smile that Nate quickly returned. I nodded absentmindedly turning and going back up the stairs.

"Sorry," someone spoke, and I hadn't realized that I'd run into someone until then. I continued up the stairs and quickly got into the bathroom turning the shower water on and waiting for it to get warm. 

I ended up staying in the shower until the water got cold, and then I realized I hadn't actually cleaned up as much as I had just been standing under the water. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel and my clothes going back into my room and drying off mostly. There was a mirror on top of the dresser, but I didn't bother looking in it before going back downstairs in sweatpants and a tshirt. 

"Thanks," I told Will dropping down to sit beside Nate on the floor. I watched him play with some of the many hot wheels that Patrick and Greta have, and I let out a breath closing my eyes.

"You sure you're okay?" Bill asked again, and I waited before responding, "I am just so tired." I sighed shaking my head. 

"You can go lay down," he offered, "I got Nate." 

I shook my head 'no', "I want to stay with him. I feel like I haven't seen him in a long time." I sighed. 

Not much later we were seated around the table eating dinner. It didn't feel like even a few minutes after that when I found myself putting Nate to bed and returning slowly down the hall. 

"You okay?" someone spoke grabbing my elbow, and I looked up to see Ryan.

"Yeah," I nodded quickly, "Why?"

"You just seemed upset earlier going up the stairwell," he shrugged.

"Oh," I paused, "I was really tired. I'm fine," I smiled continuing down the hallway. I went downstairs and quickly walked towards the back door unlocking it and sliding it open. I slid it closed behind me and walked out into the yard.

It was dark out and you could hear all the crickets chirping loud and clear. I stared straight ahead, willing myself not to think. I'm not sure how long I was out there until...

"Are you okay?" I hadn't noticed any one come out here, but at that moment it felt like everything crumbled. 

"No." I whispered shaking my head and putting my hands over my face. The same second that I let out a sob, Brendon pulled me into him tightening his grip every time I made a noise.