I'll Take My Chances


Cedric grasped my hand tightly before we entered the Great Hall for dinner. “This is it.” He said, looking solemn.

I nodded. “The moment of truth.”

Cedric gazed down at me, a smile flitting across his lips. “Exactly.” He brought my hand to his face and gently brushed his lips against the back of my hand. “If I win the Tri-Wizard Tournament, I promise I’ll let you hold my trophy five seconds everyday.”

I let out a laugh and smacked him lightly on the head. “Oh wow, what an honor. Thanks.” I answered sarcastically. I shook my head. “You are such a loser.” I teased.

Cedric fought back a grin before putting on a mock sad face. “Aw, now that’s not very nice. I just offered you the reward of a lifetime…Holding my trophy. And this is how you repay me?” He joked.

I rolled my eyes. “Alright, fine. I’m sorry.” I stood on my tiptoes and gently kissed his nose. Cedric beamed. “In all seriousness, though, are you nervous right now?” I asked him, pulling his hand so we were out of the way of the other students entering the Great Hall. “I mean, tonight you find you whether you’re going to be a Tri-Wizard champion or not….”

Cedric looked thoughtful for a moment, lacing his fingers with mine. “Not nervous. Impatient, maybe.” He answered. “Either way, it’ll be alright. If I don’t become a champion, I’ll still have you.” He answered, giving me a soft smile.

My heart jumped and I couldn’t hide the smile on my lips. “But, Cedric…” I teased. “I only date champions. Sorry.”

Cedric gasped dramatically. “Now you’re in trouble!” He grinned mischievously before tossing me over his shoulder. “Into the Black Lake.”

I laughed and pounded against his back. “Put me down! I was just kidding!” I shouted. “Tri-Wizard champion or not, you’re still cute!”


I heard a familiar voice and glanced up to see Harry looking at me with an amused expression. “Oh, hello Harry.” I grinned. Hermione and Ron caught up with him and burst into laughter when they saw the predicament I was in. Cedric turned so he was facing my three friends.

“Hey, I was just about to go toss Lexi in the lake. Do you guys want to come and help?” He asked eagerly.

“Sure, that might be fun.” I heard Ron’s familiar voice.

“Ronald Weasley, you’re supposed to be my friend!” I hollered.

“Alright, alright. Put her down, Cedric, or she’ll probably hex us all in our sleep.” Hermione said.

Cedric let out a sigh before finally setting me upright onto my feet. “Sorry, love.” He apologized, kissing the top of my head.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. “Whatever, you’re grounded.”

“We’ll meet you in the Hall, Lex.” Harry said, waving before disappearing behind the wooden doors, Hermione and Ron at his side.

I looked back at Cedric once we were alone. “Well, guess it’s time now. Good luck.” I said.

Cedric smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

“Thanks, love.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against my own. I smiled into the kiss, my arms encircling his neck and moving closer against him. I could have kissed him all night. The kiss ended moments later and we both pulled away and smiled.

“Well, I’ll meet you out here afterwards. Alright?” I asked, squeezing his hand gently.

Cedric nodded and I noticed a familiar look of determination in his eyes. I knew he wanted to be in this tournament more than anything. I kissed his cheek and pushed open the door, Cedric trailing after me.


I hadn’t eaten much during the feast. It wasn’t even my name in the Goblet and I was nervous. I hoped more than anything Cedric would be named one of the three champions. As the golden plates vanished from in front of us and Dumbledore stood, I caught Cedric’s eyes from across the room and smiled. He winked and my heart skipped a beat.

“And now, ladies and gentleman, I believe it is time for the goblet to make it’s decision. When the champions names are called, I ask them to please enter through the door to the right of the staff table where they will receive further instructions.”

The Goblet of fire erupted into bright blue flames, casting the hall into a dim, eerie glow. My stomach was doing nervous flip flops as we all waited anxiously. The flames in the goblet suddenly turned red and spit out a tiny piece of paper. Dumbledore caught it.

“The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum!”

The hall exploded into thunderous applause as the Quidditch player stood. He walked towards the front of the hall and disappeared behind the door Dumbledore had pointed out. The goblet suddenly glowed red again and spit out another piece of parchment.

“The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!”

I looked around the hall and was shocked to see the familiar blonde girl rise from her seat. I glared at her back as she gracefully moved towards the door. It was the same girl that had been completely rude to me the other night. I shook my head.

I glanced towards the Hufflepuff table to see Cedric impatiently staring at the goblet. The Hogwarts champion was next. The blue flames flickered and turned red one last time. I held my breath as Dumbledore read the name.

“The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!”

“YES!” I shouted loudly. I jumped to my feet and realized I was the only Gryffindor standing. I turned red and sat back down, watching as the Hufflepuff table exploded in cheers and clapping. Cedric was grinning broadly as he made his way past them. He caught my eye and I smiled broadly. I was impatient, but knew I’d have to wait until afterwards to congratulate him.

“Excellent!” Dumbledore called happily. “We now have our three champions. Now I am sure I can count on all the remaining students to give their own champion all the support you can muster. The Tri-Wizard Tournament is extremely-”

He paused and I furrowed my eyebrows together curiously. Then I noticed the goblet’s fames had turned red once more. Sparks shot out of it and a piece of paper fluttered into the air. The hall was silent. Dumbledore cleared his throat.

“Harry Potter.”

There was no clapping, no shouting, no cheering. Everyone was quiet as all eyes turned to Harry. Even I was staring at him wide eyed and astonished. His green eyes met mine and I saw he was just as confused as everyone else.

“Lexi…I-I didn’t put my name in there.” He whispered, searching my face for some desperate sign that I believed him.

I nodded. “I know, Harry. I know.” I answered, assuring him. Someone else must have.

“Harry Potter!” Dumbledore called again.

“Harry, go!” Hermione hissed from across the table.

Harry stumbled to his feet and cautiously made his way to the front of the hall. I could clearly see the eyes of all the other students either glaring at him or looking at him with shock. Poor Harry. I watched as he disappeared through the door, wondering what was going to happen now.