No, We Don't Come Easy


February 16th, 2009

"Kennedy!" Annabelle screamed, running out of her hospital room. Kennedy bent down and held his arms out for her to run into. She latched on to his neck and let him pick her up. "I missed you. So did Wendy." Wendy blushed from behind Kennedy, then shrugged when he looked over his shoulder at her.

Things were still slightly awkward between the two, and they weren't on the best terms yet, but they were getting there. Kennedy and the guys were going to stay in Minnesota for a few days while they insisted on Wendy and Kennedy fixing things between themselves. They knew it would take a while, but they were going to work at it.

Kennedy and Wendy took Annabelle and Taylor back to her house, then put them both to bed. Wendy and Kennedy walked down the hall to her bedroom and climbed in her bed, just like they had before. Wendy took in a deep breath as Kennedy slung his arm around her waist, then laid his head on her pillow.

The memories flowed back into their brains, and the butterflies moved from their stomachs all around to the rest of their skin.

They had both missed it; there was no denying that fact.

Wendy let a tear fall from her cheek and whimpered a little, causing Kennedy to open his eyes and furrow his eyebrows together, "Oh God, Wendy." He wiped the tears away and pulled her closer, causing her to shake her head and push him away. "What?"

"This isn't fair, Kennedy," She pressed her lips together. "What you're doing to me isn't fair."

"What are you talking about?" Kennedy searched her eyes for something; but he couldn't read her.

"Over the course of maybe ten days, I developed - feelings for you, Kennedy. And I couldn't get the balls to tell you. But then you told me you liked me and I freaked out." She paused and sobbed, "Then you left, Kennedy. I mean, I understand why, but you should've seen me when you were gone, Kennedy. I was a wreck; I could barely eat or think. At work I dropped bottles all over the place, I ran into a waiter and got food all over me. I even knocked down the whole shelf of wine bottles and had to sit there like a complete idiot cleaning up! All because I was fucking thinking about you and crying over you and I was so stupid. I let myself fall for you, and I'm so fucking stupid!" Kennedy took in deep breaths as he tried to process what she was saying, "I fucking hate you, Kennedy." She shook her head. "It's not supposed to be like this. I'm not supposed to fall in love. Not this easily."

Kennedy stood up and started to walk away, but Wendy was just as quick and grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing?" She mumbled, wiping away her tears.

"I can't deal with this," He shook his head. "We're right back where we started, Wendy."

"Fine," She growled, "Fucking leave again, Kennedy. It's what you're good at. I fucking spill my guts out to you and you reject me?"

"You did the same thing to me two weeks ago, Wendy!"

"I thought we were trying to fix things!"

"We are! But that doesn't mean we have to pick up by starting to fuck right away!"

"Get out of my fucking house," Wendy pointed towards the door. "Leave."

"I'd be glad to," He glared and ran out of the house, then slowly made his way across the street. John and Jared were outside, pouting a little. "You heard the whole thing, didn't you?"

John looked at his feet, "Yeah."

"Sorry," Jared mumbled.

Wendy stood in her room, breathing in and out heavily, processing what had just happened. She was about to let him leave again. Again. She was going to lose him once more; she didn't know if she could handle it.

It was so surreal, and she wasn't sure; but she had fallen in love with Kennedy Brock in the course of four weeks. She didn't know how it was possible, given her past. But she accepted it; now all she had to do was go after him.

And she didn't know how hard or easy it'd be.

It was worth a try.

Well worth a try.

She got on her shoes and walked slowly out of the door and her eyes laid upon Kennedy's back and the faces of John and Jared. They lifted their heads up and smiled, then pointed behind Kennedy.

Taylor and Annabell had walked outside behind her and watched the whole scene unfold.

"I bet I 'left another shirt' at her house," Kennedy mumbled.

"What?" John asked, confused a little.

"Nothing," Kennedy sighed. "What should I do?"

"I don't know," John almost whispered. "She's crying."

Wendy smiled weakly across the street, earning a small smile from him. She lifted her shoulders and dropped them just as quick, then pushed the hair out of her face. Kennedy started walking slowly towards her, and she started walking towards him.

They were meeting in the middle. No one would make the first move; no one would take the lead. Just the two of them; together.

Then Wendy started running and Kennedy was there waiting for her, his arms out a little. Then he caught her, letting her legs wrap around his waist.

Their lips crashed together and another tear fell from Wendy's eye as she tangled her hands in his hair.

John smirked, "I knew it would work."

"What the hell did you have to do with any of this?" Jared laughed, taking a sip of his hot chocolate as they watched the two make out in the middle of the street.

"You wanna know what I had to do with this? I pressed all the floors on the elevator so they could fight it all out," John smiled proudly.

Jared only rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on. We all know this was my doing. I was the one who even turned the van around so we could even get here."

"Whatever, man," John shook his head.

"No!" Garrett complained, joining them. "I was the one to get the information at the hospital. I'm obviously the reason they're together."

"I think you're wrong there," Pat shook his head. "I was the one that convinced Kennedy to even come up here four weeks ago." The three other boys considered this.

Then Trent joined in, "You're all wrong." He took a sip of his coffee. "I introduced the two in the first place."

There was a moment of silence while the four boys pouted, then, in unison, "Touché."

"Looks like we both grew a set," Kennedy smirked at Wendy, then kissed her again.

"Kennedy," She smiled. "I was thinking - " She paused as Kennedy pulled her up a little on his waist. "I'm kind of tired of the weather here." She smiled a little. "I showed you my town; why don't you show me what's to love about Arizona?"

Kennedy smiled wide, "I think we could work something out."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'My Beautiful Rescue' by This Providence

This isn't over. There's still about one or two more chapters left. I love this one. And the rest of The Maine is adorable in this one.

Oh, and so are Kennedy and Wendy. :)

Comment and subscribe?! :)

Love always,
Manda-Jamma! <3