Status: Gotta tell The Used to update.

Kisses on the Necks of "Just Friends"


"I crave candy!" Frank gasped suddenly.

"Mm...candy sounds good right now." I replied.

He grinned at me.

"Wanna go get some?" He asked.

I grinned back at him.

"Get your coat." I told him.

He giggled and sprang up from the sofa, making me laugh at his childish desire for something sweet. We put some shoes on and we left once I'd got my keys and my leather jacket. We decided to walk as it wasn't raining or anything and had some random conversations on the way. Something about fries...I can't remember what, I was too busy either staring at him or making sure he didn't trip. I mean, what sensible person walks backwards? Obviously Frank is not sensible. But...I should know that already right? Well, whatever.

"Skittles!" Frankie squealed when we got into the shop.

I laughed at him and went to pick out some snacks of my own. Twizzlers, marshmallows, Frankenberry cereal. Don't ask, I fucking love the stuff. Oh yeah, milk to go with that too. Cereal ain't the same without milk. Frank loaded up with skittles and crisps and other stuff. Most of it would probably not get eaten and I'd just shove it in my kitchen cupboards. I paid and we left.

"Should we watch a movie when we get back?" Frankie asked.

"We watched a movie already." I stated.

"Okay...go upstairs and listen to some music?" He asked, a little embarrassed by the look on his face.

"Um...sure." I replied, smiling slightly.

So when we got back to mine, we put our coats up on the hooks and kicked our shoes off before hauling all the bags of junk upstairs.

"What Cd's do you have?" Frankie asked.

"Uh...Misfits? Iron Maiden? Um...have a look." I said, pointing towards my CD collection.

He picked out a Misfits CD and put it in the stereo, a couple of seconds later, I jumped out of my skin as Astro Zombies started playing almost at full volume.

"Oh shit!" I laughed.

I reached over to turn it down at the same time as Frankie and we pulled our hands back awkwardly as they touched briefly. I avoided his gaze and took it upon myself to turn it down. Frank hovered where he was for a moment before going and sitting nervously on the foot of my bed.

"Um...nice room by the way." He said awkwardly, breaking the silence.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Did you do those drawings?" He asked, pointing to the wall with my artwork on it.

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

"It's amazing." He gasped, looking at me.

I felt my face heat up rapidly and I muttered a small thank you.

"No seriously! It's really good! Stop blushing and have some skittles." He told me.

He threw a packet of skittles at me and laughed.

"What if I don't wanna have some skittles?" I asked smartly.

"I will make you eat them." He replied, narrowing his eyes.

"How?" I laughed.

"I'll tie you down." He said.

"Is that I threat or a promise?" I smirked.

"Just eat the skittles Gerard." He said firmly, fighting a smirk of his own.

"Nope. Make me!" I grinned.

"Fine." He replied, surprising me before I could register what he had said.

He threw his packet of skittles aside before lunging at me and pushing my back by my shoulders, pinning me to the bed. He moved one hang to my chest so he could still hold me down while he got the skittles, he emptied them out on the bed and held one above my mouth.

"Ah." I laughed, opening my mouth and he dropped the skittle.

"Wait...I just realized that you could possibly choke on one of these and die." He said, looking at the skittle he had just picked up.

"Then why not let me sit up and eat them?" I asked.

"Okay! Can I still feed them to you?" He asked, laughing childishly.

"Sure." I giggled.


For the next half an hour Frank sat feeding me junk food and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wonder what he's like when he's high on sugar...
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Comments!? Thanks people! Sorry for the wait!