I'll Take My Chances


The Silencing Charm was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. It was a little hard to perform it on someone else when you didn’t have a voice. Although it was funny silencing Roger. That had to be my favorite part of the class.

“Did it work?” Cedric asked me, his wand still poised in midair. We had to take turns with different partners and Cedric was the last I had to work with.

I opened my mouth to make a smart remark but nothing came out. I tried again, but not even a squeak. I had managed to break Emily and Roger’s charms in only a couple of minutes, but Hermione and Cedric seemed to know exactly what they were doing.

“Excellent!” He grinned broadly, watching with an amused expression as I rolled my eyes and tried to tell him to shut up. I desperately wanted to jinx him with my own wand, but of course without a voice it was a little impossible for me.

“Alright class! I think that’s enough practice for today!” Professor Flitwick announced, once again standing on top of his pile of books. “You are dismissed!”

I let out a sigh of relief and quickly began gathering my things, throwing them quickly into my bag.

“So what class do you have next?” Cedric asked me, hoisting his own bag onto his shoulder.

“Divination.” I mouthed, though nothing came out. I hope the spell would wear off before I got to my next class.

Cedric snickered. “Sorry about that. It should wear off in a few minutes. You have to admit, it was a good charm though.” He grinned, raising his eyebrows slightly.

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to try and say anything.

“Come on, Lex. Can’t be late.” Emily called from the doorway.

“See ya.” I mouthed at Cedric, forcing a small smile before turning my back and hurrying to catch up with Emily.

“Later, Lex!” I heard Cedric call after me. “Hope you get your voice back soon!”

I gritted my teeth as Emily burst into laughter and stomped down the hallway towards the Divination room.


" This is so dumb." I muttered, both elbows propped on the table top, with my chin resting in my hands. The inside of the crystal ball before me was swirling with dark, cloudy shadows....shadows of nothing. " What exactly am I supposed to be looking for?" I hissed to Harry.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. " I dunno. You think I know anything about this? I barely passed the class last year.”

I turned to my other side and glanced swiftly at the red headed boy seated on my right. " What about you, Carrot-Top? You seeing any enchanting, mystifying crystal ballness?"

Ron winced. " Don't call me that. I hate that! Carrot-Top!" He growled lowly. " And no, I don't see anything. This class is bogus. We should have dropped with Hermione ages ago!"

" Psh. Yeah. You're telling me." I snorted. " And Carrot-Top stays cause I like it. It suits you." I grinned, reaching up and ruffling Ron's fiery red hair.

Ron opened his mouth to argue, but before he could get another word out, Professor Trelawney had swept over to our table, her brilliant colored shawls billowing out behind her.

" Tell me....do either of you three see?" She asked, her eyes glittering behind enormous specs.

" I see that this is stupid." I huffed under my breath. Ron and Harry snickered from next to me.

Professor Trelawney narrowed her eyes at me. " I knew from the moment you entered my classroom that you had no gift for seeing. Nor do you have the patience to attempt." She said sternly.

I gave her a sarcastic smile. " Sorry, Professor. Let me try."

I scooted closer to the table and pretended to gaze deep into the swirling nothingness of the crystal ball. I squinted my eyes and put on a look of mock concentration.

" Oh!" I exclaimed suddenly, drawing back from the table. I dramatically placed a hand over my heart, heaving deep breaths.

" What! What is it, girl! What did you see?" Professor Trelawney asked excitedly.

I looked her right in the eyes, willing myself to keep a straight face. " I'm not sure. But one thing is certain." I paused dramatically. " We are all going to DIE!"

Ron and Harry immediately burst out laughing, while I grinned sheepishly, brushing a strand of brown hair out of my eyes.

Professor Trelawney seemed less amused and glared at me.

" Very amusing, Miss Arison, very amusing indeed. Now let me show you the proper way! Everyone gather around, please!" She called out to the rest of the students.

My fellow classmates stopped what they were doing and clustered together around our small table. I grinned at all of them and shook my head. This class was so ridiculous.

" It seems that Miss Arison here, like many of you, is having problems deciphering the messages of the crystal ball. True, seeing is a gift, but if you learn carefully and open your inner eye, anyone can read into the future." She exclaimed in her mystical tone. " Pay close attention, my dear students."
Professor Trelawney moved her hands over the white orb, her eyes open only slightly as she gazed deeply.

I fought the urge to laugh, burying my face into Harry's shoulder to keep quiet.

" I see a mysterious, handsome figure in your future, Miss. Arison…as well as a blossoming love between the two of you...." Professor Trelawney murmured just loud enough for the class to hear.

Harry and Ron were both shaking with silent laughter, while I just gaped at the Professor.

" What a load of sh-" I began to say when Lavender's voice cut over mine.

" Who is he, Professor? The handsome stranger??" She asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. She was more excited about my own future than I was. Unbelievable.

Professor Trelawney moved closer to the crystal ball, as though willing herself to see deeper.

" The crystal ball cannot reveal all secrets....but I do see certain details....this stranger, very handsome and strong, although rather quiet....the strong, silent type if you will…..he cares for you very much, although you are too blind by your own stubbornness to see...." She began.

I snorted loudly. " Dragon dung. This is all a load of dragon dung." But what she said next caught my attention.

" What I see most here are the eyes....hard, grey, yet soft and gentle....determined and strong.....I see the beginning of this tale clearly, although the ending is unreadable....an ending that is changeable...." She finished.

Hard, grey eyes? She couldn't be talking about....no, that would be crazy. Too crazy.

" Oh my gosh, Lexi!" Lavender squealed suddenly, grabbing my arm. " Cedric Diggory!" She cried, stealing the name directly from my thoughts. " She was so describing Cedric!"

Parvati squealed also. " Lavender is right! I mean, we all know he fancies you! And we also know you don't want anything to do with him! And who could ever forget those beautiful, grey eyes...." She sighed dreamily, drifting off.

I made a face and pretended to gag. " She is most definitely NOT speaking of Diggory....and anyways, this is all stupid! None of it's real!" I cried out.

Parvati and Lavender, along with Professor Trelawney, glared at me. “Class, my inner eye is tired and I’m sure you all agree that we have seen enough for today. You may go.”

I gathered my books and quickly exited the room, taking the stairs two at a time. How could Lavendar and Parvati have thought the old bat had seen CEDRIC...of all people...in that stupid crystal ball? I mean that was ridiculous! Cedric Diggory? What a joke!

I stormed furiously down the hallway, elbowing and shoving violently to move people from my path. I failed to notice all the dirty looks I was receiving from the anyone unfortunate enough to get in my way, but I could have cared less at the moment.

I sharply turned a corner, only to run right into something solid, falling backwards onto my bottom.

" Ah, bloody hell!" I cried, scrambling on all fours, crawling around as I picked up my strewn books and parchment. I reached to pick up my Charms book, only to find it was already being handed to me. I glanced up to find myself staring into those all too familiar grey eyes.

I scowled at the boy before ripping my book from his grasp. " Watch where you're going next time, Diggory." I snarled, standing and dusting off my robes.

Cedric smirked, handing me a stack of papers he had picked up for me. " I'll try, but I think you were the one that ran into me." He whispered in my ear as he passed, sending shivers coursing down my spine. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, ridding myself of that unfamiliar feeling.

“By the way, nice to see you have your voice back!” He teased, calling out behind him as he headed in the opposite direction.

I growled and stomped my foot like a five year old throwing a temper tantrum. I turned around and watched him walk away. He glanced behind him once more and smiled at me, his stormy grey eyes twinkling. I narrowed my own eyes dangerously at him. Who did he think he was?

I stared after him absentmindedly for a few moments before realizing I was still standing in the middle of the crowded corridor, blocking the hall. I shook my head and sulked off towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

I had enough of school for one day.