Status: Gotta tell The Used to update.

Kisses on the Necks of "Just Friends"

More Than 'Just Friends'?

It took my brain a moment or two to catch up with what was happening, but when it did, I was consumed by only one impulse.

Fucking kiss him Gerard!

So I did, I got up onto my knees on the sofa, putting one hand on the back of his head and the other rested lightly on his thigh. Before I knew it, he'd locked his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him. I leaned forwards, pushing his body into the sofa cushions. He moved his hand to the back of my left knee and tugged at my leg gently, I was confused at first, then I understood what he was trying to get me to do. I moved my leg to his other side so that I was straddling his lap.

"I really like you..." He mumbled into my lips.

"I really like you too..." I replied, moving a fraction of an inch away to speak.

He grinned at me slightly stupidly. Then I remembered that he was still high on sugar.

"I think you're awesome." He told me, making my face burn red.

"Thanks." I muttered bashfully.

He grinned again. How much sugar has he had again? He pushed me back onto the floor and I groaned, stupid thin carpet with concrete underneath plus my ass is a painful combination. He laughed before dropping down onto the floor,straddling my waist and kissing me forcefully. Now I was beginning to wonder, was this him or his sugar rush? To be honest, I didn't really care.

"Wait..." He said suddenly.

"What? What's up?" I asked.

"What does this make us? We're not officially...together...we're..."just friends" I guess..." He replied.

"I...I dunno." I shrugged.

He laid next to me and kissed my neck softly.

"Just friends..." He murmured somewhat sadly.

"Do we have to be just friends?" I asked.

"Huh?" He looked at me carefully.

My impulsive side kicked in and I moved so I was hovering above him, my hands either side of his head.

"What if I don't wanna be just friends? What if I wanna be able to kiss you and have you sleep here for nights on end and call you mine? What if I wanna be able to say 'I love you' every now and then just to hear you say it back?" I gushed recklessly.

He gaped at me noiselessly for a while and I started to wonder if I'd said too much.

"I...I...oh..." He mumbled, evidently lacking words to say.

I studied his face carefully, searching for some kind of answer. He just looked shocked and confused. I wanted to tell him I was kidding, that we were just friends and that I didn't mean to freak him out, but I wanted to hear his reply first.

"Gerard..." He said softly.

"Yeah?" I asked, nervousness lining my voice.

"" He mumbled.

At this point, my heart was hammering in my chest as though it were trying to burst through my ribcage, I had no idea what he was trying to say and it was making me even more nervous.

"Huh?" I asked weakly.

"Gerard...I..." He trailed off.

"You don't like me do you?" I asked, feeling the waterfall of tears threatening to consume me burning in the back of my throat.

"I do! Yes, I do! Don't say that!" He replied, his voice rising in slight panic.

"Then what took so long?" I asked, laughing slightly in relief.

"You shocked me. Now shut up and kiss me." He grinned.

I grinned back and he pulled me down by the collar of my shirt, kissing me with more force than before. He grabbed hold of my left wrist and pushed me so I was laying down, straddling me again. I tried to get him off me a and lay him down so I could be dominant, but he wasn't having it, so our normal kiss turned into a hot make-out session/wrestling match. It was damn fun! When we finished, I made coffee and pizza and we watched Night Of The Living Dead. We had to pause it half way through though because we both wanted smoothies. Frankie being Frankie wanted to put skittles in his and he sulked when I wouldn't let him. I pondered for a second before I figured out how to get around him.

"Come on, isn't it better to eat the skittles than waste them on a smoothie?" I asked rhetorically, putting my arms around him from behind and resting my chin on his shoulder.

He grinned.

"Yeah." He said.

He grabbed the skittles off the counter and ran into the living room. I made the smoothies and bought them in and we watched the rest of the movie, cuddling on the sofa.
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Sorry it took forever! Had a bit of writers block! Comments?