No, We Don't Come Easy


January 29th, 2009: Part 1

At around four in the morning, Kennedy's phone blared 'Your Love' by Cash Cash. He jumped up with a gasp and then took a second rubbing his eyes. What the fuck?, he thought to himself as he sat up on the couch. It was rather dark in the living room, so Kennedy had trouble locating where his phone actually was. With a simple hit, he knocked his phone to the ground and groaned to himself.

"Hello?" He asked tiredly, still rubbing the sleep away.

"Dude!" John yelled on the other end, and Kennedy could almost imagine the stupid grin on his face. "What's up?!"

"Sleep?" Kennedy complained. "Why are you calling me at four in the morning?"

"Oh, man, I forgot! Sorry! Well, are you up now?"


"I'm bored."

Kennedy scoffed, "What the fuck do you expect me to do about that?" He rolled his eyes and stood up, then looked outside. It was still dark out and all the house lights were off.

"Entertain me!" John giggled. Yes, giggled.

"No. You should know there's a three-hour time difference between Minnesota and Arizona, so leave me the fuck alone." Kennedy hung up and slouched back down on the couch, then rubbed his eyes. He had a horrible hangover from the night before, to add to it, and Kennedy just wanted to sleep it away.

Not three hours later, a loud banging sound woke him up from his sleep and he sighed. Kennedy shivered as the cold hit his skin once he was out from under the blanket. It wasn't usually this cold in the house. He furrowed his eyebrows together and stood up, rubbing his arms for warmth. Then the headache and memories from the night before hit his head and Kennedy groaned, then squinted from the sunlight pouring in from the kitchen window. Trent walked back into the house and shook the cold off of him, then handed a shovel to Kennedy. "Come on. The furnace is out and I called HVAC, but they won't be here for a while."

"What was that sound?" Kennedy groaned again, wishing he was back home.

"Oh, one of my trees fell over, so I had to saw some pieces off. The sheet of ice is about two inches thick right now. I have to go to work, but will you shovel the driveway? Thanks, man." Kennedy sighed and winced as his head throbbed and he couldn't even hear himself think. "Oh, did you think I wasn't going to make you do anything while you were here? Mom made you come here because of the ice storm so you could help me out if something happened. Like the furnace going out. Or the power. Kennedy, please. I've got too much stuff to do. Please just shovel? For me?" Kennedy sighed and nodded.

When he stepped out of the shower he yelped because of how cold it was, and quickly reached for a towel that was hanging on the metal bar attatched to the wall. As Kennedy shivered and shivered, the doorbell rang. Stupidly, he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom to answer the door. When he slowly opened it, his eyes went wide.

"Do you need time to get dressed?" Wendy chuckled, raising her eyebrows.

"Uh - well, I - I didn't expect - hold on." Kennedy rolled his eyes and quickly got dressed, then went back into the living room. "Sorry about that," he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. She made the hairs on his neck stand up.

Truthfully, she didn't want him to put clothes on. She liked him in the towel just fine. "It's alright," she smiled. "Come with me."

"Why?" He asked, smiling.

"Today is day one of going to see the wonders of Minnesota, my dear," she smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'Across The Universe' by ATU Cast

I know this was short, but I'm pretty sure y'all were getting pissed that I hadn't updated in a while. So here it is. :]
Comments would be nice?

I love you ALL.