I'll Take My Chances


" Is it time yet?" I whined for what seemed the hundreth time, bouncing impatiently on the balls of my feet.

" No, Lexi. It's still not time yet. And it's not going to be in five minutes so don't bother asking again." Hermione snapped, looking flustered.

I groaned loudly and collapsed onto the ground next to her. " This is taking foooreeevver." I moaned, pulling at the blades of grass that surrounded me.

" You'll just have to be patient. We have about a half an hour before we can start towards the field." Mr. Weasley answered, looking at me with a slightly amused expression.

" Lexi be patient? Yeah, right." Harry teased, giving me a grin.

I leaned across Hermione and playfully punched him in the arm. “Watch it, Potter.” I warned him.

" Ouch! That actually hurt!" Harry grimaced rubbing his shoulder.

I shrugged, falling backwards onto the soft grass. " Cry me a river." I sighed, folding my hands across my chest. I began humming quietly, trying to find a way to amuse myself until time came for the match.

Meanwhile, Mr. Weasley was busy naming every ministry worker that passed our site, but I was only half listening, my thoughts already at the match. I became a bit more interested when Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch showed up, but not much. They could not have been less alike. Ludo reminded me of an overgrown child, his blue eyes wide with excitement and his short, boyish blonde hair. Mr. Crouch, on the other hand, was the very definition of discipline and strictness. He could have easily passed as a muggle business man. I lost interest once again after a few, short minutes and returned to my previous activity of twiddling my thumbs and staring at the sky.

Soon, the sun began to set and the atmosphere was one of impatient excitement. By now, I wasn't the only one asking if it was time yet. Witches and wizards everywhere were emerging from their tents, buying merchandise of their favorite teams and talking in loud, happy voices to one another. I had bought myself a green, Irish hat with a four leaf clover and Harry had been kind enough to buy Hermione, Ron, and myself a pair of ominoculars. They were similar to muggle binoculars, but ten times better.

Suddenly, a loud gong sounded from somewhere near the woods. " It's time. We can go now. Come'on you lot." Mr. Weasley said finally, his face shining with anticipation.

I grinned happily and followed the throng of other witches and wizards into the nearby woods, where a path was lit by green and red lanterns. The mood was high and I joked freely with Fred and George, feeling in the best mood I had been in for a long time. The stadium soon came into view and I felt my jaw drop in amazement. It was big enough to fit about five football stadiums inside and I could almost see the magic shimmering in the air. I followed the crowd inside, eager to get to our seats.

" Why are we so high up, dad?" Ginny panted as we all climbed what seemed the tenth flight of stairs.

" We're in the top box. I told you Ludo got us all prime seats. We'll have a fantastic view." Mr. Weasley called back.

" The top box? No way!" I grinned in disbelief. This night was just getting better and better.

We all filed into the box, taking seats in the front row. I settled myself down between Ron and Harry, that silly grin still glued to my face. I had been waiting the entire summer for this. And now it was actually happening. I was at the World Cup. Nothing could go wrong. Everything was just absolutely perfect. For now.


" Did you see that catch?" Ron shouted excitedly. " Krum was fantastic!"

The match had ended, Ireland taking the cup, and we were all back in the tent replaying highlights of the match.

" Yeah! He's an excellent player! Probably the best seeker in the world!" I added with a grin.

A loud explosion sounded not far off, amid cheers and laughter.

" Irish are going to be celebrating all night." Charlie smiled, poking his head out the tent. " They're all over there setting off fireworks. It's a wonder that muggle at the gate isn't getting suspicious." He said in amazement, coming back inside.

" I would hate to be on duty tonight." Mr. Weasley commented from the small kitchen table.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I yelped suddenly, standing from the table. Ginny had fallen asleep, head resting in her arms, and her hot chocolate was dripping from the table top. I groaned loudly as I stared down at my soaking wet pants. " Stupid hot chocolate." I murmured, as Percy whipped out his wand and with a simple flick, had dried my jeans.

" Alright! I think we're all tired. Off to bed. I'll carry Ginny over to the girl's tent." Mr. Weasley said with a smile, lifting Ginny's small figure into his arms.

" Oh, fine." I sighed. " Night, boys. See ya'll in the morning." I yawned, waving at Harry and Ron before following Hermione from the tent.

" That Viktor Krum was very brave wasn't he?" Hermione commented as she changed her clothes and climbed into her bed.

I nodded in agreement. " I would die to be as good as any of those players tonight." I sighed wistfully, sliding into the bunk underneath Hermione's.

" Practice makes perfect." Hermione mumbled sleepily.

I yawned again. " I guess so. Night, Herms."

" Hmmm." She answered.

I rolled onto my stomach and snuggled into my pillow, sleep beginning to claim my tired body as fantastic thoughts of Quidditch filled my head, soon slipping into dreams.


I awoke abruptly to the sound of screaming and explosions. The sound was different then before. These weren't yells of celebration, but of terror. I rolled out of my bed and pulled my grey hoodie on over my plain white tank top. I was just about to leave the tent and witness for myself what was going on, when Mr. Weasley came storming inside, a look of panic etched onto his face.

" Lexi. Wake the others and get to the woods." He ordered upon seeing me already up. Without another word, he turned on his heel and exited through the flap of the tent.

I didn't waste a moment and soon Ginny, Hermione and I were all emerging from the small tent, confused and puzzled as to what was happening. All questions were answered once outside though. Straight ahead, a band of cloaked and masked wizards were making their way towards the camp, laughing and singing. Above them, floating fifty feet in the air, were what seemed to be a muggle family, including two small children. Mr. Weasley, Percy, Bill, and Charlie were rolling up their sleeves, wands out.

" We're going to help the ministry. You lot get to the woods and stick together." He said firmly.

We all nodded and hurried to join the fleeing crowd. I kept glancing behind me worriedly. Whoever those wizards were, they were obviously after muggles. Hermione was muggle born. They would be able to tell the difference. One look from Ron and I knew he was thinking the same. He pulled out his wand and I moved to do the same, but there was one problem. I had left my wand in the tent. I froze on the spot. This was not a good situation to be in without a wand.

" Lex, what's the matter? We have to move!" Hermione stammered.

" My wand." I muttered before turning and sprinting back towards the tent. I could hear my friends frantic shouts for me to come back, but I ignored them and ran faster. I knew this was a stupid decision, but I felt it was more stupid to not have a wand for protection.

The throng of wizards were now closer than ever, not more than a few steps from the tent. I ducked under the flap and began searching frantically. I looked under the bed, in my bag, and on the bedside table, before finally seeing it sticking out from just underneath my pillow. Relief flooding through my body, I scrambled back out of the tent....only to hit something solid. Or someone.