You Don't Need Superpowers

Saige's POV

"PIZZA!" BIll yelled sitting down at the table.

"Yes, Bill. Pizza. Let's order some, eh?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He did the same to me. Only he does it better, so her won.

"Saige, you're such a freaking yooper." Ann laughed at me.

"Yooper?" TOm asked.

"Yeah, someone whe lives here."

"Okay then..." Bill said, taking a sip of his coke.

"February 29." I said to myself.


"THis year's a leap year! We're getting married February 29!" I squealed.

"Okay, sweet." GUstav smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Behb, not here. I know too many people," i whispered.

"Remember what I told you at the dance?"

"Yeah, I suppose." We got the pizza, and Ann took a bite.

"THis is the most amazing pizza I've tasted in my entire life!" she exclaimed, wolfing it down.

"I thought you hated it." I said.

"Not anymore!" SHe grabbed another piece and scarfed that down too.



We were done with our eating fandango, and we went back over to the mather inn. it was just down the street, so we decided to walk. In the beautiful snow i stopped at the old ish statue.


I looked up at it, for the first time in my life, marvelling at it's unique sereneness. I grabbed onto his foot, and started to climb. I stepped all the way up until I was sitting at his feet, clutching onto his legs.

"Um, Saige? What are you doing?" Bria asked me curiously.

"I'm not sure. Do you ever get that feeling where everything is perfect and you could die at that exact instant, happy? And then you don't die, and there's an urge of disappointment, and you wish that someone had just kiled you painlessly? That's how I feel. I feel like if I died right now, I wouldn't need to come back to earth for anything. just like flying, only better. just free. Free of it all."

"Er, no." She looked at me like I was crazy.

"I know how you feel." Tom said, stepping forward.

"Me too," BIll said, looking back at Bria, displeased slightly.

"And me," Said Ann, clutcing ehr stomache. Tom took her and held her close.

"It's sad that you don't get that feeling, Bria. I pity you. YOu don't know what you're missing." I stared up at the cloudy night sky. "Because I don't even need the moon or the stars."

I know that after tonight, I started singing. Ann, Tom, and Bill joined me.

You won't have to look up at the stars,
No, no, no no.
I know that after tonight,
You won't have to look up at the stars.
No, no no no no-oh.

Yes, I admit, it was starting to sound like a cult, but a cool cult.
♠ ♠ ♠
awe, cute.

i had to write something, so I'll ask bria about some stuff, and we'll see how this is going to continue.

comment and all that good shizz,
even tho I know you won't.