I'll Take My Chances


When we finally returned back to the burrow, none of us were surprised to see Mrs. Weasley waiting outside, worry clearly written all over her pale face. She dropped the newspaper she had been holding and ran out into the yard to meet us.

“Oh! I was so worried! I read in the paper what had happened!” She exclaimed, grabbing both Fred and George and hugging them tightly. “And to think I was angry with you two when you left yesterday. If something would have happened, I never would have forgiven myself!” She cried.

“Mum, it’s okay. We’re all fine.” George assured his crying mother, carefully trying to pry her off.

I smiled and moved around them, curious about the newspaper Mrs. Weasley had dropped. I picked it up and unfolded it to see the bold headline, along with a black and white picture of the Dark Mark hovering about the treetops. I shuddered slightly. Still gave me the chills just thinking about it.

“There’s something really odd about that….” Ron said, looking over my shoulder at the picture. “According to dad, You-Know-Who’s followers have been in hiding for years. I wonder what would make them come out like that.” He wondered out loud.

I shook my head. “I don’t know, Ron. But it is weird alright.” I answered. I folded the paper and dropped it to the ground. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. It made me feel almost sick to my stomach with worry.

“Let’s get you all something to eat!” I heard Mrs. Weasley say cheerfully from behind me. She hurried past me and into the kitchen, obviously overjoyed that we had all arrived home safe and sound.

I smiled and shook any and all thoughts about what had happened at the match out of my head. “Come on. Food.” I said to Ron, who’s stomach I could hear growling loudly. I laughed as he patted his stomach and led the way inside.


“I love school! I love school!" I chanted happily, skipping onto the platform. I grinned at Ron, Hermione and Harry who were shaking their heads in silent laughter.

" You're such a moron, Arison." Harry grinned, ruffling my hair.

I shrugged and ran a hand through my light brown locks, attempting to smooth them down. " I'm telling the truth. I do love school. "I answered honestly. I had been counting down the days till the Hogwart's Express was due to leave the station. Hogwarts was my true home. As much as I loved my mother and my brother, even thought he was evil sometimes, I was always anticipating returning to Hogwarts. Life at home could be pure chaos sometimes. My mum worked a lot and I hardly ever saw her. Ever since my dad left she had been working every shift she could take in order to take care of Wes and I.

" Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Lexi! You four behave this year! Got that?" I heard Mrs. Weasley call out after us.

" Yes, mum." Ron answered, rolling his eyes. I grinned and hopped onto the train, reaching a hand out and pulling Ron on after me.

" Where shall we sit?" Hermione questioned, after boarding last.

I shrugged. " Doesn't really matter to me."

" Well, let's just look for an empty compartment then." Hermione suggested, leading the way.

Suddenly, a compartment door right up ahead flew open and a girl with light brown, wavy hair and bright green eyes stuck her head out. " Hey, Lex! I thought I heard you guys! I saved a compartment for us all!" The girl called out, waving all four of us over.

I grinned and bounded forward. " Hi, Emily! Have a good summer?" I asked brightly, giving her a tight hug.

She nodded. " Yeah, wasn't too bad. How bout yours?"

" Awesome! Went to the World Cup!" I boasted happily.

Emily scowled. " Lucky. Hi Herms, Harry, Ron." Emily greeted as the rest of our friends finally entered the compartment.

" Hey, Emily. I missed you over the summer!" Hermione smiled, hugging the girl.

I settled myself down next to Harry, Emily sitting opposite me next to Ron. Hermione sat on my other side, closest to the window. I smirked at Ron, who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat, casting anxious looks at Emily. Ron had admitted tome last year he liked her, but made me swear on my life I wouldn't breathe a word of it. Not even to Harry and Hermione. It was all rather cute, actually.

The train gave a sudden jolt and began moving slowly, but steadily out of the station and the conversation in the compartment turned towards Quidditch and what happened at the world cup during the summer. The argument went back and forth between whether Ireland deserved to win or not, how Viktor Krum was the best seeker there ever was, and of course the death eater’s march and the Dark Mark. Eventually, all the yelling and arguing began to make my head throb.

" Terribly sorry to cut this conversation short, but I'm going to go change into my uniform now." I said suddenly, standing up. I quickly walked out of the compartment, headed towards the restroom, thankful to leave the heated arguing. Once in the restroom, I quickly changed into the black, pleated skirt, white blouse with red and gold striped tie and the black knee high socks. I ditched the uniform dress shoes though, and instead, adorned my usual, worn out black hightop converse sneakers. I walked out the bathroom, pulling my robes on over my outfit. Suddenly, I stopped, hearing a familiar voice. I turned my head quickly and spotted one of the last people I wanted to see on the train. My ex-boyfriend, Roger Davies. I had broken up with him just before the summer holiday had begun. Sure he was a nice guy, but he had a huge ego and seemed to like himself more than he liked me. At the moment, he was headed in my direction, but hadn't seemed to notice me...yet.

" Ah, crap." I muttered under my breath. I would have headed right back into the restroom, but someone had just gone in. There was only one other option. I flung open the compartment door nearest me and hurled myself inside. I slammed the door shut and sank down below the window, carefully watching for Roger. I let out a sigh of relief as he passed the compartment, unaware of my hiding place.

" Uh....Lexi?"

I whirled around, my back pressed against the compartment door at the sudden sound of an all too familiar voice. Of all the compartments on the train....I had to choose this one. Cedric was grinning at me, his friends staring at me with amused expressions.

" Bloody hell." I exclaimed in surprise, running a hand through my hair. I was mentally kicking myself for this moment. I would have rather faced Roger than be stuck in here.

" What are you doing?" Cedric inquired.

" I...um...I uh...oh you know. Just hanging out." I shrugged. " In random compartments."

Cedric raised his eyes disbelievingly at me. " Uh huh." He gave me a crooked smile. There was an uncomfortable silence, almost unbearable.

" Well...I guess. I'll just be leaving now. My bad, by the way. Didn't mean to...uh....intrude." I mumbled. I had the door open half way, when suddenly I remembered something and turned back around.

" Hey, Cedric?"

" Yes, Lexi?" He asked, leaning forward slightly.

" Do you think I could talk to you for a second. In private?" I asked, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

Cedric smiled and stood to follow me from the compartment. His friends grinned and wolf whistled, patting Cedric on the back. I rolled my eyes and moved out into the corridor. Cedric shut the door behind him and gave me an apologetic grin.

" Sorry about them. Immature." He smiled. " Anyways, what did you want to talk about?"

" Well, I just realized that I never....I just wanted to say, you know, thanks. About what happened at the World Cup." I finished uncomfortably, staring at my shoelaces.

Cedric smiled broadly. " Oh! You're welcome, Lex. There's really no need to thank me though...." He trailed off with a shrug.

" Well, I just thought I would."

" Thanks, then." Cedric smiled. " But, let me ask you something. Do you really like hurling yourself into random compartments, or were you hiding from someone?"

I grinned sheepishly. " You caught me. I was hiding from Roger. I don't really want to talk to him. I didn't mean to, you know, run into YOUR compartment. But that's just how it happened."

" I didn't have a problem with it. I was just wondering." Cedric grinned. " You can hang out for a little bit if you want. I don't think my friends will mind."

" Hang out? Uh...no-no thanks. I have to get back to my own friends. I told them I was going to change and I don't want them to think I fell off the train or something." I answered. I could have sworn I saw a disappointed look cross Cedric's face, but I must have been imagining it, for the next second he was smiling at me once again.

" Fall off the train, eh? You're right wouldn't want them to think that." He smirked. " I'll see you later. Hopefully."

" Umm...yeah. Sure." I answered. I turned around and quickly headed back to my own compartment. He hoped to see me later? What was up with that nonsense? Well, whatever the case was, I wasn’t going to beat myself up thinking about it and trying to make sense out of it all. It was just Cedric Diggory and I had better things to do then waste my time thinking about him.