No, We Don't Come Easy


February 10th, 2009

Kennedy had left for The Secret Valentine Tour and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Everything was starting to make his mind spin, now that he was away from Allie. She could always help. He had forgotten to mention Wendy to her. If he had, she probably could've motivated him to at least call her. Now everything was just confusing.

Frankly, Kennedy was beginning to grow tired of beating himself up over girls. Every time he'd meet one, he'd develop a crush if she was worthy. And if he liked her. Then they'd totally crush him and he'd be left to himself.

But Wendy. Wendy was completely different. Kennedy had never felt what he felt when he was with Wendy. Like a surge of excitement went through his body whenever she was around.

And now that he wasn't around her anymore, he was a little - dull.

But he was going to try his hardest to stay at least seemingly happy around the guys. He had heard that Sierra from Versa Emerge was a good listener. Maybe she could help when they got to their first date. He was determined to have fun on this tour. Determined.

"Are we there yet?" Garret groaned from the back seat of the van. John giggled at him through the rear view mirror while his hands were placed on the wheel.

"Actually," John sighed, pulling into a venue. "Yes. But since you were the last person to ask, you have to unload." John grinned at him, then turned the van off, causing Garret to groan in annoyance.

"Aw, shit. I forgot about that rule," He pouted, folding his arms across his chest.

Kennedy chuckled and pat Garret on his shoulder lightly as everyone climbed out of the van, leaving him there to himself. Kennedy did his daily routine every time he got to a new venue.

He was on a quest to find food. He rubbed his tummy as the band walked up to the venue's manager. The manager, called Tim, told them when they should be ready and the boundaries. The Maine told them they didn't mind if fans were by th tour buses and vans and what not.

"I'ma go get some food," Kennedy announced, smiling at the guys.

"I second that," Jared announced, raising his hand.

"I ate too much," John groaned, holding his stomach.

"I'm anorexic, so it doesn't really matter," Pat grinned, causing the guys to chuckle lightly.

Jared and Kennedy walked towards the Arby's that was located next to the venue. There were a few fans in there, smiling shyly as they walked in. Some pointed, some acted like they didn't really care, and Jared and Kennedy chuckled a little, then got in line.

Suddenly, there was a pull on Kennedy's jeans. He looked down and saw a little girl smiling wide up at him. Then there was a light chuckle from a girl. "Hi," the girl waved, a huge smile on her face still. Kennedy smiled back and looked up into the big blue eyes of an older girl. She was beautiful. "Are you Kenny?"

"Yes," Kennedy laughed. Then he bent down to her height, "What's your name?"

"Alaina," she giggled, then hid her face in the other girl's legs shyly.

Kennedy laughed and stood back up, "She's cute." He pointed at the little girl.

"Sometimes," The girl laughed, "I paid her to come over here and get your attention." She blushed. "So now she gets fifty cents." Kennedy laughed and bent down then held out two quarters in his hand. "I didn't mean you!" She laughed, covering her hands with her face. "Don't give her money!"

The little girl took the two quarters from Kennedy's hand and ran back over to her sister. "It's not a big deal," Kennedy smiled a little. "So are you coming to the show tonight?"

"Yes," The girl smiled. "Alaina wasn't supposed to be coming, but my mom dumped her on me last minute." There was a moment of silence. "I'm Naomi." They shook hands and Naomi looked at her feet, then pushed her hair behind her ear. "'s tour?"

"I wouldn't know," Kennedy laughed. "It's the first date."

"Yeah, right." She giggled.

"Sissy?" Alaina tugged on her jeans. "Can we go?"

Naomi sighed and nodded her head, "Yeah, come on. I'll see you tonight, Kenny."

Jared and Kennedy quickly ate without much conversation, then made their way back to the venue. Fans were lined up; creating a massive mound of people.

After the show, the guys were around the van aimlessly cleaning and putting stuff up. Kennedy leaned on the side, texting on his phone to his friend back in Arizona, then looked up when he saw a pair of heels in front of his Keds. He looked up and saw Naomi smiling at him.

Kennedy smiled softly at him, "What brings you here?"

"You," she shrugged.

"Where's your sister?" He raised an eyebrow while putting his phone in his back pocket.

"With my mom. She went home," Naomi shrugged, then bit her lip.

Kennedy wasn't sure what was going on; and how he should feel about it. He didn't know what she was going to do or why she was standing in front of him in the first place. But he decided to be nice.

"So, what can I do for you?" He asked awkwardly, looking at John, who was standing in front of the driver's door. John shrugged, looked her up and down, then smiled and nodded approvingly. Kennedy rolled his eyes, then looked back at Naomi. Before he knew it, she was pushed up against him, her lips crashed onto his.

He enjoyed it; he wasn't going to lie.

But the only reason why Kennedy Brock enjoyed that kiss was because he was pretending.

He was pretending he was kissing Wendy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'Don't Forget' by Demi Lovato

Just know that I absolutely DID NOT forget about this story. It's just been stuck for a while. But not anymore. I'm going to maybe post chapter twelve tonight, too. I have no homework which means I'm going to pull an all-nighter because I CAN. So there.

Tell me what you think about this. I know I'm a jerk. He's not with Wendy. But I promise you'll love this. :)

Love always,
Manda-Jamma! <3