Status: Gotta tell The Used to update.

Kisses on the Necks of "Just Friends"

The Kiss

Dude, so, I'm Gerard, Gee, fagot, whatever you wanna call me. I prefer Gerard or Gee. I have long-ish black hair, natural, it nearly reaches my shoulders and it curls slightly at the ends, kind of framing my face. I wear eyeliner, I have magic, color-changing eyes but normally they're green. It depends on my mood. I wear lots of tight clothes, I like to brag about my muscles, I spent ages working on them in my school gym so I have every right to brag. Hey, if you got it, flaunt it right? Yeah, so I sound like I have every thing going for me right? WRONG!

I have been beaten up since I was five because I "look like a vampire." I'm half Italian but god, am I pale. People would call me names like "freak" and "ghost boy." I would go home battered and bruised every day, crying my eyes out. My little brother Mikey was beaten up too, just because he was my brother. I only got into a real fight when my brother was involved. Other than that, I just curled into a ball on the ground and let them beat me. When I was seven, I kissed my best friend Billie-Joe for a dare. We liked it and we dated from then until we were thirteen. We went to high school together and we're still friends. The boyfriend I had after Billie was a jerk. He got me taking drugs and drinking a helluva lot. His name was Bert. I thought he loved me until he started beating me, raping me and telling me I wasn't perfect, that I deserved no-one. He caused me to end up with depression and I started cutting myself. Mikey only found out when I tried to kill myself. I live with my mom, my dad left when he found out I was gay and that Mikey was bi. Harley lives with us a lot because her parents fight and it scares her. She's bi too and I think Mikey fancies her, she has her eye on someone else though. Shit, I wasn't meant to tell anyone that, never mind.

I'm at Elle's party right now. I love Elle, she's so random, Harley and Jess introduced us, she's great. This party is great too, really hot though. I'm sweating a little through my palms (I put a tonne of deodorant on.) but that might have something to do with the guy here. I don't know who he is but he's short, about five foot four or something I think. His hair is dark, he has a lip and nose piercing and a word tattooed across his knuckles. I can't read it from here though. He's also completely gorgeous. He's wearing black skinny jeans, red converses and a misfits shirt. He's We were asked to play one of Tyler's songs for them because their set was over. So we played his song, Cemetery Drive. I really enjoyed it, I was pretty nervous, for two reasons. One, there was a big crowd and two, Frankie was playing guitar, right beside me. I got even more nervous after, we were side by side and our arms were pressed really close together. I almost hyperventilated. I had to go outside for a cigarette. I could have sworn I saw him staring at me every so often. No, he couldn't like me like that, he could get anyone in this room that he wanted.

I finished my packet of cigarettes, which was about five and went back in and looked for Harley and Jessie, who, by this time, were pretty drunk off their heads. It was pretty funny to listen to because Harley was babbling some nonsense about chickens and Jess was looking at her, throughly engrossed in what she was talking about. Suddenly someone was holding my hand and leading me across the room, it took me a moment to realize that it was Frankie and I had an internal spasm. He found two chairs at the side of the room and we sat down. Well, no, I sat, he fell and kind of landed on both me and the other chair at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh as I propped him back up into a sitting position.

“That’s what you get when your pissed Frankie” I smirked.

He gave a huge smile back and he took my head in his hands. I was totally oblivious to what he was going to do. He pressed his lips firmly to mine and waited for my reaction. I gaped at him for a moment, my voice lost with my ability to breathe. Eventually my lungs started working again and I could speak.

"Wow..." Was all I could gasp out.

"Wow?" Frank asked.

"Um..." I stuttered.

"Was that a good um or a bad um?" He asked.

I decided to push my luck. I leaned closer to him, our faces mere centimeters apart.

"I'm not sure, do it again." I replied.

He kissed me again, with more force this time and for longer and I relished it while I could. He was drunk, he probably didn't really want me. This was probably just the effects of the alcohol. I was going to enjoy it while it lasted anyway. Eventually, he pulled away.

"Well?" He slurred.

"Yeah, definitely good." I told him.

He crawled onto my lap and started full on making out with me. I had to admit, his mouth tasted pretty good. Vodka was always one of my favorite drinks. I was content to let this go on. I could've stayed here forever, I wanted to as well. I really wanted to stay where I was, just kissing him, nothing else. He was beautiful and amazing. Technically, I didn't even know him yet. I didn't feel I needed to either. I just knew that I wanted to be with this guy. He was amazing. I couldn't let this stop. I had to keep him with me. Maybe I was being selfish. Am I? Am I really the selfish bastard Bert told me I was? No, I can't think about that. It's not good for my mental health. I know I want...need Frankie though. It's definite. I can feel it. It's just...I can't even describe it. Usually I scoff at the mention of love at first sight. I think this guy may have changed my tune.

I want to tell Harley and Jessie but I wanna stay here too. Maybe I should just hold onto him all night. Maybe I can convince him to stay at my house...THAT'S IT! He's drunk, so I can take him home with me and curl him up in my bed, we can go to sleep and if he doesn't remember, I can tell him everything that happened. I'll just hope that he still likes me when he's sober. That's exactly what I'll do! It's the perfect plan! I won't fuck him or anything. Not even if he wants to. He's drunk and it's never great, fucking when you're drunk. So that's it, that's my plan and I think it's going to work.

Just wait till I tell Harley and Jessie and Elle and Alicia!
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