I'll Take My Chances


" Wow...."

That was all I managed to say as I finally was able to get a closer look at the huge, shining Triwizard cup.

The feast had ended not even fifteen minutes ago, but Harry, Ron, Hermione, Emily and I had stayed longer to admire the glistening trophy. I could just see myself, hoisting this cup triumphantly in the air, my friends cheering me on and my mother's eyes watering with pride. Of course, I wouldn't get that opportunity. I had only just turned fifteen, a fourth year. It was all very unfair in my opinion.

"Excusez Moi." An extremely blonde Beauxbaton girl said airly, pushing past me. Her shoulder rammed into mine, sending me stumbling a little.

" Hey, watch it, Barbie!" I called after her retreating back, eyeing her angrily. Who did she think she was? Just because she was a Beauxbaton didn't mean she had any right to act like she owned this school. Hogwarts was my territory.

The girl whirled around, her silky blonde hair flying out behind her. Her bright blue eyes flashed dangerously. " Run along and play, little girl." She said icily, her French accent coming off very strong. She gave me a cold smirk before turning around and striding off with her friends.

I stared daggers after her, crossing my arms firmly across my chest. I turned to Ron ." Did you see that?"

But Ron didn't reply. He was still staring after the French girl that had just been completely rude to me. I waved a hand in front of his face.

"Uh Ron? Hello Ronald, this is reality calling. Feel free to come back and join us." I said sarcastically. Ron snapped out whatever trance he had been in and looked at me.

" That girl is not normal." He said, his eyes looking clouded over. I recognized that look. He had the same expression after the Veela had danced at the Quidditch Cup. Then it clicked. Whoever that girl had been, she was a veela. Or at least part Veela, anyways.

" That's because she's Veela!" I said angrily. " Well, that doesn't give her the right to strut around this school, flipping her stupid blonde hair."

" Watch the temper, Lexi." Harry grinned, joining us.

" Where have you been?" I asked, glancing over at him, anger still hinting in my voice.

" Talkin to Seamus and Dean. What's got you all ticked?" He asked, running a hand through his untidy black hair.

" Nothing. Veela. Dumb girl." I answered briefly, waving my hand. " Let's get out of here."

Harry nodded in agreement. He motioned to Ron, who then in turn got Emily and Hermione's attention and together we left the Great Hall. As we walked out though, I couldn't help but notice Cedric Diggory standing just near the doors, talking to one of his Hufflepuff friends. I furrowed my eyebrows, studying him. What was it about him that I disliked so much? Was it the way his hair always looked like he had just rolled out of bed? Or was it those stony, grey colored eyes? Maybe it was how his smile lit up his entire face? Or how he always looked so relaxed and at ease, as if nothing ever bothered him? Maybe it was that he was absolutely gorgeous, not to mention extremely kind.

I could have kicked yourself for letting a thought like that cross my mind. His stupid Diggory charm was trying to work it's wonders on me, but I wouldn't let it. My expression turned into one of a scowl. Suddenly, he glanced over at me, his eyes catching mine. Slowly, a small smile played about his lips. I felt a smile tugging at the corners of my lips and quickly turned back to my friends. Perhaps the best way to resist the urge to think about Cedric Diggory was to never look at him again.

Although it was a good idea, I highly doubted it would work, considering I shared two classes with him. And then there was also the problem that I would be spending my entire Saturday afternoon tomorrow in his company.


I let out a heavy sigh, trudging my way down to the castle's gates. I knew I was at least a couple of minutes late. But what was the hurry? I was meeting Cedric Diggory after all....My shoulder length brown hair was down, spilling around my shoulders and my honey brown eyes showed my annoyance and weariness of what today had in store. I turned a corner and saw Cedric waiting for me, leaning against the gate, his hands in the pockets of his dark blue jeans and his light brown hair messy as usual. For a brief moment I regained the same butterflies in the stomach, rapid pulse that I had felt the other night when I had seen him. I swallowed those feelings and made a mental note to see Madam Promfrey in the hospital wing. This virus was getting out of control.

Cedric caught sight of me and a smile lit up his face, traveling all the way up to his bright, grey eyes. I didn't return the gesture.

" Hey, Lex." He greeted, giving me a grin.

I scowled. " Hey yourself, Diggory." I responded coolly.

Cedric didn't at all seemed phased by my usual sarcastic attitude. He must have been used to it by now. I passed him, walking through the gates and towards Hogsmeade village. Cedric hurried after me and soon fell into pace beside me.

It was silent the rest of the way to the village. I could see Cedric glancing every so often at me from the corner of my eye, but disregarded it. I, instead, averted my eyes to my surroundings, the green grounds, and the grey sky overhead. Dark cloud swirled ominously, spreading out the hope for a chance of rain. I half-hoped it would rain. I liked rain.

My thoughts scattered at the sound of Cedric clearing his throat. He had stopped walking. I slowed down to a stop as well, placing my hands on my hips. It was clear we were in the village now, students and villagers wondered every street.

" Where would you like to go first? You pick." He said, giving me a smile.

I nodded slightly and gazed around at all the shops, before my eyes stopped at the candy shop. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Candy. Chocolate. I couldn't resist.

" Honeyduke's." I said, more than suggested, turning to look at Cedric. He smiled and nodded, following me into the shop.

If anything could distract me from Diggory...then it was chocolate.