

"So, we don't have work the rest of the week!" I said excited.
"I know, and you know what I think you should do!" Hana said.
"What?" I asked.
"Go on a date with Brendon!" she said still keeping her voice quiet.
"No. They already tried to get me to see Friday the 13th this Friday." I said. She lit up.
"Hey! How about, I watch Nate this Friday so you can go see Friday the 13th like you've been wanting to!" Hana said loud enough for everyone to hear. I glared at her, but she just smiled.
"No, it's fine." I excused quickly.
"That's a good idea! Will you?!" Ryan spoke up quickly.
"I already said I would." she said. I sighed.
"Hey, Amanda, you okay?" I asked noticing she wasn't talking.
"He is so cute." she said under her breath.
"Who?" I asked trying not to laugh.
"The one in the vneck." she said.
"That's Ryan, he just moved up here." I said with a smile, "He's really nice, you should talk to him."
"No. Are you kidding?!" She asked wide eyed.
"Okay, if you guys are going to keep saying I need to date Brendon then I think you should talk to Ryan."
"But you have a chance with Brendon." she said.
"Whatever, if you guys are going to make me go this Friday though, you are coming." I said. She looked at me and nodded a little. I smiled.
"So, movies?" Ryan asked. I nodded slowly.
"Yeah, Amanda is coming." I said nudging her. He looked over at her and smiled then nodded. Nate was trying to grab Brendon's nose...again. -sigh-
"Nate." I snapped. He looked over at me and smiled. I laughed a little and he started laughing, too. If you haven't noticed, if you start laughing, normally Nate will, too.
"So, Ryan. I think I have a bruise on the back of my leg now from one of your many bones." Brendon said moving around.
"Well, I'm sorry! You are the one who's sitting there!" he said.
"You pulled me ontop of you!" he laughed.
"Hi Bill!" I smiled.
"I wondered when you would notice me." he said giving me a hug.
"Well, I'm not used to being around so many people, it makes me feel like a hermit." I shrugged, "speaking of, why are you all here?" I asked.
"Well, I was like 'hey, Pete, I'm going to Natalie's before her houseguest chops her into little pieces' and he was like 'well, I will go with you so that my Natalie is safe' and I was like 'okay-"
"I did not say that!" Pete cut in. Bill rolled his eyes and started to continue.
"Okay, I get why you guys are here, why are you here?" I asked Hana and Amanda.
"Well, you left really fast and we wanted to meet Brendon, then we got here and Bill and Pete were here." Hana explained. I nodded.
"I hope you guys already ate though, cause we just did." I said.
"But I'm Hungry!" Pete jumped in. I rolled my eyes.
"Bill, how much did you guys eat, today?" I asked knowing they eat like horses.
"Umm...a couple bags of chips, we ordered two pizzas for lunch, and a box of froot loops." he said.
"But I'm hungry!" Pete repeated. Ryan giggled. Yes, he fucking giggled. Everyone kind of looked at him like 'wtf?'
"What? He's like a twig, and he's eaten enough to last some people weeks just today!" Ryan said poking what I assume was Pete's stomach.
"I'm the twig!?" Pete said motioning to Ryan.
"Don't judge people you just met." Ryan shrugged.
"You're in my lap." Pete reminded him. He nodded and Brendon shook his head standing up.
"Brenny!" Ryan whined.
"I'm friends with a bunch of gay people!" I sighed.
"Hey!" Bill said, I looked at him, "We are not gay, we just have our moments!" he defended. I smiled and nodded.
"Like me and Hana." I said jumping onto her and wrapping my legs around her causing us to both collapse on the couch laughing.
"Only not as voilent." Pete mumbled. I sat up and fixed my shirt as Hana did the same.
"So, I am staying the night." Bill said.
"I'm going to start charging rent, Bill." I smirked.
"For family?!" he gasped.
"Yeah, we're staying the night, too." Hana said. I laughed.
"I'm gonna go ask the neighbors if they want to come over." I said.
"Do you even have neighbors?" Bill asked looking out the window. I shrugged.
"I don't really know."
"I will also be staying." Pete said. I glared.
"I am scared to be in your lap now." Ryan says scooting into the seat beside him. Pete shrugged.
"Natalie wouldn't hurt a fly." he smirked.
"We called you, but you wouldn't answer." Hana said.
"Nate threw my phone in the toilet." I sighed. Pete started laughing obnoxiously.
"Pete, leave!" I yelled. He sighed.
"But I got you a present, to make peace." he argued.
"What is it?" I mumbled.
"Go check your fridge." he smirked. Oh, no. I hesitantly walked into the kitchen and looked on the counter. There were atleast 10 boxes of popcorn. I opened the fridge and there were 2 packs that held 6 bottles of coke each. No way! I screamed and grabbed two cokes running back into the living room and hugging Pete.
"I never thought I would do this my entire life." I said standing back up.
"So, I'm staying tonight?" he said. I nodded.
---10 p.m.---
"You know what this party is missing?!" I asked pretty loud, I felt drunk, though I wasn't, well maybe off cokes.
"Hmm?" Bill spoke up.
"Spencer!" I yelled.
"Gosh. You just saw him." Bill said. I giggled.
"I know, but he's my big teddy bear!" I slurred. Coke never gets me this bad.
"Are you drunk?" Ryan asks. I shake my head with wide eyes as a smile creeps onto my lips.
"Hey, Bill, can I see -hiccup- your phone?!" I slurred some more.
"" he said handing it to me. I looked at the screen, it was blurry as ever.
"I think your phone's broken, dial Spencer's number." I said handing it back to him.
"Gosh, what the hell?" he mumbled dialing then handing it back to me. I put it up to my ear.
"Hello?" Spencer answered.
"Spencer!" I gasped.
"Natalie?" he asked. I started giggling like crazy.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Hey, come over. We are having a party!" I yelled.
"I'll try. You sure you're okay, you are really loud?" he asked.
"No, you're just quiet, silly!" I laughed. Everyone was silent.
"Well, okay bye bye!" I said after he didn't answer and dropped Bill's phone.
"So, what do you guys want to do?!" I asked just as loud as before. I heard someone start crying.

Brendon's POV

So, Nate is crying because Natalie is talking freaking loud.
"What is that?!" she asks looking around.
"I got him." Bill sighed.
"I think she's drunk." Ryan said leaning over to me.
"She's acting like it, but she hasn't had anything to drink." I whispered.
"Except all that coke." he said. I looked at Pete who just looked amused.
"You got her drunk!" I didn't mean to say that outloud...
"Well, yes." he admitted.
"What the hell?" I asked myself more than him. Why? Hana and Amanda were just looking at Natalie scared.
"Natalie be quiet, he is going back to sleep." Bill said walking back in.
"Who?!" she yelled.
"She's drunk." Ryan told Bill.
"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz!" he screamed. Pete laughed.
"Dude, she's only had beer once in high school and she said she'd never get drunk again!" he yelled. Nate was crying again. He groaned.
"I'll be right back." he said whilst glaring at Pete.
"I can go." I offered. He looked at me and nodded. I got up and went into Natalie's room. I hadn't been in there before. I don't know why I offered, but I walked over to the crib and Nate was standing up. I didn't really know what to do, I've heard Natalie singing to him before. I shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed and decided to talk to him. I could here Bill yelling at Pete and Natalie singing Walk This Way by Aerosmith at the top of her lungs.
"Hey, Nate." I said then laughed at myself.
"Burr?" he asked. I smiled. Burr is the way he says my name.
"Yeah, it's me." I laughed. He started laughing.
"Shh, go to sleep, okay?" I said.
"No." he said swinging his hand in my direction, "Up." he said trying to climb out of his crib. Luckily, he can't. I picked him up, but didn't put him down. He clung to me and put his head on my shoulder. His grip slowly loosened and he was already fast asleep. I put him in his crib and pulled the blanket over him. I went back out to where Bill and Pete were.
Can you say tension? Just making sure.
"Pete here, thought it would be funny to spike the coke." Bill said.
"You bring her spiked coke as a piece treaty?" I ask. He nodded.
"It was funny." he mumbled. Bill rolled his eyes as there was a knock on the door. I went to get it, being the only one standing up. It was Spencer.
"Hey, so is this where the party is?" he asked. I shrugged.
"Natalie's drunk."
"Are you serious? I didn't know she drinks!" he said.
"She doesn't. Pete spiked the coke." I said. His shocked face turned to an annoyed one as he rolled his eyes and mumbled some choice words.
So the night went on. Basically, Bill's pissed at Pete. Hana and Amanda are scared. Ryan and I are more..nostalgic? ha. Natalie for some unknown reason is clinging to Spencer or as she says 'her teddy bear'.
"Hey, let's get rid of that coke." I said to Ryan heading into the kitchen. He nodded and followed me. Woah! There is no way she drank 8! There are only four left.
"Bottoms up?" Ryan asked.
"I'm out, you can have one." I said pulling out a bottle and handing it to him.
"You sure?" he asked. I nodded and grabbed the other 3.
"I'm gonna go..." I trailed off heading out the front door. I poured them in the front yard. It's good for the grass? I put the bottles in the trashcan and went back inside.
"Did she have 8?!" I asked.
"no, Pete had 1 and so did I." Bill cut in. I nodded.
"Where'd you get it?" I questioned.
"Our fridge." he shrugged. I sighed and sat back down on the crowded couch, well and kind of on Ryan, too.
"I thought I was too bony." he mumbled.
"You are." I smirked.
Spencer's POV (shocking, right?)
"Suhpencer!" Natalie slurred adding an "uh" into my name.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"Stop moving!" she said giggling.
"Whatever." I said waving my hand. If you're wondering, I am not moving, she is just very drunk.
"Hey, you!" Natalie yelled across the living room pointing at her friend.
"Hana." Hana said glaring.
"Santa, why are you here?" she asked.
"Hana." she repeated standing up.
"I think we should go." she said pulling Amanda by the arm. I laughed a little at Amanda's reaction. She was in a daze staring at Ryan so she wasn't paying attention.
"Is that okay?" Hana asked.
"Yeah, yeah, see ya." Bill said waving. I heard the door close.
"And then there were 6." I sighed.
"and a half." Ryan said. I looked at him confused.
"Nate." he reminded. I nodded.
"So, Brendon. How are you liking Reno?" I asked trying to ignore Natalie's obnoxious giggling.
"It's not as bad as I thought it'd be. It's...homie." he laughed a little. I nodded.
"So, Hana was hot." Pete blurted out randomly.
"What?!" me and Natalie yelled at the same time. Natalie looked hurt.
"Yeah, like..woah." he said.
"You don't love me?" Natalie asked.
"" he said slowly. Natalie started crying and I looked over at Ryan, Brendon,and Bill who were looking at her like 'wtf?'.
"Ummm..." I said slowly, "Bill." I said not taking my eyes off the crying Natalie sitting next to me.
"Uhh...I don't know! I'm just her 18 year old little cousin!" he said freaking out.
"She'll calm down, just don't mess with her." Ryan said. We all looked at him confused.
"Just don't." he said. I nodded.
"Spen!" she said not able to pronounce my full name before putting her face in my shoulder. I looked back to Ryan.
"Just don't mess with her. Let her do her thing and then she'll pass out." he said calmly. I nodded slowly.
"Pete, remind me to kick your ass when we are not in my cousins living room." Bill whispered quite loud to Pete. Pete nodded smiling. So after Natalie was done crying...15 minutes later. She stood up and wobbled over to the kitchen. Bill followed her, but she freaked out, so he came back and sat down.
"This is so weird." I mumbled, "Don't most people just like have a one night stand when they are drunk?"
"Not Natalie." Bill said.
"I noticed." I nodded.
"Adam, come here!" she yelled. I looked at Bill. He shrugged. Natalie wobbled out of the kitchen then over to me.
"Adam, come here!" she repeated pulling on my arm.
" name's Spencer." I said. She looked at me weird then started sobbing..again! Like she totally just collapsed.
"But Adam...he can't and then..the movie..and he went home, and.." she trailed off.
"Ryan, you appear to be the expert..." Bill said.
"Just leave her alone." he said...great. She moved up so she was -once again- crying onto my shoulder. If my shirt wasn't wet before, it certainly is now. She sat on my lap and curled into a ball. After another good 10 minutes she was asleep.
"Wow." I whispered.
"Wow." Bill repeated nodding.
"Now what?" I asked Ryan. He shrugged.
"She's asleep, so put her in her bed."
I nodded. Natalie was far from heavy, and she was already in my arms. I stood up with her and took her into her room. Nate was amazingly still sound asleep. I put her in the bed pulling the blanket up and leaving quickly.
"Peter, you're insane." I said sitting back down.
"Hey, it sounded like a good idea at the time!" he defended.
"Look on the brightside," Ryan started then we all looked at him, "atleast she's not violent." he mumbled. I nodded.
"Who's Adam?" I asked.
"I dunno." Bill yawned.
"Well, we've got a mystery to solve...our evidence is the name Adam, Adam went home, something about a movie, and the word can't." Pete said.
"Don't try to distract us." I scowled. He shrugged.
"Well, this was a party." Brendon said. Ryan nodded.
Brendon's POV (sorry that I keep switching...)
Wow. That was crazy. So, Spencer, Bill, and Pete went home, cause they have school. Ah, the good 'ole days of high school. (Note the sarcasm.)
"Ryan?" I asked knowing he would still be awake. We are laying on the full sized bed in my room.
"Hmm?" he asks.
"How bad do you think the hangover will be?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is soo late! I am soo sorry! If I ever post this late again you all have permission to kick my ass, but don't worry. I'm updating the next 2 chapters after this.
To be completely honest, I kind of forget about my mibba a lot, I'm on quizilla and livejournal all the time..but never really mibba.
I still love you all though! It's nothing personal, honest!