

"So she's like sobbing and then she passes out. The next morning we hear her throwing up, then she comes out and she isn't even mad at him!" Ryan says laughing. I frowned. "I mean, I thought that this guy was gonna get it, but she just shrugs it off and she was like sobbing-"

"Yes, okay, Ryan!" I snapped, cutting him off.

We -Jon, Ryan, Brendon, and I- are sitting on the mattress on Ryan's living room floor around an empty box of pizza as Nate is napping on a home made bed in Ryan's room.
Ryan and Jon started laughing, but Brendon -being the sensitive guy he is- just sat there with a little smile. I finally laughed a little.

"I just don't see why you think it's such a big deal." I mumbled.

"I don't, and I didn't think you did, but apparently you do." he shrugged.

"I do?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, I mean at first when we told you, you didn't care, now you-"

"It's because you didn't fill in the details of me curling up in Spencer's lap and crying about some guy that I haven't seen in a year." I explained.

"Wait, I thought you haven't seen him since high school..." Ryan trailed off raising an eyebrow.

"I was in high school last year." I said.

"Woah. I didn't realize that." Ryan said looking at me for a second. I nodded and pursed my lips glancing at the ceiling of the apartment.

"Wait, Hana and Amanda, and the movie!" I said quickly.

"It's Friday the 13th?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah." I said quickly. Jon sat there beyond confused.

"Oh, Jon should come!" I said quickly, hey, if there's three boys and 2 girls there is no way it could beconsidered a date.

"Hmm?" he asked immediatly.

"We're going to see Friday the 13th tonight." Ryan said proudly.

"Just you guys?" he asked.

"My friend Amanda's coming, but that's all." I answered. Ryan paled.

"Well if it's like a double date I don't want to impose." Jon said.

"It's not." I laughed, "Just friends."

"Okay then." Jon nodded. I looked at Brendon's pajama pants.

"We need to go home before Hana gets there, Nate should wake up soon." I said glancing at the closed bedroom.

"Oh, you guys go ahead. I'll bring Nate!" Ryan said. I looked at him confused.

"We can all go, now." I said.

"No. I have to get ready. I'll bring Jon and Nate, you guys go." he shooed us off. I considered this.

"I'm only saying yes, because you remind me of Bill, too much, only you're not as clingy. The diaper bag is on the counter." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Go." he said. I looked at him one more time before heading towards the door.

"See you in a bit." I said waving my hand.

"Ryan's got baby fever." Brendon mumbled on the way to the car.

"I don't mind. He can babysit anytime."

"If he doesn't have to change diapers." Brendon laughed.

"Nate hasn't eaten anything today. He doesn't need to worry about-" I stopped mid-sentence.

"Crap! Nate hasn't eaten anything." I groaned.

"What about the....wait...he was asleep." Brendon mumbled.

"Will you call Ryan and tell him to give Nate some of the goldfish out of the diaper bag when he wakes up?" I asked. He nodded and pulled his phone out of his pajama pants pocket.

We got home and I turned on the tv and waited for Brendon to take a shower and get ready. I heard something and turned down the tv. It definetly sounded like someone was banging on the front door. A little nervously I walked towards the front door. I took a deep breath and swung it open. No one was there. I ignored the chills that ran up my spine and closed it back, locking it. I went back to the living room and turned the tv up a little louder than necessary. I heard knocking again, a little calmer and sprinted to the door swinging it open. Hana and Pete were standing there. Hana's hand up, mid-knock.

"Hey, uhm...Pete?" I asked confused.

"He can help, right?" Hana said.

"Sure.." I said slowly opening the door, "You guys weren't banging on the door earlier were you?" I asked looking around.

"In public. Hell, no, that's-"

"Pete. Eww. I mean like..knocking on it." I shuddered.

"No, we just got here." Hana said. I nodded.

"So, where's Brendon?" Pete asked bouncing his eyebrows.

"In the shower..I think." I shrugged.

"Surely, by now you guys should be taking those together." he mumbled. I pretended not to hear it as I walked into the living room.

"Where's Nate?" Hana asked.

"At Ryan's." I explained.

"So, he got a place?" she asked.

"Yeah, already met a neighbor, too."

"It's not a girl is it?" she asked quickly. I laughed.

"No. It's Jon. He's cool. He's coming to the movies tonight, too. They should be here soon, although Ryan likes to dress like some kind of classical pirate from Alice in Wonderland, so who knows how long he could take." I sighed.

"I heard that!"

I jumped atleast 3 feet in the air and spun around.

"Don't waltz right into my house like that!" I snapped to Ryan then looked around, "Where's Nate?"

His expression fell and he looked back wide eyed.

"Jon, we left Nate!" he called. I was about to attack him, when he started laughing.

"I'm kidding. He ran into the kitchen right when we walked in." he explained. I nodded.

"Is Brendon still getting ready?!" Ryan groaned. I nodded.

"No, I'm ready!" he snapped walking down the hallway. Um...woah. He actually looks...really good. No detail necessary.

"Hey, Jon." I greeted the quiet man next to Ryan.

"Hey." he laughed waving.

"Well, I'm gonna go, before Nate sees me." I told Hana and Pete.

"Mhmm. Have fun." she smirked.

"You, too." I said in the same tone, before leaving.

---(Random Authors Note -RAN-: I haven't actually seen any of the Friday the 13th movies. So...sorry for my lack of...knowledge on this?? I did, however, look up some of the stuff that is in it.)---

"Hey." Amanda greeted locking her door and heading towards the car.

"Hey, you're sitting up front." I smirked sliding in the back before she could answer. We were in Ryan's car. Jon, Brendon, and I in the back -in that order- and Ryan and Amanda up front.

"Are they a thing?" Jon asked quietly.

"Not yet." I said under my breath. No one spoke the entire way there, Jon, Brendon, and I exchanged knowing looks as Ryan kept his eyes focused on the road.

We got out and went into the movie theater. There was, luckily, no line and we got our tickets quickly.

"Hey, Amanda." Ryan said clearing his throat. We all looked at him, startled that he'd even said anything. Amanda looked the most confused.

"How much does a polar bear weigh?" he asked.

"How much?" she asked him still confused.

"Enough to break the ice. Hello, my name is Ryan Ross." he smirked holding out his hand. She giggled and shook it. I was happy for Amanda, but started laughing at Ryan. It was like he had given himself a peptalk on the way there.

"Hey, Natalie." Jon whispered.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"How much does a polar bear way?"

"Female or Male?" I asked.

"Both." Brendon cut in quirking an eyebrow.

"Males are between 550 to 1,700 pounds, and females are between 200 to 700 pounds." I answered.

"How do you know that?!" they laughed. I shrugged.

"I had a 4.0"

"Damn. Screw pick up lines." he sighed.

"I'm going to get seats." I said starting towards the theater.

"Is that your pick up line?" Jon asked blankly.

"No...I'm seriously going to get seats." I said pointing.

"Oh." he said as we neared a smiling Ryan and Amanda. Amyan. That's like...thee coolest couple name ever.

"This could be the start, of something new. It feels so right! To be here with you. Ooh." Brendon sang popping in between them. I started laughing with Jon.

"I think everyone has secretly seen that movie." I whispered opening the theater door. I could hear previews.

"Guys. It's already started. Come on!" I moaned. We all got in and found some seats at the top row, under the projection box. Seating order: Brendon, Me, Jon, Ryan, Amanda.

It wasn't that far into the movie and Jason was already killing people. It wasn't until Jason slit a lady's throat, that Brendon noticably flinched next to me. I wouldn't have thought anything of it -considering I squealed a few times-, if he hadn't witnessed a murder. Oh, God, I didn't even think of that until now. I sublty reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked quietly, leaning over. He stared at me in shock for a second, almost zoned out. I squeezed his hand again and repeated the question. He shook his head instantly.

"No, it's- I'm fine." he mumbled.

---(BRENBABY'S POV...woah. It's late, and I'm dilussional..sorry about that. *AHEM* Brendon's POV)---

That scene was so much like the one I'd witnessed over a week ago. I flinched, and took a deep breath. I almost jumped again when Natalie's hand touched mine. Her eyes were still straight ahead. She looked over at me and leaned close. Don't stare. Don't. Don't think about anything else. No I am not staring at her. Her lips. The way they're parted slightly, and she's taking in small breaths. They're moving. She's saying something, but I'm not thinking about them. I'm not staring at them either. She squeezed my hand again, which brought me back to reality.

"Do you want to leave?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, it's -deep breath- I'm fine." I sighed. She was loosening her grip, but I tightened my own. No, way was I letting go that easily. I may be man enough to stay in the theater, but I need someone to hold my hand. Wow, way to sound like a freak, Bren.

I was about to pull my hand back, but he tightened his grip. I didn't mind holding his hand. I just hope he doesn't misinterpret my actions. I could feel him tightening his grip everytime someone died. (Quite Often).

I was nugded in the shoulder a good 30 minutes after that and turned to see Jon pointing at Ryan and Amanda. The armrest between them was up and they were both leaning towards eachother so that Amanda was leaning back against Ryan's chest and he had his arms around her, tracing shapes into her arm. I ended up snorting trying to surpress my giggles and hold back a squeal. I'm a girl, Amanda's my friend, of course I'm going to squeal unintentionally. Brendon turned his head and looked at me confused. I coughed and pointed with our connected hands towards the couple.

"Hm." Jon breathed. I looked over at him to see him smirking at our hands. I scowled at him and returned them by our sides.


The movie ended and the lights came on.

"Thanks." Brendon sighed awkwardly sliding his hand out of mine. I shrugged and smiled.

"Don't mention it."

"As entertaining as these credits are..." Jon trailed off. I laughed and followed Brendon out of the theater.

"Well, that was fun. I haven't been to the movies since Spiderman came out." I laughed.

"1?!" Brendon asked wide eyed. I nodded.

"That was like..eight years ago!" Jon gasped.

"Wait, wasn't that when...?" Ryan started, but stopped himself. Everyone looked at him curiously and I nodded.

"Movies always make me tired. I vote, I take a nap." I sighed closing my eyes, still standing.

"In the middle of the lobby. Everyone, now!" Jon said. I opened my eyes and laughed a little.

"Did you see Spiderman with Adam?" Ryan asked squinting. I looked at him wide eyed.

"Who?" I laughed nervously.

"Don't 'who' me. Adam. You know Adam. Is that the guy that you went with?" he asked.

"I-I went with my old friend." I shrugged, feeling the heat creep up my neck.

"Adam?" he asked again.

"Jeez! Yes, okay?!" I snapped.

"Where is he today?" he asked curiously, cocking his head to the side. My breathing quickened.

"He, uhm. We just grew apart." I shrugged.

"Why? You miss him, obviously." Ryan said. I was pissed. Why did he bring him up?

"Let's go home." I sighed.

"Does he still have your heart? Is that way you won't give it to anyone else?" Ryan asked raising an eyebrow. I can't tell what he was trying to get at.

"Night, guys. See you later, Jon, Amanda. Get her home safe, Ryan." I said his name through gritted teeth.

"You don't have your car." he said. I put my hand around Brendon's shoulder and pulled his around my waist.

"Bye!" I called walking out the door.

"Sorry." I said stepping away from him.

"No, it's....I'm confused." he sighed.

"I'm not answering questions." I said walking through the parking lot.

"Your house is, kinda, far away." Brendon changed the subject. Bless him.

"You're right." I said leaning against Ryan's car. Brendon leaned against it, next to me, and looked towards the theater. Ryan wasn't coming out. About 10 minutes later, Ryan, Jon, and Amanda came out of the theater.

"Told you, you didn't have a car." he said unlocking the doors. I sat behind the drivers seat, so that Ryan wouldn't be able to turn and see me.

"I want to know why it's such a big secret." Ryan resumed the conversation turning out of the parking lot. I didn't say anything.

"I mean, okay, you have an ex boyfriend. No big deal. You, possibly, still have feeling for him, again. No big deal. You never talk about him....big deal." he started, "I mean. It's not a big deal, but you not answering simple questions is making it a big deal." Ryan rambled. I rolled my eyes staring at the ceiling of the car.

"So." he took a deep breath, "Who is he?"

"Oh, my God." I groaned.

"I seriously just want to know!" Ryan whined.

"Ryan, just shut the hell up, okay?!" Brendon snapped. I smiled and leaned my head against the window.

"Rawr." he mumbled, pulling into Amanda's driveway.

"I'll see you later?" he asked smiling at her. She blushed.

"Uhm, yeah." she said closing the door. He sighed content.

The ride was painfully awkward until Jon spoke up.

"So, that was a pretty awesome movie."

"Dude, I know!" Ryan agreed.

"It was okay." Brendon shrugged.

"I liked it." I smirked. No. I wasn't flirting. I swear!

"I could tell." Jon laughed.

"Did I miss something?" Ryan asked looking in the rear view mirror.

"Nothing at all." I sighed looking out the window. Ryan dropped us off at my house. I hoped Hana had put Nate to bed at least an hour ago. I went in and heard giggling.

"We're home. So I'll give you one minute, then we're coming into the living room." I said walking into the kitchen. I heard a thud and Brendon followed.

"Amanda and Ryan. Pete and Hana. Boyd and Harriet." he sighed. I laughed.

"What?!" I asked confused.

"Oh, my parents. Boyd and Harriet." he said. I laughed really hard.

"Sorry *gasp* I don't-" I cut myself off and tried again, "I don't mean to laugh, I really don't-" I laughed harder and gripped the counter, "Okay. Yes. Yes I do." I said catching my breath. Brendon laughed a little and shrugged.

"Okay, we're coming in." I said rounding the corner.

Hana's POV---

(This was the past hour...or so?)


"Pete, what the fuck was that?" I snapped looking up from the movie and glancing around.

"I don't know." he whispered looking slightly amused.


"Oh, noes." he whispered scooting closer to me and nuzzling his face into my neck. I giggled.


"I'll protect you." he mumbled wrapping his limbs around me. I giggled again.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"You should be." he whispered seductively. I laughed out loud, which turned into an awkward squeak as he licked my neck. I jumped a couple feet.


"Seriously, what the hell is that?" he mumbled before adding, "It's ruining the mood." and blowing cold air where he had just licked. This resulted in me shifting uncomfortably. The TV turned on, volume all the way up, and the screen was fuzzy.

"Shit." Pete laughed, "Now, that's freaky." he said. I looked and noticed I was sitting on the remote. I grabbed it and turned the tv off.

"I blame that on you." I smirked.

"So. You look really pretty." he sighed nuzzling into my neck further.

"Thanks. You look good, too." I said.

"I kind of like you, you know?" he said. I giggled.

"I kind of like you, too." I replied. He caught the side of my mouth in and awkward kiss, before trying again and getting it right.I giggled into it.

"We're home. So I'll give you one minute, then we're coming into the living room." Natalie's voice rang through the air. Pete fell off the couch and hit the floor with a loud thud. I laughed a little then heard Natalie laughing.

NATALIE'S POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WAHAHAHAHA! (wow. It's late, again)

We entered the living room to see them both on the couch.

"Thanks for babysitting." I laughed.

"No, problem." Pete smirked.

"Anytime." Hana giggled.

"Okay, well, I'm going to sleep, see you guys later....that's code for, leave." I whispered the last part.

"Fine, fine. Someone's anxious." Hana mumbled leaving, before I could say anything. Oops..she forgot her money. I was about to put it back in my pocket when she ran back in and snatched it, running back out.

"Damn." I mumbled staring at my now empty hand. Brendon laughed.

"Well, I'm going to my dark room." I pouted.

"Wait are you seriously afraid of the dark?" he asked.

"Very. I see things." I laughed.

"Dead people?" he asked.

"No. I just imagine things. I freak myself out." I shrug.

"Then sleep with a light."

"I used to, but it wakes Nate up." I shrugged.

"Oh." he said then looked like he was thinking. He opened his mouth then closed it back.

"Well, I'll see ya in the morning." I said awkwardly.

"Goodnight." he sighed going into his room. I entered mine and slipped into shorts and a tshirt before I leaped into the bed. I felt around on the nightstand to make sure the photo album was there and went to sleep. I woke up and looked around. Still dark. I got a creepy feeling and froze. Imagining all the worst case senarios in my head. I turned my head and almost screamed. I swear there's a person in my room. I blinked and it was gone. Stupid imagination. I layed back down, still pretty freaked out. I dozed off for a while until I woke up again. It was still dark outside. I got up and went into the kitchen quietly. I didn't notice the person sitting at the table, until I looked up. I gasped and put my hand over my heart.

"Sorry." Brendon laughed from the table.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Nope, you?"

"Nope. I freaked myself out." I laughed.

"So did I." he said wide eyed.

"Wait, what?" I asked sitting down across from him.

"I so imagined someone sitting on the end of my bed, but it was so real!"

"No, way. I thought someone was standing in my room, and that was real, but then they were gone!" I said then glared at him, "You're mean."

"What? I didn't-"


I whimpered.

"I am. So. Freaked out." he mumbled. I nodded.

"Walk with me to the fridge." I mumbled.


"Cause, it's right next to the entrance to the hallway, and it's just freaky!" I snapped not mentioning that the fridge was like...4 feet away. He laughed and got up holding out his hand. I linked my elbow with his and walked over to the fridge getting the milk. I proceeded to open the cabinet and get a glass out. I let go of his arm to pour the milk.


I jumped and looked around.

"So, I'm not even tired anymore." I laughed taking a drink.

"Me neither, really." he shrugged. I knocked the cap for the milk off the counter and we both reached down to get it. Conking heads in the process. I laughed.


"No, no. It's my fault." I said. My breath caught in my throat as his gaze dropped to my mouth. My lips. I'm just dreaming. No regrets, it's a dream. Of course it's a dream. This would never happen in real life. I'm ju-

Oh. My. God! His lips are on mine. I'm kissing back. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

My eyes drifted shut and I pinched myself, subtly. Shit. It's not a dream.

I pushed Brendon away instantly. He looked at me confused, I looked down at the ground.

"G-goodnight." I stuttered.

"No, please, sorry, just..don't..." he mumbled grabbing my wrist. I looked up at him through my hair that was now hanging in my face. Damn. Don't look at those lips.

"Goodnight." I repeated turning. He groaned before storming past me and going into his room. I rolled my eyes and went into mine, falling onto the bed and closing my eyes. I didn't dream. I swear I didn't. Not about Brendon. His lips. Nope. Nothing.


I woke up to Nate screaming. Not crying. Screaming. I shot up and looked over to where Nate was looking at me helplessly, terrified. Nightmeare? I got up and picked him up. I went over to my dresser and pulled out sweatpants. I tried to set Nate down, but he whined. I finally ended up laying him on the bed and sliding on my sweatpants. He started crying again. I picked him back up and he squeazed his arms around my neck so tight it hurt. His face was in my shoulder. I sighed and went into the kitchen, surprised to see Brendon in there.

"Oh, hey." I said quietly.

"Is he okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think it was just a nightmare." I said. Nate still had his pacifier in. I normally only let him have it when he's in his crib, but now is an exception. I tried to put him down again, but he just clung tighter.

"I'm gonna tv." I mumbled walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. I moved Nate so that he was in my lap, but he just turned and clung to me again. I ignored him and turned on the tv, flipping through some channels. The Brady Bunch caught my attention on TV Land and I turned it up. It was the episode where the kids repeatedly break the vase and glue it back together. Ah, classic. Brendon walked in and sat down on the smaller couch.

"So." he mumbled after about 5 minutes.

"So." I repeated not daring take my eyes off the screen.

"Last night."

"What about it?" I asked.

"Sorry. I just...nevermind." he mumbled.

I nodded. We don't need to talk about it. We can act like it never happened. He sighed. Probably not the response he was hoping for.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked him quickly. I have to get my own, soon. He nodded and got up, returning with his phone in hand. He handed it to me and I muttered a 'thanks' before flipping it open. I called Bill.

"Hello?" he asked, voice groggy.

"Hey." I said relieved that he answered.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" he yawned.

"Nothing. Do you want to meet up somewhere? Nate's acting weird, and I want to get out." I sighed.

"You and Brendon?" he asked.

"Just me and Nate." I said quickly.

"Oh, sure. Where?"

"I don't know. Walmart. I need some more groceries." I shrugged. It was true.

"Okay, when?"

"As soon as you can." I laughed.

"Alrighty then. See you in 10 minutes." he said hanging up. I called him back.

"What?" he asked.

"You didn't say goodbye!" I snapped. He knows that I hate that. I mean what's with people being like 'Okay.' *dial tone*. What happened to the good 'ole goodbye's. Okay. Rant=Over.

"Bye." he laughed.

"Bye." I said. Brendon raised his eyebrows.

"That was Bill. I'm going to Walmart. Do you need anything?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'll be gone awhile. You can invite Ryan over or something." I offered standing up and handing him his phone. He nodded and I slipped on some shoes and left. I don't care what I look like. It's Walmart. No one cares. I somehow miraculously managed to get Nate into his carseat and made it to Walmart. I walked in and Bill was sitting on a bench by the door.

"Hi." I smiled. Nate was still clinging to me.

"Hey." he said standing up and looking at Nate.

"Nathan!" he sang. Nate whined. I held out both of my arms, to show that Nate was clinging to me so tightly I didn't even have to hold him. He did slide a bit, but stayed.

"Woah. What's wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know. He woke up screaming. The house has been weird lately-"

"The house has been weird?"

"YES! Like...possesed." I shuddered before continueing, "Then last night Brendon kissed me and now we can't even talk." I sighed.

"Wait! What?! He kissed you!" he gasped.

"Yes, okay?! It was just a kiss." I snapped.

"Well...what happened?"

"I swear I thought I was dreaming, otherwise I would have never done it!" I sighed.

"Done what?!" Bill asked wide eyed.

"Kissed back."

"Oh, phew." he laughed.

"Wait, what kind of kiss, was it like...heated?" he asked. I laughed.

"Depends on what 'heated' means."

"Well what kind of kiss was it? Just your lips touching, or was it french?" he asked. I thought back.

"Kind of in between?"

"How can it be in between?!" he asked frustrated.

"Wait, wait, wait. It's like..." I thought for a second, "In the movies. Where they open their mouths, but don't actually move their tongues. Y'know? Like you open and close your mouth??" I tried to describe it as less-awkward as possible.

"I know what you're talking about...dude. Mistake." Bill said instantly pulling a kart out of the little stand and pushing it into the story.

"What? How?" I asked.

"That's like...really, really..I don't even know the word. You obviously like Brendon." he shrugged.

"Maybe I do, but I can't, Bill! I can't." I whined.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I just can't. Okay." I sighed. Bill was about to say something when his phone rang. He held it out towards me.


"You might want to get milk while you're there. You left yours on the counter all night."

"Ryan?" I asked.

"Yes, it's me! What the hell is your problem?!" he asked.

"What the hell is my problem?! What the hell is your problem!?" I snapped.

"My problem, is that you kiss Brendon. Then you act like it never happened. He doesn't know what to do! He's so freaked! He's like the coolest person in the world. You don't just treat the coolest person in the world like that!"

"Like what?!"

"You don't kiss them if you're going to act like it didn't happen!" he yelled.

"Shut up, okay! You don't understand." I snapped hanging up.

I took the battery out of the phone and handed it back to Bill. I pulled out a carton of milk and put it in the kart.


"So, Ryan's pissed." I shrugged.

"Sorry, but seriously. You can't kiss someone then pretend it didn't happen."

"You don't understand! I can't like him. I can't like anyone, Bill! I really did think I was dreaming. I pushed him away when I realized I wasn't!" I groaned.

"Well, I don't understand. You obviously didn't mind it. Why don't you just give him a chance?!"

"I don't want anyone to love! I don't want to get married, or have kids." Lies.

"That's stupid." Bill mumbled. I whined.

"You wouldn't understand. me." I sighed.

"No, I'm on Brendon's side of this." he said.

"Okay, then I'll see you later." I mumbled grabbing some juice and Kraft Mac n Cheese.

"Don't be mad." he said.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll see you later." I excused heading towards the 10 items or less line.

"You are mad. I didn't get a hug." Bill said giving me a hug. I laughed hugging him back as much as possible with Nate clinging to me.

"Bye." I called. He returned a wave and left. I sighed and put my few items on the counter.

I checked out quickly and headed back towards the car. It was raining out so it was pretty dark. I put Nate in his seat and got up front. I heard something from Nate's seat and looked back to see Nate was getting out of his seat.

"No, Nate." I scolded. He didn't listen. I checked the rear view mirror and screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been hating my writing lately. I rewrote this 3 times before I finally posted it.
ALSO. I have a lot on my plate. My friend's dad, who was practically like a dad to me, just died. He did missions work across the world. He also influenced a lot of people's lives. His name was Mickey Sampson. I'm not surprised if it sounds familiar and if it doesn't. He was a great man.
I also have been very busy.
This is my...kinda...sorta...not really...excuse for not posting. :D I love the feedback. It makes me sooo happy!