Status: Gotta tell The Used to update.

Kisses on the Necks of "Just Friends"


I rubbed my eyes sleepily, wiping the smeared eyeliner onto my shirt. I looked around Gerard's living room, my eyes resting on his sleeping figure. Holy shit, he looked adorable. Last night we must've fallen asleep while watching the movie. I stretched and yawned, unsure of what I should do next. My stomach rumbled and I realized how starving I actually was.

Standing up, I shuffled my way into the kitchen looking around the room for any type of satisfying food. I looked around Gee's pantry and squealed when I saw a big box of Lucky Charms. I grabbed the container and two bowls, pouring the delicious cereal into the bowls. Showering mine with milk, I gulped down the sugary goodness in three bites. Yum, marshmallows! Sighing contently, I put my bowl in the sink and rinsed it out.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and turned around, Gerard’s face inches from my own. “’Morning, sleepyhead!” I greeted placing a quick kiss on his nose.

He giggled adorably, “Let me guess, you had sugar?” I smiled broadly, nodding. “What am I going to do with you, Frankie?” he asked, playfully tickling me.

“No!” I gasped in between laughs, “I- can’t- take- it!” Gerard continued tickling my stomach, causing me to fall on the floor in a slump of giggles. He stopped his evil antics and laughed loudly at the sight of me wriggling on the floor like a fish out of water.

I stood up and glared at the gorgeous boy in front of me, “Jerk! Never tickle me again or I’ll… I’ll bite you!” He waggled his eyebrows, “And maybe I’ll like it.” I rolled my eyes at the vampiric boy, and he smirked in returned.

He laughed at me and pulled my small body into a hug, ruffling my bed head. I smiled up at him; this boy was too damn good to be true. “I made you cereal!” I exclaimed, running towards the table, pointing proudly at the meal I prepared. He smiled, “Thank you, Frankie.” and sat down with me, talking about this, that, and everything. I was really starting to like this boy.
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Ahh, Soo Sorry For The Wait / Shortness / Crappy-ness; I Am Dealing With Some Serious Writer's Block.
Hope This Wasn't Too Disappointing.
<3, BobBryar.