No, We Don't Come Easy


January 30th, 2009: Part 1

Kennedy smiled as he stretched on the couch that morning. Wendy had invited him to another day of 'seeing the wonders of Minnesota.' He was excited and couldn't wait to see her pretty face again. Well, you could say Kennedy was beginning to gain a crush on Wendy. So he shivered as the cold of the wooden floor hit his feet. And although the furnace was now back on, it was colder than ever in the Brock household. Kennedy shivered again and turned the coffee pot on, then took a quick shower. He heard soft talking and cocked his head to the side at his reflection in the mirror. He quickly brushed his teeth and exhaled at the freshness of his breath.

He pulled on a pair of tight dark-washed jeans and his white Keds, then pulled a grey and black sweater over his head, groaning because he'd now have to fix his hair again.

"Kennedy!" Trent called from the living room.

"Oh, I can wait," He heard her voice. He'd know that voice anywhere. Wendy was here. "We're in no hurry, Trent."

"I told him to shovel the driveway yesterday. Could you be the reason why there's still a foot of snow on top of it?"

"Oops," she giggled, and Kennedy smiled to himself. "Well, I'll teach him a lesson. I didn't know he had chores to do, Trent."

"It's alright, but I've got to go to work. Have a nice day, Wendy."

"You, too!" She called, and thus, Kennedy emerged from the bathroom. "Good morning, Kennedy."

"Good morning, Wendy."

"Put some layers on and replace those Keds with some snow boots. A little birdy told me you had to shovel the driveway today."

"Is that what our adventure is today?" Kennedy asked, pouting a little. Wendy chuckled.

"Part of it," she laughed. "I'm going to give you a good shoveling lesson today. Then we'll have some fun."

Kennedy sighed and slid on some snow boots, as he had been told. He wasn't excited about this at all, but was pleased he was spending time with Wendy. He admired her, in all truth. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. She was strong, wasn't high-maintenence in the slightest bit, and she didnt' take shit from anyone. She was funny, charming, and...

God, that smile, Kennedy thought to himself. Then he smiled himself as she handed him a shovel with a smile on her face.

"You should be careful," she said with a hint of concern in her voice. "It's real slick."

Kennedy scoffed, "I've got this. Don't worry." He walked onto the driveway and gave the shovel a good 'shove,' if you will, then immediately slipped and fell on his stomach. Wendy's eyes went wide and she quickly, well - as fast as she could - rushed over to him, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Kennedy! Are you okay?" She panicked as he turned around on his back, clutching his stomach. He wince in pain, then smiled as he felt her arms holding him up a little. She was towering over him, her hair falling into his face, tickling his cheeks. "Oh my God, I feel so bad!" Kennedy smiled a little, then did what he didn't think he was going to do. He grabbed a handful of snow and smushed it in her face, causing her to closer her eyes and nod her head slowly. "Alright. So that's how it's going to be, Kennedy?"

Kennedy nodded, "Yeah. That's payback for your brothers."

She smiled and stood up, shaking the snow off her face and hair. She sighed slightly and dropped her limp shoulders, "Alright then." She brushed herself off a little and walked away from him, back across the street. Kennedy cocked his head to the side, thinking she ditched him. He pushed his lips to the side and went back inside his house, taking off his coat.

Wendy strolled into her house and smiled to herself. She had a plan. "Taylor!" She called out. Then the sound of young footsteps flowed through her ears and her ten-year-old brother appeared before her, putting his hands behind his back.

"I didn't do it," he immediately said, furrowing his innocent eyebrows together.

Wendy chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Nah, you're not in trouble. I just need you to help me out with something."

"And that would be?"

"I need you to attack Kennedy with a billion snowballs," Wendy smiled wide. Taylor scoffed.

"Oh, you're boyfriend, right? The one I totally nailed in the face a few days ago?!" He asked, smirking at his sister.

"He's not my boyfriend," Wendy rolled her eyes. "Just call up Tony and Ethan and tell them to get their butts over here."

He shrugged and started to jog away, then stopped and eyed her, "What do I get out of this?"

Wendy rolled her eyes again and sighed, reaching into her pocket. She pulled out the green paper he wanted, then handed it to him, "That. And no more, got it?"

Like any suspicious ten-year-old would, Taylor held the ten dollar bill up to the light, then nodded his head in approval. "Alright. I'll call them over. Give me fifteen minutes."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'Girls Do What They Want' by The Maine.

Alright, so I was looking on YouTube because I REALLY wanted to watch the John-Ohh Q&A again, because it's my favorite out of ALL of them. And I came across this video of Kennedy: His thoughts on premarital sex. ENJOY.


10 Days until I see all the boys again. :]
Love always,