Darkest Corner Of My Being

This Is Why I'm Not A Morning Person

The unholy sound of my mobile phone ringing before ten o’clock on a Saturday drags me from the blissful sleep I was enjoying. I roll over in bed to answer.
“Hello?” I answer groggily.
“Rise and shine!” Dean’s evilly cheerful tone chirps.
“Go to Hell, demon” I muter before disconnecting the call.
I roll back over in bed. The clock on my bedside informs me with bright red letters that some idiot has woken me up at 7am. My phone rings again.

“What?” I growl into it as I rub my poor drowsy eyes.
“I’m waiting with coffee and raisin toast” Dean informs me “While you have ten minutes to be ready.”
“Wha-” My confused one word question is cut off by Dean counting down the seconds and minutes.
“Fine” I sigh.

I grumble many unlady-like words as I find an outfit to wear; simple jeans and T-shirt will suit just fine. The brush drags through my tangled hair as I search for my shoes. With tooth paste on the corner of my lip and a tooth brush in my mouth I face answering Dean’s third call for this morning,
“One minute” he chimes cheerily before hanging up.
I mutter more curses as I head back to the bathroom to rinse out my mouth.

My mother catches me heading down the stairs.
“You’re alive?” she questions amazed to see me out of bed.
“Friends” I utter the word with venom dripping from the word in torrents.
My mother just smiles.
“When will you be home?” she asks.
“In time for a nap” I murmur before bidding her a good day and stepping out into the bright world.
Was the day always this bright? I shield my eyes then as they adjust I catch sight of a rather shiny car with the root of all this morning’s evil deeds standing beside it.
“Morning” Dean chirps and holds open the passenger side door for me.
“You drive?” I ask.
“I’m a year older” he informs me.
I nod, satisfied with the explanation. He closes the door for me once I’m seated inside. I glare at him for his whole walk around the front of the car. He sits in and buckles his belt before turning with an outrageously happy grin to face me.

“Coffee?” I ask.
He hands me a cup with steaming contents. I take a long sip, ignoring the scalding I receive, to just get some caffeine into my system.
“I have raisin toast” Dean tells me as he holds out a packet with delicious smelling insides.
“Priorities Dean” I chime, “Coffee first then breakfast then I’ll chew you out for waking me up.”
He nods with a grin. How can someone be that happy at this time in the morning? I take another sip of my wonderful coffee before turning my attention to the toast. It’s warm and has just a tiny spread of butter which has melted into the bread. As I munch on my tasty toast, the ability to smile and be happy slowly returns.
“Better?” Dean, who had been silent during my breakfast, asks as I finish the last bite.
“Mildly” I respond even though I am feeling much better, “Why are you here? And why am I not asleep?”
“To answer both questions, I’m here to get you.”
“Why?” I ask.
“So you can come to the hospital”
“You are horrible at explaining situations,” I state with a straight face.
He grins at me and nods. Before any more conversation can pass between us Dean revs the engine and pulls away from my house.
“You had better not crash this car” I mutter as I brace myself for the mystery car trip.

Amazingly we make it to the hospital in one piece. Dean gets out of the car and I follow suit.
“Where are we going?” I ask as I follow him.
“To visit a friend” Dean replies.
Silence greets my question. Damn secretive morning person thinks he doesn’t need to answer my questions even though he ruined my sleep.
“Hey, hey!” Dean greets loudly as we enter a room.
Vivian’s form throws herself from the bed as Will seems to jolt awake. Dean laughs as Vivian scrambles to gather up a hand of cards that had been on the floor.
“Ah, you have pants still on” Dean says in a voice that reminds me of a cliché British detective, “Good to see.”
“Just, uh, dropped my cards” Vivian says scrambling to jump into the seat that had been vacant beside Will’s bed.
“Sure, and your cards didn’t happen to accidentally slip into Will’s pants?” Dean asks lightheartedly.
A deep red tinge rises up in Vivian’s cheeks as I stand awkwardly at the room’s entry way. Will glares at his friend.
“What?” Dean asks him.
“You should have let us be” Will whines, “That was comfy, now I’m cold.”
“Thought the lack of cloths would have made you colder” Dean says then shrugs.
“Dude! Nothing happened” Will defends as Vivian sinks back into her chair.
“That’s what they all say” Dean says in an all-knowing tone, “Now get those pants on, fix your sex hair so I can take you two love birds home.”
“Quit it” Vivian whines, “I didn’t say anything to the fact you have a little shadow trailing you into this room, did she have a sleep over?”
I wince and sink back. Maybe I can vanish.
“Hey, yeah!” Will says just realizing my presence, “What about your friend over there?”
Dean smirks as his attention is caught by a mighty suspicious item of clothing laying on the floor beside will’s bed.

“Well, well, well. What’s all this than?” Dean asks in a cliché British police officer’s voice as he reaches down and snatches the pale blue bra of the floor.
Vivian’s eyes immediately widen and her face turns scarlet. She dives forward and snatches the item from Dean in one hand whilst holding her other arm across her chest.
“Cats out of the bag Will” Dean grins, “Congratulations man.”
“Nothing happened!” Vivian explodes trying to hide the bra behind her, “It was just uncomfortable so I decided I remove…” She trails off realizing just how hard this situation is to explain.
Dean wiggles his eyebrows at Will whilst smirking.
“You naughty devil don’t deny the both of you-” Dean is cut off by Vivian’s shrill voice.

“Back to that shadow of yours, Dean” Will says desperately trying to change the topic.
Dean turns to me with a smile and gestures for me to enter the room. Why did he bring me here?
“Oh yes, Amelia just came to see if you were okay Will” Dean says, “No need to throw accusations around just because you got down and did the dirty last night, didn’t I tell you injuries attract chicks man?”
Vivian sighs loudly and pretends to bash her head in using Will’s shoulder on his uninjured side.
“You know,” Dean says dragging the word out slowly, “some might call that heading him.”
“There is no winning” Vivian mutters as she immediately stops then stands, “I need some coffee.”
With that she walks out of the room leaving me alone with the two boys. I really hate mornings.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. This chapter is finally up. Bet you thought I wouldn't do it yet here it is. The reason for this taking so long? My love of writing is dying, could you contribute some comments so I can maybe research a cure? it would be much appreciated.

Thanks for reading, subscribing and hopefully commenting,
Lurking_shadow and Little_ Miss_Hyper