You Don't Need Superpowers

Saige's POV

So, since I'm on tour, I'm bored when we're on the bus. Typical, eh? I can't sleep for very long, because I have to sleep on the couch. And when Bill has his 'off' days, where he gets up at six A.M. for some reason, he comes and wakes me up. And I have to entertain him. Last time that happened was wednesday. I was sleeping and dreaming lovely dreams, when Bill came and sat his bony little ass on my hips. On purpose, might I add. I wanted to slap him.

So for the past three days, I've been sleep deprived. But on the plus side, we're in a town that has a carnival going on. We don't have to be in the town three miles away until tomorrow, so I'm gonna try to talk everyone into going. Really, I'm absolutely in love with carnivals. Not the carnies, though. Carnies scare the durned shit outta me.

"Gusti!" I yelled, running through the bus.

"Shhh, what? I'm right here, you don't have to yell." Gustav said from the bunks.

I grabbed his hand and started to swing it back and forth. "I wanna go to the carnival." i whined, stressing out the word carnival with an extra three layers of whine.

"A carnival?" Bill poked his head out from his bunk. "I wanna go to the carnival!" he got out of bed and looked at Gustav, longingly. "Pleeeease?" He pouted.

"Um, why are you asking me?" Gustav asked. "I don't have control over our schedule. Call Jost."

"Will you call Jost for me?" I asked. Gustav shook his head.

"It doesn't matter to me whether we go or not." I huffed at his terrible response.

"Bill?" I looked at him as nice as I could.

"Nuh. I have to get dressed."

"GEORG!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Georg came running in.

"What?" he asked frantically.

"Will you call Jost for me? Bill and I wanna go to the carnival." I took my phone out.

"Sure..." Georg took the phone and started dialing.

"Hey, Jost..... Yeah, we're almost there, about ten kilometres away..... Yeah, there's a carnival here, and we'd all like to go.... Uh-huh. Okay, yeah, mhmm. Bye."

"So?" I asked, taking my phone back and pocketing it.

"We can go."

"Yes!" I did a fist pump.
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are like computers to nerds :D