Status: Gotta tell The Used to update.

Kisses on the Necks of "Just Friends"


When I woke up, I was kinda hot and sticky. I decided I'd take a shower, I'm sure Gerard wouldn't mind. So I stripped down to my boxers, grabbed a towel off the radiator and went to the bathroom. I walked in, put the towel on the radiator and turned around to walk towards the shower, then screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Frankie?" Gee asked from the top of the landing.

"GERARD!" I screamed from the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked, walking into the bathroom.

I was standing pressed against the wall and let out a strange kind of sob and pointed to the middle of the floor. There was a huge, black house spider. It was almost the size of the palm of Gerard's hand.

"Gee, kill it!" I begged, shaking in the corner.

He took one look at me and heasitated no further. He walked across the bathroom, trying not to let his feet fall too heavily and stood on the horrible creature, twisting his foot to make sure it was dead. He removed his foot and there was a black splodge on his bathroom floor. Yep, it was definitely dead.

"Oh my God, thank you!" I sobbed, still shaking and crying.

"It's okay. It's gone, it's not gonna hurt you." He said softly, wiping my tears.

I nodded and sniffed before locking my arms around him tightly. He hugged back, probably feeling kinda awkward seeing as I was wearing nothing but my boxers. I didn't care, I was still scared.

"I don't wanna shower anymore." I muttered, almost defiantly.

"Okay Frankie." Gerard laughed slightly.

"No seriously. My skin is crawling and I'm scared there's gonna be another one." I said, looking up at him.

"Okay, I get it. wanna let go?" He asked awkwardly, an embarrassed smile making it's way across his face.

"Not really." I sighed, resting my head on his chest.

"Oh..." He said quietly, sounding surprised.

"I guess I should get dressed though." I giggled slightly.

"Um...ya think?" Gerard asked sarcastically, grinning at me.

"Nope. I never think. It hurts too much." I laughed at him.

"Okay Frankie." He smiled, rolling his eyes.

He managed to loosen my grip around him and get my arms off him before turning me around and guiding me back in the direction of his room. He left me at the door, told me to get dressed and then went back downstairs. So I got dressed as quickly as I could, putting my t-shirt on backwards without realising and having to turn it around and hurried back downstairs. I stopped half way down and I could smell something good cooking.

"Hey! What smells good?" I asked, strolling into the kitchen.

"Vegetable pizza." Gerard grinned at me.

"Awesome! I'm vegetarian so that's awesome!" I clapped my hands.

"I know." Gerard smiled.

"I told you last night?" I guessed.

Gerard nodded and turned around to put the kettle on quickly after realising his cup was empty.

"Coffee..." He whispered.

I laughed and he grinned at me in a hyperactive way. I had to grin back, it was impossible not to. He jumped when the kettle whistled behind him and I laughed even more. Dude, he's so funny! And he's not even trying! We ate pizza and garlic bread together on the sofa before having a huge pillow fight and watching Pirates Of The Carribean, talking about Johnny Depp the whole way through the movie. This-was-amazing.
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Comments? I'm updating while Elle's not here. I need to write now, I can't stop myself.