No, We Don't Come Easy


February 6th, 2009

Trent sighed as he opened his eyes. Today Kennedy was leaving, and he had hoped to let Kennedy leave with at least a little more knowledge than he had had when he arrived two weeks previously. Trent dragged himself out of bed and walked to the living room, and a surprised look made its way to his face. Kennedy was already up, packing all his things quietly. Trent leaned his shoulder on the wall next to him and crossed his arms over his chest, then watched Kennedy as he swiftly gathered all his things.

He sighed again, "Something's wrong." He stated, walking over to his brother. "Is it about Wendy?"

"What the hell do you think," Kennedy stated. "I screwed up."

"You barely know her," Trent shook his head. "I don't think you should work yourself up over this girl. It's not like you had something going on." Kennedy looked up at his brother with sad eyes and shook his head. "Oh. You - you did?"

"Well, not exactly, but we both knew that we had at least some sort of feeling for the other. There's definitely something there, and I just ruined any chances of us starting anything together."

"No you didn't," Trent put his hand on Kennedy's shoulder. "Just go home, go on tour, and when you come back, talk to her."

"That makes no sense," Kennedy shook his head. "But then again - nothing makes sense anymore."

"You sound like a soap opera," Trent chuckled. "Just let her cool off is all I'm saying."

Kennedy considered the idea, then nodded his head. Maybe Wendy did need to cool off. So Kennedy put on all his layers again and followed Trent out the front door. He took a look at Wendy's house. The lights were off; everything looked peaceful. He had assumed they were all still asleep. After all, it was only around five in the morning. The sooner he got home, the better.

If only Kennedy were telling the truth.

He took one last look at Wendy's house and climbed into Trent's car on the passenger's side, then pulled the seat belt over his chest slowly. Trent reved the engine and Kennedy shut his eyes. He knew he should've said goodbye, but it would've been to hard. And she didn't really seem like she would've even wanted to talk to him at all. So Kennedy let go of everything and was thankful he would be back on tour in a few days.

The whole ride to the airport, Kennedy went through the memories they had shared.

Kennedy wanted to smack himself for telling Wendy the truth. If he hadn't, then they would've ended on good terms.

"I guess I'll see you in the fall?" Trent asked as they arrived at Kennedy's gate. Kennedy sighed and simply nodded his head, then handed Trent an all-access pass to the current tour. Trent chuckled a little, then hugged Kennedy. "Thanks, man. I'll try and come visit."

"Alright," Kennedy sighed, then threw his duffel bag over his shoulder and started walking towards the entrance.

"Kennedy!" Trent called out. He stopped and turned around slowly. "Just call her, man."

He seriously thought about it, then shook his head. "I don't think so." Then he got onto the plane and waited for it to take off.

Meanwhile, Wendy sat in her kitchen, paying the bells when AnnaBelle strolled in, a small smile on her face. In her arms was a stuffed dog that she had had since she was a newborn. Wendy smiled a little at her baby sister, then pulled her up so she was sitting on her lap. "What's going on, cutie?" She kissed her sister's forehead, then tickled her a little. AnnaBelle giggled uncontrollably, then bit her lip.

"Where's Kenny?" She asked softly, causing Wendy's smile to falter. Wendy set down her pen and sat AnnaBelle on the table in front of her.

"Kennedy's gone back home for a while," she muttered. "I'm sorry."

"Do you like him?" She giggled.

Wendy looked down at her hands and let a tear fall, "Yes. Very much, Belle."

"Then why aren't you doing anything about it?" Taylor chimed in, sitting down across from her. "Kennedy's a pretty cool guy."

"Taylor, Kennedy's half way across the country right now. I can't do anything. I don't know his number and - "

"Trent probably knows it."

"What would I even say, Taylor? I screwed up. There's nothing I can do. He's going on tour soon and he'll be doing what he loves. I don't want to stop him from that."

Taylor's smirk fell and he shook his head sadly. He had hoped Kennedy become a sort of - father figure - towards him. He stood up and stomped up the stairs then slammed the door loudly, causing Wendy to jump. AnnaBelle shook her head slowly, then climbed down from the table and went off to where Rosa was. Probably the play room.

Wendy sighed to herself, then started to pay the bills again.

When the plane touched down in Arizona, Kennedy had already started to feel better. It was always good to be home; even if it was only for two days. He climbed off the plane, then into the airport. He saw five other guys waiting for him; his best friends. Kennedy smiled wide as they all attacked him with hugs.

"Kennedy!" Pat squealed. "Guess what!"

"What?" He chuckled, resting his hand on Pat's shoulder.

"I'm nineteen!" He smiled wide, then walked away and over to Jared. John walked towards Kennedy and smiled.

"How's Trent, man?" He asked, hugging Kennedy slightly.

"His furnace is out," Kennedy laughed. "Let's get home?"

"Sure," John smiled, leading him out of the airport and to the graffiti-covered van. Kennedy had missed the van too much. So when he climbed back in he embraced it all and smiled.

Once they arrived back at his house, Kennedy smiled wide as he walked through the door and found his family; mother and sister; lounging around the living room. His sister, Allie, looked back at who had come in the door, then her eyes went wide. "Kenny!" She screamed, running towards him. She attacked him with a hug and smiled wide. Kennedy had the biggest of smiles on his face as he tightly hugged her back. He had missed his family's hugs. His mother stood up, a small smile on her face, as she embraced her son in a hug.

"It's good to have you home, Kennedy," she gave him a toothy grin, then patted his head.

Allie was around fifteen years old. Of course, Kennedy and Allie weren't really pure sister and brother. They were half-siblings. But you couldn't tell with how close they were. What Kennedy absolutely loved about Allie was the fact that she didn't treat him like he was rock star. She treated him like he was her brother that had just gone on vacation, not a national tour.

Allie grabbed Kennedy's hand and pulled him upstairs, "I have to show you something." She smiled back at him. Of course she did. Every time Kennedy came home, Allie had a surprise for him. She was a huge art geek, and painting was her passion. "I hope you don't mind." She opened his bedroom door and let him gaze at it.

Kennedy's jaw dropped as he stared at the mural she had painted on his wall. "Holy shit," he breathed, walking over to the wall and touching it lightly.

"You were gone for around three months, so I decided to do something special for you. I thought you'd like it," she smiled proudly at her creation. "You do like it, don't you?" She giggled nervously.

"Are you kidding me?" Kennedy turned around to face her. "It's amazing."

The mural was, across the wall, a music staff with random notes painted on it. On each line there were various people that had been painted, doing various things. A woman and a man holding hands. A man writing music. A woman playing a cello. Two kids jump roping. Then at the bottom, five guys playing their instruments.

"John's kind of messed up, but I figured he wouldn't mind." She smiled softly. "Denny's has their all you can eat pancakes special again."

Kennedy laughed and looked over at his sister, then shrugged, "I guess we can go tonight, if you want."

Sure enough, later that night, Allie and Kennedy sat in a booth at Denny's a plate full of pancakes in front of them.

"So how's school going?" Kennedy smiled at her. "Good grades?"

"Well - " she paused. "My art teacher recommended me for a scholarship program, and they sent me to SCAPA. I'm taking classes full time there."

SCAPA, School for the Creative and Performing Arts, was attached to Allie's high school, but the advanced, talented kids went there. Allie was very advanced, even more that she should be at fifteen, but they insisted that she try it out. So she agreed, and now she was applying for a scholarship.

"That's awesome!" Kennedy exclaimed, smiling wide at her. "Where would this scholarship go to?"

"NYU," she smiled eagerly. "You know I've always wanted to go there. Their arts program is kick ass."

"I'm proud for you," Kennedy said honestly. "Sounds like you're going to be more successful than me." He smirked at her.

"It's not about being successful," she smiled. "It's about doing what I love, Kennedy."

"And I'm doing what I love," Kennedy smiled. "It still freaks me out every time I get on stage."

It felt good to Kennedy that he was back home for a couple of days and that he could spend time with his sister. As much as he hated to admit it, she was probably one of his favorite people in the world. Her imagination was huge. She could always help him with writing something, and she was very wise.

Home sweet home, he smiled to himself. It's too far away from Wendy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'Perfect World' by Simple Plan

So, I was on Twitter yesterday and Kennedy told me he was jealous that I was going to see Death Cab for Cutie. I was like, "Why?" And he goes, "I'm nineteen, have a lot of money, am on the road all the time, and I STILL haven't gotten out to see them." I was like, "AWEEEE!"

Then I told him I wasn't going. Because my mom was like, "TOO EXPENSIVE!" I didn't mind, though. I'm going to see The Audition next Saturday, and then I'm going to Warped in July! :)

That's my story of the day. I hope you enjoyed it!

Peace, Love & RJA,
Manda-Jamma! <3

^^ That's a lopsided heart. Sorry.