I'll Take My Chances


I threw my muggle cleaning products aside and slowly inched towards the door.

" Where are you going, Arison?"

I turned around to see Pansy glaring at me. " It's none of your bloody business, moron. Get back to work." I ordered, rolling my eyes. Pansy gave me an evil stare before, surprisingly, listening to my order and going right back to cleaning.

I put on a small smile of satisfaction before calmly walking out the door. I was surprised at how easy it was. Really, it was stupid of Cedric to leave the classroom. Had he known me better, he wouldn’t have even risked it. I looked around the corridor apprehensively, expecting to see Cedric or some teacher come running towards me, screaming to get back in detention, but none came. I relaxed a bit and began walking, headed anywhere but back to that stupid cleaning. I began humming softly, quite pleased at my fantastic escape. I rounded the nearest corner, only to find myself face to face with Cedric. I gasped in surprise and stood completely still, unsure of if it was a good idea to run.

Cedric smirked at me and leaned casually against the wall. " Where ya goin?" He asked, a small smile playing about his lips as his eyes danced with amusement.

I opened my mouth and then quickly shut it again, unsure of what to say. I took a deep breathe and tried to regain some of my sarcasm and put it use. " Oh, you know....Just going for a walk." I answered, giving him my best, charming smile.

Cedric's grin broadened and he shook his head. " Uh huh. Well then, allow me to walk you back to detention." He answered.

I groaned loudly. " Are you serious, Diggory? Can't you let me off the hook? Just once?" I pleaded.

Cedric smirked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. " If I do....what's in it for me?" He asked playfully.

I groaned loudly and fell back against the wall. " Not one of these....can't you just let me go?" I whined, my honey brown eyes pleading with his stormy grey ones.

Cedric shook his head. " Sorry, no. I could get into serious trouble for letting you walk out of detention, so I'm not doing it unless I get something in return."

I sighed heavily. " I don't have to do something ridiculous, do I? Like embarrass myself in front of the entire school or eat something that’s not meant to be eaten?” I asked dreading the answer.

Cedric laughed loudly. " We‘re not First Years anymore, Lex.” He smiled, shaking his head. “Well, unless you want to make a fool of yourself in front of the whole school. In that case I’m sure I could come up with something.” He added, shrugging his shoulders.

" No thank you.” I said firmly. I leaned against the wall with my left shoulder so I was facing Cedric, who I hadn’t realized was a few good inches taller than I was. " What I have to do to get out of this detention?" I asked, more serious this time.

Cedric pondered my question. I impatiently awaited his answer, squirming all the while...hoping this favor wasn't something too far fetched.

Cedric finally broke the silence with his response. " You can go, and I'll cover for you, but only if you come with me to Hogsmeade next Saturday." He answered finally, giving a slight nod of his head.

" That‘s it?" I asked, my eye brows raised in disbelief. “That’s all I have to do? Just spend the day with you in Hogsmeade?”

Cedric nodded, smiling a little. " That’s all.” He assured me.

I pursed my lips, debating my options. I glanced back in the direction of the detention room, then back to Cedric. I supposed it wouldn't be so bad to spend one afternoon in Cedric Diggory's company. Going to Hogsmeade with him was like Christmas coming early compared to going back to detention. I made my decision and let out a defeated sigh. " Done."

Cedric broke out into a grin. " Good. I'll meet you at the front gates around like, three o'clock next Saturday, alright?"

I nodded. " Sure. Am I free to leave now?"

Cedric nodded. " Yup. Don't worry about Sinistra...I'll cover for you."

" Thanks a lot, Cedric.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “I'll see ya later." I added, turning on my heel. I began my way down the hallway, going through in my mind what had just happened. I now had plans of going to Hogsmeade with Cedric Diggory. As much as I hated to admit it, it didn‘t sound too bad. I could think of worse things to be doing on a Saturday. Plus, he did agree to get me out of detention. As well as save my life over the summer. How he always managed to rescue me, I had no idea. I suppose it came with the territory of being the golden boy of Hogwarts. I suddenly stopped in my tracks, remembering something. Cedric was still holding on to my wand.

I whirled around and sprinted down the corridor. Cedric was still leaning against the wall, holding my wand in his hand, twirling it between his fingers. " Forget something?" He asked with a playful grin.

I rolled my eyes and moved to snatch my wand from his hand. He held on tightly to the other end. " Saturday at three, alright?" He reminded me softly, holding my gaze.

At that moment, for whatever unknown reason, I could have sworn I felt my heart speed up, my pulse quicken. It was the oddest feeling. Must be more symptoms of that unknown virus I was coming down with. Strange thing was that it only happened when Cedric was around, and that it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling in any way.

I tore my eyes away from his, swallowing back whatever those strange feelings were. " I know, I know....I'll be there." I said, sighing exasperatedly.

" Okay, it's a date-" Cedric began to say, a small smirk playing about his lips.

I cut him off. " Ah! Don't even say it Diggory!" I cried, pressing a finger to his lips. He quieted and smiled softly at me, that mischievous glint still in his eyes. I removed my finger and backed away. I gave him one last glance before turning around and rounding the next corner.

He loved teasing me, I could tell. And it always worked just the way he wanted it to. He never failed to get some type of reaction from me. I would always get so worked up about it and retaliate. It was like a game. Funny thing was, for some unknown reason, I couldn‘t pull myself away and stop playing.