I'll Take My Chances


The first thing I heard the next morning were loud, shrill yells filling the dormitory. I groaned loudly and pulled my pillow over my head to try and block out the noise, but it was no use. I finally let out a shriek of annoyance and sat up, sleepily rubbing my eyes.

" What the bloody hell is going on!" I demanded. Parvati and Lavender turned to look at me, both of their faces red with rage.

" Lavender knows I called the shower first this morning, and now she's says she gets to go first!" Parvati screamed at her friend.

" Yeah, right! You're such a liar!" Lavender screamed back. I rolled my eyes in utter disbelief. Some people could be such morons.

" And this is what you all woke me up for. Bloody idiots." I muttered to myself, rolling out of bed. " I know exactly how to settle this."

Both the girls looked at me, eyes wide. " How?" They asked in unison.

I smiled at them, grabbing some clean clothes from me trunk. I pranced over to the bathroom.

" I call it first!" I shouted gleefully before slamming the door shut and locking it tightly behind me. I heard loud shouts of defiance as my roommates rushed over and began banging loudly on the door. " Shut up and get over it!" I called through the thick wood. I rolled my eyes yet again and turned on the hot water. I took an extremely long shower, in an attempt to anger Lavender and Parvati even more before changing into my uniform and brushing out my shoulder length, layered brown hair. I applied just a tiny bit of makeup before finally exiting the bathroom.

Parvati and Lavender were both impatiently waiting near the door and as soon as I came out, there was a mad rush to get in first. I smirked, sitting on my bed and pulling on my tattered black converse before grabbing my school bag and skipping down the steps.

" Good morning, everyone!" I called happily.

" Took you long enough. We've been waiting for ages." Emily sighed dramatically.

I shook my head and lightly shoved her shoulder. " Well excuse me for having good hygiene and taking a shower." I said defensively. “Plus Parvati and Lavender had to go and be morons and start a fight over the shower.” I rolled my eyes.

Emily snickered before being interrupted by a complaining Ron.

" I'm glad you finally discovered a good system of cleanliness, but I'm starving. Can we please go down to the Great Hall now?" Ron whined.

" Yes, Ronnekins. We can." Emily teased, playfully pinching his cheek. Ron turned a bright shade of red and rubbed his sore face.

" Ow..." He muttered quietly.

I smirked and ruffled his hair. " I love how your hair matches your face Ron. It looks lovely." I taunted him with grin. Ron scowled and followed me out of the common room as I laughed gleefully.

The Great Hall was only half filled, seeing as we were a little late for breakfast that morning.

" There you all are! McGonagall's been looking for you to give you all your schedules." Dean Thomas announced, jumping up from the table and hurrying towards the five of us. He handed each of us a slip of parchment.

I plopped down at the Gryffindor table, stifling a yawn.

" Have any classes together?" Emily asked, sitting on my right. I handed her my schedule as I poured a glass of pumpkin juice. Her green eyes lit up excitedly as she set my schedule down next to the empty plate in front of me.

" We have Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Oh, and Advanced Charms." Emily said brightly as she buttered a slice of toast.

" You're taking Advanced Charms?" Harry asked, his eyes wide in surprise.

I nodded sleepily, yet another yawn escaping my lips.

" Wow....Guess you're not so stupid afterall." He grinned.

" Ha-Ha-Ha, Potter." I laughed sarcastically. " You're SO funny."

He shrugged slightly and continued to grin. " I thought so."

" We have Advanced Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts." Hermione said suddenly from behind me, making me jump.

" Geeze, Herms! Do you HAVE to do that! I didn't even know you were behind me!" I cried, clutching my pounding heart.

Hermione smiled and shook her head. " Sorry, Lex. I just wanted to let you know that, seeing as you decided to be extremely slow this morning, that we are going to be late for Charms."

" Oh no....what a shame." I said dully, picking at my piece of unfinished toast.

Hermione sighed heavily and pulled my from my seat. " Come on, Emily. Bye, Boys. We'll see you later!" Hermione called briskly over her shoulder as she continued to pull me from the hall.

Emily gathered her books, stuffed the rest of her toast in her mouth, and scampered after the Hermione and I.

We made it to Charms in plenty of time, finding the classroom only half full. I wrenched my arm from Hermione's grip and filed to the last seats in the back of the room. I collapsed into a chair and stubbornly crossed my arms across my chest.

" What's got your wand in a knot?" Emily teased, taking the seat next to me.

" I'm starving." I answered grumpily. I cast a look at Hermione who rolled her eyes and joined our table.

" You should have hurried this morning." She stated simply. She turned her back to me to study the rest of the students in the room. " I didn't realize taking an advanced class meant taking levels up. This is a Sixth Year class!" She said in surprise.

" What!" Emily said in astonishment. " We're Fourth Years!"

" I know! Ernie MacMillian and Hannah Abbot are in here too though....so at least we're not the only Fourth Years." Hermione answered, nodding her head towards a different table where the two Hufflepuff Fourth Years were taking a seat.

" Well, this is just dandy." I said irritably, watching the older students file into the room. I leaned back on the two rear legs of my chair.

" Lexi? Why are you in Sixth Year Charms?"

I glanced up to see who was speaking to me, and my chair lost its balance and fell over backwards. Hermione rolled her eyes and uttered a barely audible 'Oh, Please' before helping me up.

" Roger? I mean, Hey! Yeah, we're taking...uh...eh..." I stuttered lamely, still surprised at this unexpected encounter with my most recent ex-boyfriend. I looked at Emily helplessly.

" Advanced Charms." She finished for me.

" Yeah. That." I added, giving her a thankful look before forcing a smile at Roger.

He flashed his perfect, charming smile at me and I heard Emily quickly stifle a laugh. It wasn’t a secret that Roger thought very highly of himself. All you had to do was take one look at him and it was extremely obvious he thought he was the best looking guy around. Of course it was funny. I didn’t blame her for wanting to laugh. I couldn’t believe I had actually once dated the guy, although, he was pretty nice when he wanted to be.

" Cool. Mind if I join you, lovely ladies?" He asked with a smirk. He didn't wait for an answer before pulling up a chair.

" Sure. Go right ahead." I said in an overly cheerful voice.

" Hey, Ced!" Roger suddenly called out, nodding towards the front of the room.

I felt my mouth drop in surprise, but quickly recovered. Of course...Cedric was a Sixth Year.

Cedric waved and made his way towards the table, and much to my dismay, took a seat right next to me. I could feel Hermione's smirk on me and I made a face at her.

" Hey Rog. Lexi, Hermione, Emily? What-" He began to ask in puzzlement.

" Advanced Charms." I answered for him, hoping that would be the last time someone asked why we were there.

" Really? I didn‘t know Fourth Years could take levels up." He smiled. “Shouldn’t be boring with you all here, though.”

I nodded. " Yup." I answered in a unenthusiastic tone.

Just then, Professor Flitwick hurried into the room, climbing on top the stack of books balanced on his chair, so he could see over his desk.

" Silence!" He shouted, though it sounded like more a squeak. The chattering ceased." Speaking of silence, today we shall be practicing Silencing Charms!" He began excitedly.

I propped my elbows onto the table top, my chin resting in my hands. It was much to early for all of this to be happening. A class with Roger Davies AND Cedric Diggory all in one.....Talk about a bad first day. And it was only my first class.