I'll Take My Chances


"Took you long enough to get here."

" Yeah, yeah. Be happy I'm even here. My mum was so close to making me stay home." I muttered, brushing the soot from my jeans. I straightened up and looked around to see Ron, Hermione, and Harry all seated at the Weasley's dining room table.

" Why? Whatdya do now?" Harry asked with a grin.

I shook my head, collapsing into a chair next to Hermione. " Actually, I didn‘t do anything this time.” I informed him. “My lovely, little brother set dung bombs off during my mom's dinner with her new boyfriend and then blamed me. Of course my mom believed him over me." I sighed, rolling my eyes. “That kid could get away with murder.”

" Sounds like everyone around here. Every time something bad happens, me and Fred get blamed. No idea why though." George said, suddenly appearing in the doorway.

" I wonder....maybe it's because it usually is you two!" Hermione said sarcastically.

George made a face at her before jumping up on the counter. " So, you excited about the World Cup tomorrow?" Fred asked, strolling in after his twin. He pulled up a chair next to me and sat.

" Heck yes! I've been waiting my entire life for this!" I said excitedly, a broad grin plastered to my face. “It’s going to be fantastic!”

" Well, you're never going to be up to see it in time unless you all head to bed. Thanks for coming by the way, Lexi dear. Sorry you couldn't make it to dinner." Mrs. Weasley said kindly, bustling into the crowded kitchen.

" Yeah. It was excellent." George grinned, hopping off the counter.

I stuck my tongue out at him before turning around and smiling at his mother. " It's alright, Mrs. Weasley. I had a bit of trouble at home. Thanks for having me though." I said politely.

" No problem, Dear. We're glad to have you. Boys, help Lexi with her trunk up the stairs. And then it's straight to bed with you lot. You have to be up at the crack of dawn to make it in time." She ordered.

Ron and Harry mumbled under their breath, but grabbed either end of my trunk and began heaving it up the stairs. Hermione and I were staying with Ginny in her own bedroom, while the rest of the boys were upstairs since Charlie and Bill had taken over the twin's room.

" Hey, Ginny." I greeted, waving to Ginny who was sitting on her bed. Harry and Ron staggered into the room and dropped my trunk with a loud thud.

" Careful with that. There's good stuff in there." I cried dramatically, patting my old trunk.

Both Harry and Ron rolled their eyes. " Hey, we carried it up here. You should be thanking us." Ron said.

" Thank you, boys. Now, if you'll excuse us we'll be getting to bed now." I smiled at the pair, before pushing them from the room and slamming the door shut. I collapsed backwards on the cot that was rolled out for me.

" It's so good to get away from home. I can't take my family much longer. They're driving me mad." I groaned, running a hand through my light brown hair.

Hermione smiled, shaking her head slightly before opening her trunk and rummaging around for her pajamas.

" You think you have it bad, Lex? I'm the only girl in my family. I have eight brothers. Eight!" Ginny cried, throwing her hands in the air.

I laughed, pulling on my grey sweatpants. " Yeeeaaah, you do have a point, but still. Wes is, like, a monster. He's evil, I swear! He's not your average annoying brother. He's a gazillion times worse!" I complained, crawling under my blankets.

" I'm sure he is. I'm going to bed. Night." Ginny mumbled sleepily. She blew out the candle on her bedside table and the room was cast into total darkness.

I turned on my side, pulling the blankets to my chin. My stomach was tingling with excitement about the World Cup. I didn't think sleep would ever catch up to me, but finally my eyes shut heavily and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.


The next thing I knew, someone shaking me violently awake. " Hey, Lex! Get up!" I heard Hermione's voice.

I groaned loudly and slapped her hand away. " Go away, Herms." I mumbled into my pillow. I heard her heave an annoyed sigh before suddenly my cot was tipped sideways and I rolled off onto the cold, hard floor. " Ow! What's your problem!" I cried defiantly, struggling sleepily to my feet.

" You wouldn't wake up. Mrs. Weasley says it's almost time to leave. Get dressed. " Hermione ordered walking out of the room.

I set my cot back right side up and sat down on the edge of it.

" And don't you dare go back to sleep!" Hermione said sternly, poking her head through the doorway.

I shook my head and slowly began pulling on a pair of faded jeans with tears in the knees and a black Weird Sister‘s tee-shirt before finally pulling a plain grey sweatshirt over my head. I slipped on my black, tattered converse sneakers, grabbed my bag with extra clothing and hurried out the door. I quickly ran a comb through my shoulder length hair on my way down the stairs, nearly tripping over George who was sitting in the middle of the steps, leaning sleepily against the wall.

" About time. Here." Ginny said impatiently, shoving a piece of toast into my hand. I stuffed it into my mouth hungrily.

" You lot ready then? Where's Harry and Ron? Oh there you are. Okay. That's everyone. Let's go." Mr. Weasley said excitedly, much more awake then anyone else. He gave his wife a quick peck on the lips and was out the door.

Mrs. Weasley then gave each of her children, along with myself, Harry, and Hermione, tight hugs before we followed Mr. Weasley. With the exception of Fred and George. Their mother had caught them trying to smuggle Ton Tongue Toffe from the house, and in a fit of anger, they both had pushed past her with so much as a good bye.

I hurried after Mr. Weasley, the early morning still dim, the sun only just beginning to rise. It took nearly an hour to make it to Stoatshead Hill and by the time we made it to the top, the sun had finally risen enough to bask the valley in a warm glow. I had pulled my sweatshirt off and tied it around my waist, my tee-shirt sticking slightly to my skin. Next to me, Harry was wiping damp sweat from his forehead.

“It’s so hot.” He panted, pausing to catch his breath as we finally reached the top of the hill. Everyone else nodded in agreement, but we barely had a minute to rest before Mr. Weasley had us moving once again.

" Alright, Gang. Let's find the Portkey. It's due to leave in about 10 minutes." Mr. Weasley said, checking his watch.

" A what?" Harry asked, looking confused.

I laughed at him, as Hermione( heaving a sigh of exasperation) hurriedly explained just what exactly a Portkey was.

I had barely been at the search for five minutes when an unfamiliar voice broke through the silence. " Arthur, old boy! We've got it here! We've got the Portkey!"

I followed the voice to see a man with a scrubby brown beard, an old boot in his hand. Standing next to him was a tall, handsome boy with sandy brown hair and hard, grey eyes. That one I recognized.

" Amos! How are you?" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, shaking hands with the man. " This is Amos Diggory, everyone. And I'm sure you know Cedric, his son. And these are my children, Ron, George-no sorry, that's George, this is Fred, and Ginny. And Ron's friends, Hermione Granger, Lexi Arison, and Harry Potter."

Mr. Diggory's eyes widened at Harry's name. I fought back a grin. Harry couldn’t go anywhere without getting that reaction from everyone.

" Hey, everyone." Cedric greeted with a pleasant smile. He sent a smile in my direction. “Hi, Lexi.”

I forced a smile and simply nodded. I hadn't been too fond of Cedric since the day I had met him. Everyone loved him. He was so sweet, and nice, athletic and smart, and very handsome. It was enough to make me sick. No one was that perfect. Not to mention he had beaten the Gryffindor team at Quidditch last year. Another reason to dislike him.

" Well, we have about one minute now. Everyone gather around and touch the Portkey. Just a finger will do." Mr. Diggory adivsed.

I stifled a giggle at Harry’s confused expression and nudged him with my elbow. “Just do it. You’ll understand in a second.“ I assured him.

He nodded uncertainly, but reached out and touched the Portkey along with everyone else. We all formed a tight circle around the boot and I braced myself for what was about to happen.

Suddenly, I was whipped from the ground, feeling like my entire body was being squeezed through a tiny straw. And just as quickly as it began, I had impact with the hard ground. Groaning loudly, I rolled onto my back. Everyone was on the ground, with the exception of Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric. Of course. Cedric extended a hand, giving me a charming smile. I glowered at him before finally excepting and allowing him to pull me to my feet.

" You alright?" He asked, still holding my hand.

I took a step back, seeing as we were standing too close for my taste, and wrenched my hand from his grasp."

Yeah. I'm fabulous." I answered sarcastically. " I was just thrown from the sky and it feels like I broke my arse, but yeah, other than that I'm absolutely fabulous."

Cedric laughed, his eyes twinkling.

" Lexi! Come'on!" Harry yelled, waving me over to where the group was waiting.

" I guess I'll see you later then." Cedric said, almost hopefully.

I gave him a curious look before mentally shaking myself. I was determined not to lose myself in his charm.

" Don't count on it." I answered, turning my back and marching off. Before me stretched a sea of tents, from horizon to horizon. The feeling of excitement gathered it's place once again. Tonight was the World Cup. And I was determined not to let anything, not even Cedric Diggory, ruin it for me.