I'll Take My Chances


Kissing Cedric was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was impossible to try and explain, to break down and try to explain how soft his lips felt against mine, how I was able to taste just a hint of peppermint, or how I almost forgot to breathe. Time passed in a haze and when he finally pulled away, I couldn’t be sure if a few hours had passed, or just a few minutes. His gaze continued to burn into mine, and I fought the urge to lean forward and press my lips to his yet again.

“Well,” I began, breaking the silence. “I guess we should add that to the long list of things you’re good at.” I said, giving him a tiny smile.

Cedric laughed loudly. “You’re ridiculous, Lexi, but I could say the same to you.” He smiled.

I made a face, ignoring his words and instead watching as his fingers trailed gently across the skin of my palm. “You know, just an hour ago I was prepared to kill you for showing up late.” I confessed.

Cedric’s smile turned to a broad grin. “I know. But instead, you kissed me.” He said, sounding elated. My pulse quickened slightly. “Funny how the universe works.”

“You kissed me.” I reminded him pointedly.

“But you kissed back.” He answered with a broad grin.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Okay, fine.” I admitted, a tiny grin dancing across my lips. It was quiet for a moment and I watched as Cedric continued to trace invisible patterns along the length of my hand. “So…where does this leave us?” I asked tentatively.

“Well I was hoping this meant you liked me, too.” Cedric answered with a smile. “And then I was hoping that meant you would be my girl…” He trailed off, looking at me with a hopeful expression.

His gaze was intoxicating. “Really?” I asked. My heart was beating wildly in my chest and I was wondering how he didn’t hear it. “I mean…yes.” I blushed slightly.

Cedric smiled broadly, nearly glowing in happiness. He leaned in and kissed me, just as sweetly and just a softly as before. And I liked it even more. He pulled away, a tiny smile still on his lips as he tucked a strand of my dark hair behind my ear. “We should probably get going. It’s late.” He said.

I made a face, but nodded. “True…and I do have class early.” I suddenly remembered. It was like I had completely forgotten reality during the short time I had spent with Cedric and now I had to go back. At least for a little while.

Cedric stood to his feet and held out a hand. He easily pulled me up, but didn’t remove his hand from mine. Instead, he intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled at him shyly. Cedric openly showing affection towards me was something it would take a while to get used to.

The silence between us was a comfortable one as we descended the stairs and headed in the direction of Gryffindor tower. Every now and then, Cedric would glance at me, his crooked grin etched onto his features and his grey eyes glowing. It was contagious and I found myself grinning right back.

“So what do you think your friends will say?” Cedric asked me curiously.

I scrunched my nose. “Well, Hermione and Emily will most likely say ‘I told you so’ and demand to know, in detail, everything you said to me in the tower. Ron will probably go into shock, and Harry will tease me.” I answered, with a nod of my head. I had my friends pretty figured out by now. I knew what reactions to expect. “Yours?”

Cedric’s grin grew even larger, if that was possible. “A lot of high fives. They all know how long I’ve been after you. Some of them knew it would only be a matter of time. There were a few who were convinced you were a lost cause.” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. “I could have been.”

“But you weren’t. I knew you’d warm up to me.” He said smugly and I elbowed him playfully in the side.

“Well, I did.” He said hastily, defending himself.

I shook my head once before a yawn escaped my lips. “What time do you suppose it is anyways?”

“Much too late for students to be roaming the halls, I should think.” A sharp, familiar voice pierced through the corridor.

I froze, pulling Cedric to a halt as I noticed McGonagall hurrying towards us. I tried to drop Cedric’s hand, convinced it would look bad, but he held on tightly, giving me a tiny smirk before looking back at McGonagall.

“Just doing my rounds, Professor.” He answered politely, nodding at the Prefect badge pinned to his shirt. I gazed at the ground, avoiding eye contact with either of them. I didn’t need to get into trouble.

“I see….And I suppose you thought Miss Arison here would make pleasant company while you do this?” She asked, though there was a slight amused tone to her voice.

“Yes, actually.” He answered quickly, not missing a single beat.

It was quiet and I glanced up to see McGonagall eyeing our laced fingers before giving the both of us an appraising look. “Alright.” She said finally. “I’ll go along with that…this time. But for future reference, Mr. Diggory, I think it best Lexi were to stay in bed while you’re on duty.”

Both of us nodded. “Yes, Professor.” Cedric said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Well, get a move on then. I suggest you get back to Gryffindor tower, Arison.” She suggested, moving around us. “And by the way, it’s about time you two.” A tiny smile flitted across her lips before she turned and disappeared around the next corner.

I stared after her, wide eyed. “Did she really just say that?” I asked, looking back at Cedric who had both eyebrows perked. “I mean, is that allowed?”

He laughed. “I guess it was obvious to everyone else.”

“Obviously.” I scowled.

He smiled softly at me before tugging on my hand. “Come on, bed time for the Gryffindor.” He teased.

“You better watch or it’ll be beating time for the Hufflepuff.” I growled. Cedric let out another chuckle and kissed the top of my head before starting off down the corridor once again. My expression melted into one of contentment.

Me and Cedric Diggory.