I'll Take My Chances


Terrified, I looked up to find myself face to face with one of the masked wizards. I turned to try and run, but a strong arm encircled my waist and pulled me back.

" Looky what we've got here, Boys." The man laughed, grabbing my wrist tightly. A few of the wizards surrounding him chuckled. Determined to get away, I began fighting his grip, kicking and writhing wildly. The more I struggled though, the more it seemed to amuse them.

" True, she's not a muggle, but doesn't mean we can't have fun with her...." Another one of the masked men said, leaning closer to me. " And we shall." He added in a whisper. His breath smelled sour and was sickly warm against my face.

Finding no other options ,I spit directly in his face. He stepped back outraged and pulled his wand from his robes. " You filthy little wench!" He screeched angrily. He turned his wand at me, pointing it directly into my chest. I felt my heart rate pick up with fear.

I began crying for help, frightened nearly to death. Suddenly, a jet of purple light hit the man holding me straight in the chest. He let go of me instantly and I fell to the ground. I covered my head with my arms, now lying in the middle of a rampage. I struggled to stand, but kept getting stepped on and pushed over. I suddenly felt a searing pain in my leg and cried out in pain, rolling over onto my back. Just then, another pair of arms picked me up and flung me over their shoulder.

I began fighting again, screaming loudly. " Let go of me! Now! Get off!" I screeched. Whoever it was didn't let go, but instead began sprinting away from the moving crowd to a safe distance. " I said let me go!" I yelled franticly again. I started kicking harder.

" Ow! Lexi! Lex! Ow! Stop it! It's me!" A voice answered. Whoever it was shifted me, so I was now lying in their arms bridal style. Cedric Diggory.

" Cedric! Why aren't you in the woods with everyone else! What are you doing out here? It's not the safest place to be right now!" I told him hurriedly, eyeing the fires, the crumpled tents, and masked wizards now farther behind us.

Cedric smirked and began to slow down to a walking pace. " Well, I should be asking you the same thing? What they hell were you doing over there, Lex?"

My face blushed red, as I realized how stupid I had been to go back. " I...um..eh...I forgot my wand in the tent." I said quietly.

Cedric snorted. " That's a brilliant reason for almost getting killed." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

I glared at him. " Well, excuse me. Why were you over there?" I demanded.

" I was helping the ministry, but then my dad told me to get outta there because it was getting too dangerous. So I was just about to head to the woods when I heard you. I turned around and there you were, being harassed by some of those sick freaks. And I wasn’t about to leave you. So that's basically it, and here we are now." He finished with a light smile.

I was thankful it was dark, for my face could not have been any redder. Cedric had risked his own life to save mine. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

" Umm....you can set me down now. I'm a big girl." I said quietly as we reached the edge of the woods.

" Sure you're alright?" He asked, concern filling his stormy grey eyes.

I nodded silently and Cedric gently set me on my feet. " Thanks." I mumbled. I took a step and the sharp pain returned, shooting through my right leg. It nearly caused me to collapse to the ground. I let out a whimper of pain and leaned against a tree for support.

" What's the matter?"

" N-Nothing. I'm fine." I stammered, obviously a lie. I gritted my teeth painfully and attempted to take another step forward, this time actually crumpling to the forest floor.

" No, you're not fine. Let me help you." Cedric said, moving towards me.

" No! I'm fine!" I said angrily, refusing to accept his help. I could take care of myself, even if he couldn’t see that. I was a big girl after all, like I had told him earlier. Even though I was in a pretty good amount of pain at the moment.

Cedric ignored me and carefully helped me stand. He wrapped his arm firmly around my waist and I let out a sigh of defeat before leaning against his side heavily.

" Why are you so stubborn?" He sighed, helping me as we walked deeper into the woods.

I shrugged my shoulders. " I dunno."

" Good answer." He replied sarcastically.

I could see the ghost of a smile on his lips through the dark.

" Can I ask you something else?"

" No."

" Why do you hate me so much, Lex? Seriously....what did I do wrong?" He asked, stopping and turning to face me.

I avoided his stony grey gaze and looked instead over his shoulder into the pitch black. I had always been mean and distant to Cedric. I hadn't liked him....for being a good guy. But I never actually thought he realized it. I supposed he just thought it was how I was. As much as I hated to admit it, it was true he had never ever done anything to make me dislike him.

" I don't hate you. What makes you think that?" I asked innocently, still avoiding his eyes.

" Lexi. Look at me." He said firmly. Something in his voice forced my eyes to automatically snap forward, meeting his gaze. " Don't play stupid with me."

" I'm not being stupid. I-I just. I dunno. Okay. I don't know why I'm sucha you know what to you. But I don't hate you, okay? Happy now?" I asked, stepping back from him and crossing my arms stubbornly across my chest.

Cedric smirked and studied me for a moment. He stepped forward and I automatically took one back.

His smirk broadened. " Are you scared of me or something?" He asked.

" No! Don't be a moron." I sighed exasperatedly.

" Then why are you backing away from me?" He grinned, taking another step as I took a few more steps back.

" I'm not, okay? So just stop asking stupid questions!" I ordered, becoming flustered.

" Lexi? Is that you?" A familiar voice cut through the air.