No, We Don't Come Easy


January 31st, 2009

Kennedy's eyes slowly pushed open and he had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. Lying next to him still was Wendy, her dark red hair covering half of her face. Her chest rose up and down steadily as she inhaled and exhaled through her nose. His left arm hung loosely around her tiny waist, and her tiny arms were pushed up against his chest. Their position was perfect in Kennedy's eyes, and he didn't want it to end.

He didn't want to risk waking her by getting up, so he laid there for a few more minutes, just thinking. He thought about his band, and their upcoming tour; he thought about his family and friends and how he missed them. Then he thought about just how much he was enjoying Minnesota - and how it was all Wendy's fault.

Then he wondered what he might be getting himself into. Wendy was turning him into a lovesick melody. If that even made sense to him; which - nothing ever really did anymore. He was smitten; it was as simple as that. Though, trying to figure out Wendy and what kind of situation he was in wasn't really simple at all.

For around an hour Kennedy just sat there, rubbing his eyes and forehead, trying to relieve the stress. What this girl was doing to him was unbelievable. It had only been around three days, and already she had him wrapped around her pretty little finger.

To distract himself, he picked up his phone and searched through his texts. A few from the guys, one from Trent and one from his mom. His mom never texted him. Never. She was too technologically challenged for stuff like that. At least he thought so.

Just wanted to check on you. I'm finally getting the hang of this Blackberry, or whatever you call it. It really is easier than talking on the phone. Text me back. Love you!

Kennedy couldn't help but chuckle a little at his mom's message.

"What are you giggling about?" Wendy's voice rang through his ears, causing Kennedy to jump a little. He looked over at her and studied her features. Her hair was still remarkably perfect as ever and she was stretching while rubbing her eyes tiredly. Then she looked at him and cocked her head to the side.

It was then that Kennedy realized he was staring at her rather intently. He blushed a deep shade of red, then covered for himself, "My mom. She's worrying. And it's basically the first time she's ever texted me, so I'm blown away."

Wendy snickered, then arched her back as she stretched, causing Kennedy to force himself to look away from her perfect curves. Then she slouched down again and turned to Kennedy, smiling a little. "What's your mom like? I know that sounds weird, I just - I want to know."

Kennedy smiled just the tiniest bit at her question, then sighed. "She's - I guess she's, well - the greatest mother anyone could ever ask for. She's beautiful, too. I can understand why my dad fell in love with her. She's so full of life and supports my band all the way and everything Trent and I do with our lives. She'll never leave our sides. And I love her." Kennedy was expecting Wendy to laugh in his face, but when he looked over at her, all she was doing was smiling.

"You're very interesting, Kennedy," she said quietly, then stood up and stretched again.

Kennedy laughed, "What?"

"I don't know," she smiled at him. "You're just so - peaceful and different from other guys. Most guys I know don't even so much as speak of their mothers when I'm around. It's always about girls or football or their friends." She smiled again. "I'm going to take a shower. Then, we're going to the grocery."

Kennedy smiled at her as she took an outfit from her closet and walked into her adjoined bathroom. He texted with his mom back and forth as she took a shower, and around fifteen minutes later she emerged, her hair sticking to her face. She chucked her dirty clothes and they landed perfectly into the hamper as she dried her hair with her damp towel. She noticed Kennedy peacefully sleeping, causing her to smile and walked over to the bed slowly. She was feeling tired still herself, so she climbed back in and pulled the covers over her shoulders.

"I was just resting my eyes," he mumbled tiredly.

She cuddled up to him and giggled, "Go back to sleep. We can always go to the grocery later."

Kennedy chuckled and turned over, then shuffled around a little, just to annoy Wendy. She giggled, then hit his chest lightly. "I can't get comfortable." He complained, whining like a little kid, causing her to giggle even more. "Wendy," he dragged out, then turned every which way, causing her laughter to reach higher in volume. By the time Kennedy stopped moving, she was catching her breath and Kennedy was smiling down at her. "I'm fine now."

"You're silly," she snickered, then shut her eyes softly. "You know what's weird?"

"Hm?" He asked softly, his eyes closed as well.

"We're really close, and we've only known each other for about four days. How's that possible, Kenny?" She smiled a little, though Kennedy couldn't see.

"I don't know," he mumbled, exhaling deeply. Then he chuckled, "You called me Kenny."

She opened her eyes and smiled a little, "Don't get used to it."

"If you say so, Winnifred," he smirked, causing her to groan.

"You suck," she sighed, then turned so her back faced him. Kennedy smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her back to his chest. He nuzzled his face in her neck and blew in her ear. "Stop that!" She turned her head to look at him and pouted.

Kennedy raised his eyebrows, "Oh, Wendy. Did that, perhaps...tickle?"

She averted her eyes from his gaze, "N-no." She stammered, then turned back around. "Why would you - stop it!" She giggled uncontrollably as he gently blew in her ear again. "Kennedy Brock! Stop that this instant!" She tried to scold him, but it only came out as a laugh.

"Am I interrupting something here?" A masculine voice came from the doorway and Kennedy stopped what he was doing. He sat up, as did Wendy, and rolled his eyes once he saw Trent gracing them with his presence.

Wendy blushed a million shades of red and hid her face, "No, Trent. You were just leaving." Kennedy chuckled. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Furnace is back on," he shrugged. "I thought you'd want to come back across the street - but I guess not. I'll just be going then. Nice seeing you, Wendy."

"You, too," she smiled a little and blushed again. Once he was out of sight, Wendy turned to Kennedy and smacked his chest lightly while laughing. "So much for sleeping, Mr...Sleepyhead."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Kennedy and Wendy looked at each other with their eyebrows furrowed, then burst out laughing. They both held their stomachs and probably could've puked from the amount of laughter escaping their mouths.

"I don't even know why that was so funny," Kennedy confessed.

Wendy showed her pearly-whites, "Me either."

"To the grocery?" Kennedy stood up and held his hand out to her. Wendy nodded and took his hand, then let him take a shower quickly while she did her hair and makeup.

The ice was less thick that day and the sun was brighter than ever. Wendy and Kennedy emerged from her house with smiles on their faces. People on the sidewalk might've assumed they were a happy couple, but not to the couple themselves. They were just friends.

They both climbed into her car and she plugged in her iPod, then desperately searched for something. She smiled and pressed the middle button, letting 'Summer Girls' by LFO flow through her speakers, causing Kennedy to chuckle and aimlessly look around, trying to look confused.

"But, Wendy. It's definitely winter."

She chuckled and punched his shoulder slightly, "Oh, shut up. A girl can dream, can't she? It'll never be summer at the rate we're going. We have to make the best of it."

"Touché, Wendy. Touché."

They arrived at the grocery store and Kennedy ran for the carts, then stood on it and pushed it, gliding across the floor without his feet touched the ground. Wendy groaned and laid her head back on her shoulders, then pouted. "Kennedy!" She scolded. "Stop!" He did as told, then turned to her and smiled innocently. "Thank you."

"No problem, m'lady," he smiled as they walked through the isles. "What are we here for, anyway?"

"Various things," she sighed, picking some Parmesan cheese off the shelf.

"Like that?" He pointed to the cart.

She laughed, "Good job, Kennedy. Would you like a cookie?"

"No thanks," he smiled.

She pulled some Ramen Noodles off the shelf and Kennedy nodded in approval. "What food do you like, Kennedy?" She looked over at him.


"Because," she chuckled. "At the rate we're going, I have a feeling you're going to be at my house a lot more."

He shrugged, "Human food."

She smiled, "You're not helping."

"I'm not good when it comes to help, Winnifred."

She sighed again, "Alright, then. It's your stomach."

"I'm serious. I'll eat almost anything. But I'm allergic to chives and mushrooms." He smiled proudly, causing Wendy to laugh.

"Alrighty, then," she chuckled, then walked around the isles, picking up random things. Kennedy ran towards the drinks and picked up some CapriSun, which she gladly took. "What about we order Chinese for dinner? Watch a movie?"

"Sounds great," Kennedy grinned widely, then wrapped his arm around Wendy's waist as they walked up to the check-out line. They paid and left, though the shopping cart was hard to push on ice. It was quite a sight to watch the two during their struggle, but they made it to the car, nonetheless. "Gimme that." He reached for her iPod, then found a song, smiling as 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' by U2 blared through her speakers, causing Wendy to grin excitedly. This was one of her favorite songs, and she had never found someone who shared the same obsession.

They arrive back at her house and the nanny had informed her that Annabelle was sleeping and that Taylor was spending the night with a friend. Wendy sighed in relief, thankful that they'd have the house basically to themselves. She let Rosa go home, then got out the phone book.

"Peace and quiet," Wendy smiled as she flipped through the pages. Kennedy strolled over to her fridge to get a drink, but stopped to look at the pictures posted on it. There were a few of Taylor, a few of Annabelle, maybe two of Wendy, and a lot of all of them together. Wendy stopped what she was doing and walked over to where he was, then pointed her finger at one, "That's Mom." She smiled and rested her hands on her hips. Kennedy glanced at the photo and the woman standing in it. Wendy was right - she was gorgeous. She had almost the exact same hair color as Wendy, and mostly the same features. Her mother was slightly taller, though.

Wendy walked back over to the phone book and dialed the seven numbers listed, then waited as it rang. She quickly ordered two large steamed rice boxes and egg rolls for herself. Then she ordered chicken and dumplings for Kennedy and a box of fortune cookies. The fortune cookies were her favorite.

"What movie shall we watch?" Wendy asked as she led Kennedy into her family room. He stood next to her and looked at their whole cabinet full of DVD's. He sighed rather largely, causing Wendy to chuckle. "I know. Hense why I asked you."

Then Kennedy smiled as he stood on his tiptoes and reached up, then brought the case down.

Wendy glanced over his shoulder and cocked her head to the side. "Jersey Girl? Really?"

"It's a good movie," he smiled, handing it to her.

"I mean, I'm not complaining." She shrugged, then put it in. They sat on the couch together and Wendy curled her knees up to her chest, then rested her chin on them. Kennedy pulled her into him, causing her to sigh and chuckle. He rested his chin on her head, then shut his eyes slightly. He took in her scent and the fact that she was cuddling with him just made the situation better. Wendy was a dream to him. A fantasy - and the fact that she was spending most of her time with him still confused him, but he accepted it nonetheless.

The Chinese soon arrived and they ate their dinner peacefully while watching the movie together with no interruptions by Taylor or Annabelle. Wendy had turned the baby monitor on, and all was quiet.

Then Wendy handed Kennedy a fortune cookie with a soft smile on her face, then broke her's open. She pulled the fortune out and read over it slowly:

'Only love lets us see normal things in an extraordinary way.'

She bit her lip, then watched as Kennedy opened his. He read it over and over again, wondering what it could've meant:

'There is no limit to love's forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.'

They both pondered for a moment, then went back to watching the movie in silence.

Long after the movie was over, both were sleeping peacefully on the couch. Wendy's head was rested on Kennedy's chest, and his elbow was propped up on the back of the couch, with his free arm around Wendy. He woke up slowly, then looked around at where he was. He smiled down at the sleeping girl in front of him, then slowly stood up, turned the TV off and cleaned the mess without waking Wendy.

He carefully slid his arms around her and picked her up slowly. Her head fell to his chest again as he carried her bridal-style up the stairs. He was thankful that her door was already open, so he easily slid into her room. He was also thankful that she was in her pajamas. He set her gently on the bed and pulled the covers over her, then changed into pajamas himself and climbed in with her. She was still unconscious, but almost immediately, she cuddled up to him and pressed her arms against his chest like she did the night before.

Kennedy smiled softly and let the butterflies roam throughout him. Then he leaned down and softly pressed his lips to her forehead, then held her closer than before.

"Goodnight, Wendy," he said softly, then shut his own eyes. "Sweet dreams."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' by U2

^^ Great song.

I have a few words to say, yes. But I'll start off with four simple ones:


:] Now that I got that out. I would love comments and subscriptions. And I might like a little more than 'awesome update.' I mean - I like that, but I really want to know your opinion. DIG DEEP, people! :] It's not that hard.

Check out my John Ohh story, called 'Becoming A Monster.' A lovely girl made me a banner for it, and she will be getting a reward. :D

Love always,
Manda. <3