

"This is your room." I said pulling open the door to Nate's old room and stepping in. He nodded and set his bags on the bed, then followed me out.
"This is mine and Nate's room." I pointed to my door, "The living room and kitchen my computer, which you can use if you need to, and that's it." I said folding my hands together.
"Simple enough." Brendon said looking at Bill and Nate on the floor of the living room.
"So Bill doesn't live here?" he asked.
"Psh. Live here? I am not even suposed to be here." Bill scoffed. He looked confused.
"I'm 'disowned' and my family is not suposed to have anything to do with me. I tracked down Bill, and his parents have no clue that he even knows I exist." I explained.
"Woah, crazy stuff." Brendon said. I laughed and nodded.
"Speaking of you being here." I walked to the front window and looked out, "Where's your car? How'd you get here?" I asked still glancing around the empty street.
"Pete dropped me off."
"Pete dropped you off and he didn't come in?" I said disbelieving.
"I told him that you were asleep, but he said when he comes today he's coming in." he said. I groaned.
"Can't you have a different friend bring you?" I complained. He laughed.
"Come on! Pete could be the one!" he said. I walked back in there and looked at him like 'are you serious'.
"So Brendon, I have some stuff to fill you in on." Bill smirked.
"Okay." Brendon said slightly confused.
"First. Natalie is really ticklish and afraid of the dark." he started. I gave him a look that said 'William Beckett if you continue I will make sure you're never able to have kids'. He just smiled and continued.
"So, if you ever want to like torture her, turn off the lights and tickle her."
"I'm good." Brendon laughed.
"I've always been curious about one thing, though." Bill said looking at me. He still had a big grin on his face. I raised my eyebrows for him to continue.
"Do you sleep with a nightlight?" he asked, refraining from laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"Pete finds it sexy." I said turning and walking into the kitchen. Bill was in tears he was laughing so hard. I think I even heard Brendon laugh a little. I heard little footsteps behind me and new Nate was following.
"Joo." he whined repeatedly. (Juice)
"No, we don't have any. How about water?" I suggested. Of course he doesn't get the concept of the fact that We do not have any juice. He walked over to the fridge and pulled on the handle, thankfully he isn't strong enough to open it. I grabbed one of his sippy cups and put water and ice in it. He grabbed it and took a big drink. When he realized it wasn't juice he threw it. In no generally direction, well okay, he aimed towards me. Of course. I sighed as he threw himself on the floor crying. I stepped over him and into the living room. Bill and Brendon were talking. The crying got louder and it was easily hearable from the living room.
"What got shoved up his ass?" Bill asked.
"Don't say that around him!" I said hitting his arm. He shrugged.
"We're out of juice." I explained. He nodded. Nate came into the living room still crying and whining, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the kitched, putting my hand on the fridge. I crouched down next to him.
"We don't have any." I said.
"No." he said hitting me. It didn't hurt, but it's so mean to hit people..if you don't agree..I don't know what to tell you.
"No, don't hit." I said standing up. He started another tantrum.
"Round two." I said stepping back into the living room. This time he followed me and had his fit in the living room floor.
"I promise it's not always like this! Sorry." I apologized to Brendon.
"No, it's fine." Brendon excused. Nate was hitting his head on the ground. Brendon looked worried, like he didn't know if he should stop him or something. When I started working at the daycare center, I was the same way.
"Don't worry. He's not hurting himself, it just looks like it." Bill told Brendon. Brendon just nodded again.
"What time are you leaving?" I asked Bill. He shrugged and looked at his phone.
"Pete won't wake up for like...4 more hours." he said.
"Are you serious?" I asked glancing at the clock.
"Yeah, but if you want me gone that bad I'll walk." he said. I laughed and shook my head,
"No, I just haven't slept that late in like..almost 2 years." I laughed. Brendon's eyes widened.
"2 years?" he asked.
"Yeah, when my mom was pregnant I had to wake up early a lot, and Nate wake's up early." I explained.
"You haven't slept in once in 2 years?!" he asked again. I shook my head. He whistled. Bill's phone started ringing. He looked at it and put his finger to his lips as he stepped outside.
"It's his parents." I explained. Brendon nodded. I walked over to where Nate was still whining a bit rolling around on the floor. I sat down next to him and he stopped and looked up at me.
"Na!" he said sitting up like he wasn't sure if it was really me. I laughed.
"Nate." I said back.
"Na!" he repeated, touching my face. I picked him up and carried him to Brendon.
"Can you say Brendon?" I asked.
"Nose." he said touching Brendon's nose. I laughed and shook my head.
"Brendon." I repeated.
"Nose!" he said again knowing it would get us to laugh. I shook my head and sat him down. Bill stepped back in looking terrified.
I looked at him concerned.
"That was mom." he said.
"And she called Pete's..his parents answered."
"What happened to 'everytime'?!" I quoted.
"I don't know! Pete normally wakes up when the phone rings!" he said.
"So, what's the deal? You're not disowned, are you?!" I said quickly.
"No. I told them that I must've told them I was at Pete's on accident." he said. I smiled.
"So where did you tell them you are?" I asked.
"At my new friend that just moved here name Brendon's house." he said smiling and stepping next to Brendon. I laughed.
"Works for me."
"Yeah, and they are coming to pick me up and meet said friend." he said scooting closer to Brendon.
"Me and Nate will have to hide somewhere then." I laughed.
"Nah, you can be married and have a kid." he shrugged.
"Yeah, your parents will think that's wonderful!" I said with the biggest smile I could pull.
"Fine then, just say your his sister and Nate's your little brother. It works, and your parents died, cool?"
"Totally!" I said with the same sarcasm.
"Just go with it. Hopefully they won't be here for a while though." he said.
"This is dumb! Why did today have to be the day Pete didn't get to the phone fast enough?!" I groaned. He shrugged.
"Oh, wait, Bill, check this out." I said walking over and picking up Nate and taking him back to Brendon.
"Brendon." I said pointing to Brendon.
"Nose!" Nate repeated touching Brendon's nose again. Bill laughed. I smiled along with Brendon.
"Teeth." Nate said, I pulled him away before he could get his hand on Brendon's mouth and put him back down.
"So, Nose, new best buddy...anything I say..just go along with it." Bill said.
Brendon nodded.
"So Pete's not coming?" I confirmed.
"Oh! Great idea!" he said pulling out his phone and stepping back out the back door.
"No!" I groaned putting my face in my hands. Nate immitated me and I laughed.
"So, this is going to sound so much like a school nurse, but, do you have any food allergies?" I asked Brendon. He laughed.
"Umm, Bread, cheese, Salt, Sugar, Chocolate, sometimes Broccoli, but only on weekends." he said. I stared at him like he was crazy.
"I'm just kidding!" he said quickly, "Nope, none at all." he said. I nodded.
"Cool, and I need to go to the grocery sometime soon, cause we are out of a lot of stuff, and you can pick out some stuff and tell me what you like." I said.
"Are you being motherly?" Bill asked stepping inside. He knew I hated it when he mentioned anything about me being like a mom.
"Are you being motherly?" I asked glaring at him.
"Oh, yes, apart from being tickled in the dark, she also hates being referred to as a mom." Bill told Brendon.
"Bill wears fur scarves!" I said sticking my hand in the air and pointing at him. He scoffed.
"Natalie wears sweaters that make her look like a bumble bee!" he said.
"So, Pete's not coming?" I repeated, changing the subject quickly.
"Yeah, he is. I told him to come right now, and try to beat my parents." he said. I groaned.
"Watch out your totally Pete's type." I told Brendon.
"Wait...Pete's a guy?" Brendon asked. I nodded.
"Your kidding?" he asked. I shook my head and so did Bill. Brendon shuddered a bit.
That's when the doorbell rang.
"What the heck? His house is atleast 15 minutes away!" I said going to the door. I looked out and sure enough there stood Pete.
"By the way, we were kidding Brendon!" I said before swinging open the door.
"So...what's the plan?" Pete asked putting his arm on my shoulder and leading us down the hallway, kicking the door closed. I squirmed out of his grip.
"Ask Bill." I said.
"Who are you?" Pete asked Brendon.
"Pete, Brendon. Brendon, Pete." I introduced.
"Can I take Nate and leave?" I asked. Bill shook his head.
"Why not?"
"Cause, Brendon wouldn't live in his house by himself." Bill explained.
"They might recognize me and how did you even meet Brendon?" I asked.
"Through Pete's girlfriend."
"Pete has a girlfriend?" I asked raising my eyebrows towards Pete.
"Yup." he said throwing his arm back over my shoulder.
"No! Umm...We are...Spencer Smith's cousins." I thought quickly.
"That's better." Bill said. I smiled smugly.
"Bill, we have the same exact eyes, though." I reminded him.
"Oh yeah..ugh...go get some glasses, you'll be blind!" he said quickly. We all laughed until Bill cut us off.
"I'm serious! Go get a walking stick and some glasses."
"Do I look like I have a walking stick?" I asked.
"Well, just stay on the couch the whole time." he said. I laughed.
"You're serious?"
"Yup. You should be like blind and deaf and crippled!" Pete said.
"Yeah!" Bill agreed.
"No." I said shaking my head. Nate ran over to Pete and looked at him weird, like he just realized he'd gotten here. Pete picked him up and Nate started crying. I laughed and took him from him, he instantly stopped.
"Still hates me." Pete sighed.
"You just smell, Pete, it's okay." I said. He frowned.
"Oh! Call Spencer!" I said. He shook his head.
"That's okay, I think I have his number." I said pulling out my own phone. Sure enough, it was in there.
"Hey." he answered.
"Hey, can you come over?" I asked quickly.
"Now. Pete, Bill, and Brendon are here."
"He's cool. I'll introduce you." I said quickly.
"Yeah. I can come." he said.
"Cool, quick. It's an emergency." I said. He hung up and I laughed.
"No! Why'd you tell him it was an emergency?" Pete asked. I shrugged, Spencer always freaked out too easily.
"Hold!" Nate said reaching for Brendon.
"You can pick him up." I said as Brendon hesitated.
"See, Brendon doesn't smell." I said to Pete. Nate pointed to the living room.
"He wants you to play, but you don't have to. He'll play on his own." I told Brendon. Brendon sat down next to him in the living room and I smiled.
"Good thing he's the one living here and not Pete." I laughed.
"He lives here?" Pete said wide eyed.
"Yup." We were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Please be Spencer. Please be Spencer!" I said walking over to it. Thank goodness, it's Spencer. I opened the door.
"What's the emergency?!" he said stepping inside.
"Oh, well. Bill's parents are coming." I said.
"Wait, why? Do they know he hangs out with you?"
"Yeah, they know he hangs out with Brendon, Natalie, and Nate Smith. Spencer's cousins." I said batting my eyelashes at him.
"You're pulling me into this!" he complained. I nodded and pulled him into the living room.
"Brendon, Spencer. Spencer, Brendon." I introduced.
"Hey." Spencer said waving. I looked over at Nate and him on the floor. Nate got up and grabbed Brendon's hand pulling him up. Brendon obliged and followed him into the kitchen. I laughed.
" Brendon a boyfriend?" Spencer asks wiggling his eyebrows. I glared at him.
"Brendon lives here, no he is not my boyfriend." I said. I decided to go see what Nate was doing. I walked into the kitchen and Nate was putting Brendon's hand on the frigde.
"Nate, we don't have any juice." I said. He started crying again.
"Just walk away." I told Brendon, motioning towards the door. We walked out.
"Just go buy some juice!" Bill said. I smiled.
"So, when are your parents coming?" I asked hesitantly. He pulled out his phone, dialed, and held it to his ear.
"Hey mom. When are you and dad gonna be here?" he asked.
"O~kay." he said dragging out the 'o' and closing his phone.
"Well..." I said.
"How soon?"
"5 to 10 minutes, give or take 30 seconds." Bill said quietly.
"I'm gonna go find some excuse to be out of the room." I said walking into the kitchen and scooping up Nate. I walked back to where everyone was still standing.
"Why are we standing? Sit." I said walking over and picking a spot on the longer couch. Pete sat next to me, then Bill next to him, and Spencer on the end, Brendon sat on the other couch.
"Oh, Lord!" Pete said holding his nose. I laughed then smelled it too.
"Eww!" I said standing up and carrying Nate into my room. I changed him quick and walked into my bathroom. I opened the cabinet and saw my dads old glasses, they are those really thick bifocals that make your eyes huge! I grabbed them and brought Nate back into the living room.
"Those pancakes went right through him!" Bill smiled. I laughed.
"Hey, do these work?" I asked putting on the glasses. They died laughing.
"Where *gasp* did you *weeze* get those?" Spencer laughed.
"They were my dad's do I look different, I can't see worth sh- crap." I corrected myself eyeing Nate.
"Yeah, you look different. You need like really high pigtails and a jumper!" Pete said out of breath.
"Nah." I said sitting down.
"Remember go along with whatever I say." Bill reminded us as we heard a car door close.
"You look like Benjamin Button." Pete whispered trying to contain his laughter. I just smiled. We heard the door bell ring.
"You get it! I'm blind!" I said to Bill. He rolled his eyes and stood up. I made my eyes as big as I could and did this creepy smile.
"I can hold this face the whole time." I said to no one in general. They started laughing again.
"Shut up." I whispered still with huge eyes. His parents walked in.
"Mom, Dad. These are Spencer's cousins. *clears throat* Natalie, Brendon, and Nate." he said not looking at me. Everyone was red faced and trying to hold back laughter.
"Oh! I didn't know everyone else was here!" His mom said.
"Yup. Spencer talks about them so much we all had to meet them." Pete said. Brendon nodded which made me giggle. He blushed. Nate walked over to him trying to climb on the couch with everyone.
"Can you help him, he can't get up on his own." I said to Brendon. He pulled him onto the couch.
"So, Brendon, Natalie, may we meet your parents?" Bill's dad asked.
"No." I said simply. His dad looked taken back.
"They're dead." I put in, yup I'm pretty blunt about that subject. I mean, it happens, right?
"Umm, I'm so sorry, how old are you guys?"
"I'm 21." yup I lied, that's right.
"23." Brendon said like he was unsure. I laughed.
"Nate's one and a half." I said as he gestured to Nate.
"Big age difference." I could tell he thought something fishy was going on, but he wasn't going to ask.
"Well, I think we should get home." Bill said to his parents. They freaking agreed! SWEET!
"Okay, I'll stop harassing your friends. Bye, nice to meet you kids!" he said heading for the door. Once I heard the front door close I sighed.
"That was so pointless." I said pulling off the glasses and leaning my head back.
"Are you really 23?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Brendon.
"Are you really 21?" he asked raising one back.
"Touche`" I laughed.
"So, how old are you really? I mean, I am pretty sure it said all that stalkerish information on the paper they emailed me, but it's out in the car." I said kicking up the foot rest.
"20, you?" he laughed.
"19." I said.
"What paper?" he asked curiously.
"Oh, well they emailed me a paper with all this information about you on it. You know, name, age, picture, social security number." I mumbled yawning and shutting my eyes. He laughed a little.
"What picture was it?"
"I don't know, it looked like a school picture or something." I mumbled waving my hand.
"Ah." he said.
"Are you going to sleep?" Pete asked. I opened my eyes and he was like right there. Right next to my face.
"Uhm. No. Are you leaving?" I asked smiling sweetly.
"I'll leave when he leaves." he said. I rolled my eyes.
"You'll leave when I kick you out." I corrected.
"That's what you think." he smirked. I pushed him away and stood up. I sat down next to Brendon.
"I like you better." I said quietly, but still loud enough for Pete to hear. He laughed.
"Fine." Pete said pouting. I just looked at Spencer who looked exhausted.
"Spencer, did I wake you up?" I asked.
"Yes, you did." he yawned.
"Sorry. I thought it would be a bigger deal then that. I didn't even have to look at them." I shrugged.
"So you have still technically never seen your aunt and uncle?" Spencer said.
"Nope." I grinned, "and I don't plan on it." I said.
"Wow. You sick bastard."
"Bitch." I corrected, then my head shot up and I looked at Nate who was sitting in my lap.
"Don't say stuff like that!" I scolded.
"You just said b-"
"Shut up!" I said covering Nate's ears who whined and pulled at my hands. I took my hands off his ears and Spencer decided not to take the argument further.
"This is way more exciting than living in that apartment." Brendon said with a smirk.
"I'd imagine." Pete said throwing in his own smirk.
"Horndogs." I said under my breath.
"No, no! I didn't mean it like that." Brendon said quickly, his expression dropping. I laughed a little.
"What's Pete's excuse?" I mumbled as Nate stood up and played with my necklace.
"It still amazes me how oblivious you are to him." Pete said. I looked down.
"I'm not oblivious, I just ignore it." I shrugged. Nate brought his face up to mine and hit his head against mine.
"Oww." I said. He went to do it again and I held my hand in between. He started laughing and dropped his head against my shoulder. I never understand why he does this. If he ever laughs it's like he can't support his own head.
"I wonder if my head was this big when I was 1." I said sitting back and looking at it.
"You are so mean!" Spencer gasped. I shrugged.
"He's my little brother,am I not suposed to be?"
"Not when you don't have parents." I shrugged again.
"Atleast I know I'll always win the fight." I said.
"Unless he hits his head against yours." Pete said.
"Out." I said pointing at the door.
"I repeat. I'll leave when he leaves." Pete said.
"Peter Wentz the third! Damn you for having such a long name I can't remember it! Get out of my house!" I yelled covering Nate's ears.Pete's eyes were huge and he just stared at me. I died laughing.
"I'm just kidding." I said smiling.
"Man, your like bipolar today." he said. I shrugged again.
"When am I not, but seriously, you guys like..leave. Nothing against you, Spencer." I added in.
"Wait, what about me, is there anything against me?" Pete jumped in.
"Yes, there is. You guys aren't even my friends. Your Bill's friends, well Spencer, you're cool, but seriously. Leave. This is illegal." I decided to add in for laughs.
"I'm gonna be 18 soon! Spencer's not, though, so maybe he should leave."
"Do you want me to start yelling again?" I asked calmly.
"Sure." Pete said. I slid Nate off my lap and stood up.
"Spencer help, he's too fat!" I said pulling Pete's arm. Spencer stood up and picked Pete up bridal style. I smiled.
"Bye, Peter. Bye, Spence, thanks." I laughed opening the front door. I slammed it.
"I'm so sorry, they are...dumb. Anyways, now let's get this party started." I said. He laughed.
"It's fine." he said waving his hand.
"So, what do you like to do? I honestly can't think of any other way to get to know you then to just question you repeatedly until I know so much about you it scares you." I said calmly. He looked slightly confused.
"I'm kidding." I whispered. He laughed.
"Well, I am not kidding about asking a few questions." I corrected. He nodded.
"Well, what do you like to do?" I asked.
"I honestly, just hung out, I never did much except the casinos, and walking around the street, but I can't go out much here apparently." he said rolling his eyes.
"Ah, well I believe I've already said this, but we are going to get along great, like I said, I have a very boring life." I said.
"Do you know anything about kids?" I asked. The answer was, sadly, very obvious.
"No." he admitted blushing.
"Well, if Nate ever hits you just tell him no, that hitting is bad, then if he throws a tantrum ignore him, if he has a dirty diaper, I can handle it, and if he wants your attention, that's your choice." I said. He nodded.
"but don't feel like you have to take care of him or anything. You don't even have to acknowledge him." I added in.
"Anyway, gosh..I feel like such a mom right now!" I groaned. He laughed.
"Nah. My mom was annoying, you're not." Brendon said. I smiled and laughed a little.
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I wish I could put pictures with it like you can on quizilla...I would've given you guys a picture of cookies and milk..