

I woke up and stretched. Brendon's been here for about a day and a half we've gotten to know eachother. I have work today, ugh. I got out of bed and noticed Nate was still asleep. I smiled and took a quick shower changing into bootcut jeans and a red and black argyle sweater. I blow dryed my hair which woke Nate up. I put on the little make up that I wear and changed Nate's diaper and clothes. I made toast and eggs for breakfast, cause I had to be at work by 7. I scribbled down a note for Brendon.

'Just thought I'd remind you, I'm at work. Feel free to get online or whatever. Call if you need anything.


I layed it on the counter and ran out to the car, buckling Nate in and getting in myself. I wasn't surprised to see my coworkers cars already there. I sighed and opened the back door to find that Nate had unbuckled himself. Wonder when he did that... I sighed and got him out of his seat heading inside and signing in.
"Natalie!" I heard two familiar people say. I smiled and turned around to see Hana and Amanda. "Hey." I answered setting Nate down.
"So, what's his name? How old is he? What does he look like?" Amanda asked.
"Oh! and his favorite color!" Hana threw in there. I sighed.
"Brendon, 20, and I don't know!" I laughed.
"And what does he look like?" Amanda asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"Brown hair, brown eyes, and he's a little over 5 and a half feet tall." I said.
"What do you think about his looks?" Hana asked. I rolled my eyes and headed over to wash my hands. I kept myself busy the rest of the day so I wouldn't be bombarded by their questions.It was about noon and I was picking up two crayons off the ground as my phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered quickly.
"Hey, uh, Ryan is in town and apartment hunting and I wondered if he could come over." Brendon's voice rang through the other line. I smiled.
"Yeah, he can." I said.
"Okay, thanks." he said about to hang up.
"Oh, wait! What's your favorite color?" I asked quickly.
"It's a tie between purple and red." he admitted laughing.
"Okay, thanks." I mimicked him hanging up. I looked at the crayons in my hand. Purple and red. No way. I laughed a little and walked over to where Hana was changing a diaper.
"Purple and red!" I sang passing her. She held up a thumbs up and I laughed. I sat down in one of the little chairs next to a 3 year old named Chelsie.
"Natalie!" she said hugging me.
"Chelsea!" I said hugging her back.
"I was drawing you a picture." she said.
"Really?" I asked putting the crayons in a box. She nodded smiling really big. I laughed and watched her color. She wasn't an expert at coloring in the lines, but she was getting there.
"Look, look!" she said holding it up. I smiled.
"That is so good!" I said.
"Now, you keep it." she said. I nodded and put it in my bag. Chelsea was very clingy, I didn't mind. She was a character. She would follow me around and copy what I did. She once helped me tell a little boy how it's not nice to hit people. The day went by pretty fast, by 6 we were already cleaning up.
"How did cheerios get in Mr. Potato head?" Hana asked shaking the toy over the trashcan. I laughed and picked up Nate.
"I have to get home guys." I said.
"Byyyeee." I said heading out the door, singing it like the guy from Superbad. I got to my car quickly to prevent further questioning and drove home. There was an unfamiliar black car parked next to Bill's. Oh, no. I thought heading up to my house with Nate. I opened the door and put him down, hearing laughter from the living room. Nate got in the before I did.
"Nate?" I heard Bill ask.
"Bill?" I said in the same questioning voice stepping in. He smiled.
"Oh. What's up?" he asked crossing his legs.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I was keeping them in line." he said poiting to Brendon and the unfamiliar face sitting next to him.
"Bill! You're freaking overprotective." I groaned grabbing my laptop and sitting on the couch.
"But you love me!" he sang. I smiled and looked over at the boy who I'm assuming is Ryan.
"I'm Natalie by the way!" I said waving. He smiled and nodded.
"Ryan." he replied. I nodded and logged onto my online college. By some strange miracle my personal teacher was on vacation for the week.
"I have vacation?!" I gasped closing the laptop.
"What?" Bill asked confused.
"I don't know my teacher ditched and is in like Fiji for the week or something." I shrugged.
"That's pretty sweet." Brendon said. I nodded. Ryan just looked confused.
"I do college online." I explained. He made and 'oh' face and I looked up at the tv. They were watching Princess Bride. I smiled, they were discussing which cup held the poison, my favorite part was after this.
"Yeah, we raided your movies." Brendon said, "One question, though."
I looked at him for him to continue.
"Why do you have so many versions of Peter Pan?" he asked.
"I don't have that many!" I defended.
"The original one, the collector's remastered edition of the original one, the real people one, and then the one with Robin Williams." he counted on his fingers.
"It's Nate's favorite movie." I lied.
"No! It's Natalie's favorite!" Bill sang. I turned red as a tomato and glanced over at the end table where I saw a stack of movies.
"Are those the ones you've watched?" I asked changing the subject.
"No, those are the ones we are going to watch." Brendon answer. I looked through them. Superbad, Peter Pan..wait?
"Why is Peter Pan in here?" I asked.
"It's Ryan's favorite, too." Brendon smirked. This time Ryan turned red. I laughed a little and glanced from Peter to Ryan.
"You resemble Peter." I said looking between the two.
"I try." he answered. I laughed and held the case up to look closer. He looked so much like him it was actually scary. I put it back down and turned my attention back to the tv.
"Have you guys eaten?" I asked the three.
"We had sandwhiches!" Bill said smiling.
"That's it? Pizza?" I offered. The three nodded happily.
"Where is my phone?" I asked no one in particular glancing around for it. I sighed standing up and grabbing Bill's phone. I ordered a couple pizzas and walked back into the living room. Nate was looking at Ryan.
"The last time he looked at someone like that, he ate them." I whispered keeping my eyes on Nate. Ryan looked at me wide eyed looking for any sign of sarcasm.
"She's kidding." Brendon whispered in the same voice. I smiled. Nate walked over to Ryan holding his hands up.
"Nate, go find a ball or something." I said, causing Ryan to look at me laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. Nate sure enough ran off to find a ball.
"A ball?" Ryan questioned through laughs.
"He's very much like a dog." I said as I heard the bathroom door close, then sighed, "Did either of you play in the bathroom in the dark when you were 1?" I asked.
"No...I think I just cried all day." Ryan said. Brendon laughed and shook his head no.
"Man, my brother isn't normal!" I said shaking my head.
"That could be a good thing." Bill said. I shook my head no.
"So, how was your alls day?" I asked.
"Wonderful, you?" Ryan said. I laughed a little at how he acted like we'd been friends forever.
"Oh! I got a lovely picture!" I said digging through my bag and holding up the poorly colored Strawberry Shortcake.
"That's beautiful." Brendon laughed. Ryan turned his head to the side.
"No, Brendon, look at it from this angle." he said turning Brendon's head. Brendon 'awwed' and 'oohed'. I laughed a little and folded it back up putting it back in my bag. The doorbell rang and I jumped up grabbing money to answer it.
"22.34" the guy said handing me the pizza. I took it and payed him closing the door and setting it on the table.
"Pizza!" I sang as the 3 guys rushed into the room. I went to get Nate. I opened the bathroom door and he had a wooden spoon sticking it in the toilet.
"Nate!" I said.
"Uh oh." he said looking into the toilet. I glanced into the bowl and there was something shiny and red at the bottom. I stared at it for a second. It can't be.
"NATE!" I yelled. He dropped the spoon and ran. I groaned scooping it to the top and grabbing it. I took it apart and layed it on the bathroom counter hoping it would dry out and work. I washed my hands and sat at the table where they were already eating and Bill was cutting up a piece of pizza for Nate. I glared at Nate before grabbing my own piece.
"Nate threw my cellphone in the toilet." I mumbled taking a bite.
"High five." Bill said holding up his hand. I rolled my eyes. We finished eating and headed back into the living room.
"I never realized how small this house was when I was the only one living in it." I said sitting on the couch.
"It's not that small." Bill said looking around.
"How big is your house?" I asked knowing his parents were loaded.
"That is not important." Bill excused. I smiled.
"You are going to bed early." I said pointing at Nate and glancing at the clock, "Actually, you are going to bed now." I corrected.
" I'm on it!" Bill said grabbing Nate. He did the usual routine. He disapeared and I glanced at the stack of movies.
"Up for another one?" I asked motioning towards them.
"Heck yes!" Ryan said. I laughed and put in Superbad.
"I've been wanting to watch this like all day..." I said fast forwarding the previews, "Bill's just gonna have to suck it up and watch it." I said knowing he had seen it a lot in the past week.
"Bill's gonna have to what?" Bill asked coming into the room. I smiled and glanced over at him.
"Bill's gonna have to suck it up and watch Superbad." I said pressing play. He nodded and fell ontop of me.
"Yeah, that feels wonderful, considering I just ate." I groaned sarcastically. He sat up and scooted off me. The movie ended with a lot of laughing and I stopped it.
"I hated that when I first saw it, because they weren't gay." I said.
"So did Ryan!" Brendon laughed. Ryan blushed.
"Well, I am going to sleep, and Mr. Beckett. It's a school night and it's past your bed time." I said. He rolled his eyes.
"I can do what I want." he protested then reached over and tapped my nose, "boop." he added. I laughed and shook my head.
"goodnight." I called. I heard 3 responses and closed my door grabbing my clothes to change in the dark. I slid on my tshirt and was stepping into my sweatpants when I lost balance and knocked into the dresser which smacked into the wall. I knew it woke up Nate so I headed towards his crib and sat in front of it. He started crying as he woke up.
"Shh." I said reaching my hand in the crip and stroking his cheek. He sniffed and stood up reaching out and touching my face to see if it was really me. I pulled him out of the crib and layed down with him.
"You okay in here?" Bill called opening the door. Nate darted up and got off the bed running towards Bill. Bill let him past and I groaned.
"Bill! I was trying to get him to go to sleep!" I complained standing up and pushing past him. I got into the living room and Nate was hiding behind the end table. I sat down not even bothering to get him. Peter Pan was on. I laughed as Bill came back in the room picking up Nate and pulling him onto his lap. Nate pushed away and walked across the couch to sit on Brendon's lap. I laughed.
"He stole my spot, Brenny!" Ryan pouted.
"Aww. It's okay Ryro." Brendon responded patting Ryan's headed. I laughed.
"Bill, why don't we have cute little nicknames?" I asked. He thought for a second.
"We do now, RaeRae." he said. I laughed, he said it like he was black.
"I shall call you...Bill." I said after a second. Brendon started laughing so hard that Nate also laughed.
"Becks is cooler!" Bill argued. I nodded.
"We have way cooler nicknames than that!" Ryan scoffed. I looked at him expectantly.
"Well, we've got...BrennyBear, Bren, Bden, Ry, Ryry, Rybear, Georgiepie, and Bear." he said nodding. I laughed.
"I love how similar all those are." Bill added. I nodded. We watched Peter Pan and it ended pretty quickly. Nate was asleep by the end of it.
"Thank the Lord!" I whispered standing up and gently lifting him out of Brendon's lap. I carried him into my room and put him in the crib before returning. Ryan was sitting in Brendon's lap. I laughed quietly.
"That must be one comfy lap." I said. Ryan nodded.
"Bill's too bony." I complained.
"Yeah, so is Ryan." Brendon agreed.
"Well, now I really am going to sleep." I said.
"We should, too, Rybear." Brendon said sliding his arms under Ryan and standing up with him.
"G'night." he called carrying him down the hall. Ryan waved over Brendon's shoulder and I laughed.
"Well, Becks. Goodnight." I laughed offering a hand. He pulled himself up and we went to my room.
"Night, RaeRae." he said. I laughed and scooted to the edge of the bed as he fell next to me. I was asleep quickly. I woke up and it was still dark outside. I tried to get back to sleep, but couldn't. I finally got up and walked into the living room rubbing my eyes.
"Peter Pan?" I asked myself aloud. Ryan looked at me and laughed.
"Wendy?" he asked.
"You may look like Peter Pan, but I do not look like Wendy." I said, my voice dry and hoarse from just waking up. He just laughed.
"So, what are you doing up?" I asked sitting on the couch next to him.
"I don't sleep much, you?"
"Can't sleep." I said. He nodded.
"Watchya watching?" I asked looking at the tv.
"Spiderman." he admitted blushing. I laughed.
"Which one?" I asked glancing at the screen.
"1." he answered.
"My friend passed out in the movie theater bathroom when he left in the middle of the movie." I said laughing a little.
"Seriously? Because of the movie?" he questioned. I nodded.
"Yeah, he went in there feeling Nauscious after the part where the green goblin like turns himself into the green goblin and passed out in one of the stalls." I said shaking my head.
"Well, how did you find him?" he asked.
"Oh, we had some guy go in there and see if he was okay." I said. He laughed.
"Can I ask you a question?" he asked.
"You just did, but shoot." I said. He hesitated for a second.
"Well..your parents are both..gone and you don't seem upset about it?" he asked. I could tell he wasn't accusing my of being a bad person or anything, he was just curious. I smiled to myself a little and it turned into a sad smile.
"I didn't let it upset me. We were really close. I don't think..I know my dad didn't mean to kill himself. I had Nate. I kind of looked at it like the start of a new life. Like, my parents had played their role in my life. They had taught me what I needed to know, been there when I needed them, and it was my time to live on my own, independent. I knew it couldn't be redone. Things had changed and that was okay. I wasn't going to spend my time crying over it and wondering 'why me?' when I could be looking at the bright side and learning to live on my own." I said, shocking myself that I could even string that many words together this early. I had been looking down at my lap, piecing every word together. I sighed and looked at Ryan who had a blank expression. He looked at my eyes for a second, furrowing his eyebrows.
"What?" I asked nervously. He averted his gaze.
"Wow." he said then shook his head, "I'm impressed. I" he stopped thinking for a second, "You really have thought that out." he finally said. I shook my head.
"Not really, to be honest." I shrugged. He smirked.
"You don't realize how amazing you really are." he said. I laughed.
"Yup. Natalie Brown in all her amazingness!" I said motioning to my from my baggy clothes to my messy bedhead and smeared make-up.
"Really though. You could probably like inspire anyone to do anything with that speech." he said.
"Speech?" I questioned.
"Yeah." he shrugged and glanced back to the tv. I laughed to myself and glanced at him.
"You're quite the character Peter Pan." I said. He looked up and smiled a big toothy grin with his eyes closed. I laughed.
"But what about you?" I asked, "Can I ask you a question?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He looked at me confused then nodded. I tried to think of something to ask him and shrugged.
"I actually don't have a question...I just wanted to say that." I said. He laughed.
"But, what's your story. I mean, I got Brendon's, You know mine pretty much." I said, he thought for a second.
"I was born. I lived a normal life. I went to college..then I quit, my dad was mad, but my dad hasn't really liked me my whole life. I was kind of his 'disappointment'." he shrugged, "I got an apartment with Brendon and we'd been in it for a while up until like the end of last week." he said. I nodded.
"What about your mom?" I asked.
"She left when I was 7." he shrugged.
"Wow. I can't even imagine," I started, taking a second to think, "like I said I was close to my parents, it's just weird, cause so many people aren't." I finally said making little sense. He laughed a little.
"Yeah." he nodded then smirked.
"So, you and Brendon?" he asked. I looked at him raising and eyebrow and rolled my eyes.
"No." I said.
"But what do you think of Brendon?" he asked. I sighed.
"I will explain this to you right now to avoid this conversation in the future. I do not need a significant other. Nor will I ever." I said simply, he laughed.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Ask Bill." I shrugged.
"Wait, is Bill..." he trailed off.
"Eww. He's my cousin! He looks dead up like me, how can you not see that!?" I asked. He just laughed again.
"But really..that is a lie." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"It's not. I have Nate, Bill, all my other friends, but no matter what I'll always have Nate and Bill." I said. He smirked.
"And what happens when they get 'significant others'?" he said using air quotes.
"Oh my gosh! You could be Bill's twin!" I said wide eyed.
"Don't change the subject, I want to know. What happens when they get significant others?" he asked again.
"I'll still have them." I smirked. He rolled his eyes this time.
"Well you better watch out then, Brendon's a charmer. He'll change that quickly." he said.
"Haha! Pete claims to be a charmer, too!" I smirked. He looked at me confused.
"No, the thing about Brendon is, he doesn't try. He doesn't use lame pick up lines or act like a 'player'" he said using those damn air quotes again, then he wiggled his eyebrows, "He's a natural."
"I'm sure I can resist." I sighed looking at the tv where the Green Goblin's glider slices through him.
"Mmhm." he said. I looked back over at his smirking face and then back to the tv. After that movie went off we stared at the credits for a while.
"So you really don't sleep?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"I mean, not every night. I stay up for a good couple of days then I sleep for a good 16-20 hours." he said. I laughed at his seriousness on the subject.
"One more question." he said. I raised my eyebrows for him to continue.
"What about your friends from high school?" he asked, obviously Brendon had filled him in on the few people I had in my life. I looked back down at my lap, to Ryan, the tv, and back.
"He, uh...." I stuttered looking back up at his curious eyes, "We grew apart." I said quickly. Lie.
"Oh." he said and dropped the subject. That's not what happened at all, but not even Bill knows about that. He had found a picture of me and him, I just told him it was a high school friend and that we grew apart. If only he knew. I sighed and leaned back on the couch.
"I'm wide awake!" I groaned. He laughed.
"So, what do you do all night?" I asked him. He shrugged.
"I normally just think or something. I don't know!" he says. I look at him.
"How do you not know?" I laugh.
"I don't know!" he says again. I laugh and the night goes on. It was just nearing 5:30 when Bill walked out of my room yawning. He raised his eyebrows at me and Ryan on the couch.
"Am I interrupting something, cause I can leave." he said. I glared at him, he will pay.
"Bill, first off, we are sitting a good 2 feet away from eachother, our breathing is normal, our appearances are far from disheveled...okay well mine's not, but still. Just go hang out with Kayla!" I said. He smirked.
"Oh, Bill! Guess what!" I said. He jumped at my sudden boost of energy.
"What?" he grumbled.
"Ryan is just like you. Only he's cooler cause he looks like Peter Pan." I joked.
"Psh. He looks like Peter Pan, but I look like...YOU!" he said quickly. I laughed.
"You're right, but I don't know which is cooler." I said, "Why are you up this early anyway, your school doesn't start for a while." I said.
"Oh, I was gonna go back over to Pete's and go to sleep." he said.
"Umm...if you spend time to drive over there, you won't have anytime to sleep." I said.
"No, today is Tuesday." he said.
"Remember, we had a bunch of old teachers and only one of them actually takes attendance!" he said.
"So! I will go to his house and sleep until school is out."
"You know...I wonder how much of high school you're actually going to remember." I smirked. He just shook his head.
"Bye!" he said waving.
"Bye." me and Ryan waved back.
"Chop my cousin to pieces and I will kill you." he said pointing at Ryan before disapearing out the door.
"Sorry." I laughed.
"It's fine." he said. I yawned.
"Great, now I get tired." I said. I leaned back kicking the footrest out and trying to stay awake. I failed as I drifted to sleep. Something started hitting my arm repeatedly.
"Goodmorning." Ryan's voice rang as my eyes opened. I yawned and groaned. You know when you absolutely cannot keep your eyes open, much less stand up, because you are so tired.
"You have work." he said. My eyes shot open and I jumped off the couch, giving him a thumbs up before sprinting to my room. I don't have time to shower. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and wiped off the smeared make up, not bothering to put any extra on. I couldn't find anything good to wear. I finally decided on jeans and a tshirt, because all of my sweaters were dirty. Nate hadn't woke up. I went over to his crib and ruffled the little hair he had.
"Nate." I said. His eyes opened and he sat up quickly holding up his hands and smiling. I laughed and pulled him out of it. I considered keeping him in his pajamas. I finally decided to put him in jeans and a sweatshirt. I put him down and he ran out of the room. I went to the kitched and made eggo waffles.
"Bye, Ryan!" I sang picking up Nate and pulling him out the door.
"Have fun." I heard him say.

Brendon's Point of View (shocking, right? I am going to try to flip it up every now and then for this story :D)
I felt someone bump into me and turned to see a couple holding hands, the man walking a bit fast. The girl looked young. She looked back at me and mouthed, "Help Me."
I was confused, but for some reason I followed them. The man would occasionally say something to the girl that I couldn't hear. They turned into an alley next to a deserted store. I stopped dead in my tracks. I watched for a second, then I saw it. The small, silver blade in the mans hand. I could hear them faintly talking, the girl's voice was weak and the man's was more of a low growl. I couldn't make out what they were saying though. Then the girl fell to the ground. I don't know why, but I sprinted towards her. The second I saw the blood flowing from her throat, I instantly regretted it. The man smirked looking pleased, a sick gleam in his eyes. He was about to speak, but sirens broke the silence. I backed away not turning my back on the man. The man turned and ran down the street.
I woke up in a cold sweat glancing around.
"What the hell?!" I mumbled pretty loud.
"Brendon?" Ryan said. I glanced at the clock. 12 am, perfect. I got up and slipped into a different shirt and jeans.
"Goodmorning." I mumbled sitting next to him at the table and putting my head on it.
"I talked to Natalie last night." he started. I looked at him confused rubbing my eyes.
"When?" I asked.
"I don't know like 2 am." he shrugged.
"She was awake?"
"She couldn't go to sleep."
"What'd you do?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes.
"Nothing. We watched Spiderman and talked, then she fell asleep at like 5:30 after Bill left." he explained.
"Know what we talked about?" he smirked.
"What?" I mumbled not really caring.
"Her." he said. I looked at him confused.
"What about her?" I asked.
"Just her life. You know, I asked her how she coped with her parents death." he said. I looked at him like he was insane.
"What the-"
"I worded it differently, she isn't sensitive about it." he defended. I shrugged.
"Well how'd she cope with it?" I mumbled still not fully awake.
"She didn't really have to. I don't know. She said she looked at it like a new beginning or something. She's pretty awesome. You two would be perfect." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"No, I'm not even going to drop hints. Bill's friend Pete does that, and she hates him." I said throat scratchy.
"'re probably cooler." he shrugged. I rolled my eyes running my hand through my sweaty hair. I felt another hand on my head.
"Man, how much did you sweat in your sleep?" Ryan laughed.
"I had a bad dream." I said.
"Ah, that one." he said. I nodded.
"What I want to know is, why would he want to kill you, it wouldn't have prevented you from telling the police what he looked like, didn't you already do that?" he asked. I shrugged.
"He's a serial killer. Maybe he just wants a new victim, I don't know." I laughed.
"Don't worry. No one lays a hand on my Brenny...unless it's Natalie." he mumbled the last part.
"So, Ry. What happened to Haylee from the casino?" I smirked. His eyes widened.
"That freaky old lady who works there?" he asked. I nodded.
"I don't know, I am just glad that I don't go there anymore!" he said. I laughed.
"Did we ever find an apartment?" I asked sitting up.
"No. Natalie said she'd go hunting with us today, though."
"Hmm." I said trying to hide my enthusiasm. Yes, maybe I had a secret..crush? on Natalie, gosh, that sounds so high school.
"Come on, let's go be couch potatoes and watch some more movies!" Ryan said jumping up. I laughed.
"I want to know how she keeps this organized." Ryan said motioning to the bookshelf.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool. I didn't see these yesterday." I crouched down looking at the books.
"Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn-"
"That's why she doesn't want a boyfriend!" Ryan said.
"What?" I asked.
"She's read twilight, and now all she wants is Edward!" he said. I rolled my eyes and kept reading the titles.
"Peter Pan..look Ry! Wicked, All of the wizard of Oz books..I thought there was only 1!" I said looking at the books in front of me.
"Come on! I even knew there was more than 1!" Ryan said. I just shrugged and stood back up.
"Kay, what movies?" I asked looking at the shelf.
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off!" Ryan yelled pulling it off the shelf.
"Okay!" I said in the same loud voice. He put it in.
"This is the home-y-est house ever." Ryan said stretching across the couch."
"I agree." I said plopping next to him.
We watched Ferris Bueller, followed by The Fog (the new one).
"Yeah, the ending sucks. I don't even know why I like this movie." Ryan said chucking the case on the ground.
"Just break it why don't you?!" I said standing up.
"Ugh, I need a shower." I said running my hand back through my nasty hair.
" do, so go shower while I watch Elf." Ryan smirked. I ignored him and headed to the bathroom. Once I got out and dryed off and opened the door and popped my head out.
"Have you seen this toilet?! It's Ginormous!" I yelled to Ryan.
"How'd you know I was watch-...oh yeah!" Ryan yelled back. I got out and watched the rest with him.
"Aladdin!" Ryan sang grabbing the next movie and putting it in.
"We are horrible." I said shaking my head.
"How so?" Ryan asked.
"Our life consists of lounging on couches and watching movies."
"And gambling!" Ryan threw in there.
"Not anymore. I should get a job." I said.
"Yeah...maybe." Ryan shrugged then lit up, "you should work with Natalie!" he said.
"With kids?" I asked.
"Yeah, you do good with Nate, right?"
"Kind of. I don't know, I think I would like freak out the first diaper I had to change." I said. He nodded.
"Still..get over it, and work there. That means more time with Natalie!" he said raising his eyebrows.
"Or..not." I said looking back to the movie.
"Let's find another casino! It's Reno, surely there is one somewhere!" Ryan said. I laughed.
"You're a gambling addict."
"No, I just need money." he shrugged.
"Well, why don't you get a job?" I asked him.
"Good idea, I'll call McDonald's first thing tomorrow." he said, "Let's go get a monkey..we'll name him Abu!" Ryan said jumping up.
"Nah, I'll just stare at the one on the screen." I said.
"I don't have work the rest of the week!" Natalie sang walking in, "you guys are my goodluck charms." she nodded then glanced at the tv, "okay, this one really is Nate's movie." she laughed.
"Well Aladdin is fucking awesome!" Ryan said then glanced at Nate, "oops." he mumbled.
"Do you guys want to go get something to eat?" she asked, I glanced at Ryan.
"Well Ryan is in his couch potatoe clothes." I said.
"I'll change then." he said standing up and heading to my room.
"How are you?" I asked.
"Wonderful, and exhausted." she laughed.
"Yeah, Ryan said you were up last night." I said. She nodded.
"So what movies did you guys watch today?"
"What makes you think we watched movies all day?"
"I just assumed."
"Well, we watched, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Fog, then Ryan watched Elf, and then we watched Aladdin." I said.
"The Fog. That's like amazing." she laughed.
"I can't decided if I like the one with Jamie Lee Curtis better." I said.
"They're both good, did you know they're remaking Friday the 13th?" she asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, Ryan about peed his pants." I said as he entered. She laughed.
"Yeah it comes out Friday..the 13th." she laughed.
"Wait, like this Friday...the 13th." I said the same way. She nodded.
"We're seeing it!" Ryan yelled. I laughed.
"Ready?" Natalie asked looking at Ryan. He nodded. She picked up Nate much to his dislike and headed out the door. Ryan and I got in the car.
"Sit in the front." Ryan said sliding in the back. I rolled my eyes but got in anyway.
"So you should come see it with us." Ryan said.
"Friday the 13th?" Natalie asked.
"Yup." he said.
"I don't really go to the movies." she shrugged.
"Why not?" Ryan asked.
"Get someone to watch him." he suggested. She shrugged.
"Nah, you guys can just go." she said.
"I don't smell that bad!" he said crossing his arms. I turned around to look at him and he shrugged. "No one ever said you did." Natalie laughed.
"Then come on!" he whined. I sighed, as much as I want Natalie to go, this is a bit..over the top.
"No, I'm not going." she said.
"Is that CD still in?" I asked changing the subject. She nodded and turned it on. I heard Ryan gasp from the backseat.
"Is technologic on here?!" he asked. She turned to it.
"Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Crash it, change it, melt - upgrade it, charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick - erase it, write it, cut it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick - rewrite it, plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, drag and drop it, zip - unzip it, lock it, fill it, call it, find it, view it, code it, jam - unlock it, surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it, cross it, crack it, switch - update it, name it, read it, tune it, print it, scan it, send it, fax - rename it, touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it, turn it, leave it, start - format it. Technologic Technologic Technologic Technologic" Ryan sang with it.
"Holy shit!" Natalie yelled looking back at him. I just smirked.
"Took him 4 months." I said. She just looked at me wide eyed then back to the road.
"So, where to eat?" she asked.
"I don't care." Ryan said.
"Me neither."
"Okay then." she said changing lanes.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"I don't care." she said mimicking us. I laughed.
"Fine. Just go to...Quiznos!" I said pointing to the nearest restuarant.
"Okay." she laughed pulling over. Ryan kicked the back of my seat and I turned to look at him. He smirked and gave me a thumbs up. I looked at him confused before turning back around. So we ate. It was fun? Well eating is always fun.
"Guys up for some apartment hunting?" Natalie asked getting back on the highway.
"Yup. As much as I'm going to miss that house..and that shelf full of wonderful movies, I'm ready." Ryan sighed.
"I just want my own bed!" I joked.
"It's been one night! I didn't even sleep!" Ryan said. I laughed.
"I know."
So we looked at some apartments that are not even 5 minutes away from Natalie's. Sweet.
"So, I don't understand this whole. WPP thing." Ryan started, "Why can't you just move into the apartments?"
"I don't know, because if I'm living with someone who already lived here then...I don't know!" I laughed.
"My mom worked for the Witness protection program. Ryan's not suposed to move up here, but I'm not going to tattle." Natalie shrugged.
"Why not?" Ryan asked.
"Why am I not going to tattle, or why are you not suposed to move up here?" she asked.
"Both." he decided.
"Well, I'm not going to tattle, because I don't think anything's going to happen, and you're cool, and you're not suposed to move up here, because that could give whoever this guy is some hint to where Brendon is." she explained not taking her eyes off the road.
"Hmm." I said.
"No! They won't leave me alone!" Natalie groaned pulling up to her house. I looked up and there were 3 some cars there, one I recognized.
"You're just a popular person." Ryan shrugged.
"Not really, Bill used to only visit me like once a week at the most, and I would see Spencer like once a month and Pete...well if I wanted to I could've seen him everyday, but honestly, who really wants to see Pete?" she said unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping out. I slid out and hit Ryan with my door.
"Sorry." I laughed. He shook his head resembling a dog and gave me a thumbs up.
"Hey, Ryan, did you see when Nate took off his seatbelt thing?" Natalie asked.
"No." he said. She sighed.
"Well, let's get this show on the road." she mumbled heading towards the door.
"Hold the door." Ryan mumbled pushing me in front of her. I rolled my eyes but opened the door and held it open for her.
"Thanks." she said.
"Thanks." Ryan said with a little smile, a wave, and a wink. I laughed and closed it.
"She's here!" I heard a girl's voice say. I looked at Ryan and he shrugged. We headed in the living room to see Bill, Pete, and two other girls.
"Since when do people come to my house?!" Natalie asked.
"Since a new person lives here." Bill said eyeing me.
"Back off bub! He's mine!" Ryan said stepping in front of me. I wrapped my arms around Ryan's waist and put my head on his shoulder. He smiled and patted the side of my head.
"Are you wearing eyeliner?" Ryan asked Pete. Pete nodded.
"I like you already!" Ryan said sitting in his lap. If you haven't already noticed Ryan's pretty...friendly?
"Lord help us." Natalie mumbled. I looked at her and laughed. Then I glanced at her friends that I hadn't seen before.
"Well Amanda, Hana, you've met Bill, and this is Pete, Ryan, and Brendon. Brendon, Ryan, and Pete, this is Hana and Amanda." Natalie introduced us. I smiled and waved. Amanda avoided any eye contact with anyone. Hmm. Hana was talking to Natalie about something. Before I knew it I was being pulled backwards over the arm of the chair and onto Ryan and Pete.
"Ryan, I said you're too bony!" I yelled. He laughed. Something started climbing onto me, but I couldn't see. I'm assuming it was Nate though, cause he's the only one that small.
"4 man pile up!" Ryan said. I lifted my head up and Nate was sitting on my stomach.
Natalie's Point of View...woohoo? Sorry for the constant changes :D.
"Wait, they aren't gay, right?" Amanda asked.
"Nope." I laughed.
"So, that's Pete?" Hana asked. I nodded.
"The arrogant, stupid, annoying Pete?" she asked. I nodded again.
"Are you postiive?"
"Yes! That is Peter Wentz, the rude annoying, horndog!" I whispered slightly loud, cause Amanda heard and laughed a little. Luckily I'm pretty sure Pete didn't.
"But." Hana started then looked at me, "he's really...attractive." Hana said slowly. I started laughing really hard. Everyone looked at me.
"Uhm. Sorry." I apologized quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
that was kind of long..woah