Status: Finished.


chapter 19


Once Bryan went home I was having a hard time going to sleep. Susie was on my mind and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop thinking of her. What was she doing now? Why did I say that to her? Why was I so stupid? I was really stressing myself out and I called Cassie to talk to her about.

“Hey Cass” I said glumly.

“Hey boo what’s wrong?” she asked genuinely sounding concerned.

“It’s Susie I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m trying to be faithful to Bryan but like I still want to make her happy. I still want to…” I hesitated for a second. I didn’t know if I should say this to Cassie or not.

“You still want to what?” she encouraged.

“I want to do so many things to her. Like sexual things ugh it’s making me crazy. What’s wrong with me?” She laughed which wasn’t the reaction I was expecting and I smiled slowly.

“It’s called lust darling. It happens to the best of us.” I could hear her boyfriend in the background. He was begging her to get off the phone so they could do stuff. I laughed he was such an idiot.

“Well it must stop because I don’t know how much longer I will last.” This was true. I really didn’t know.

“You know Jess? Maybe Bryan will be okay with you messing around with girls. I mean it’s not like they have dicks. It’s not the same as if you were messing around with a guy.” I never thought about this but there was no way I was going to ask him.

“Cassie are you insane? With Bryan being so jealous he would probably kill her. Besides I don’t think she would want anything like that. I think she wants something serious with me.”

“What makes you think that?” I could hear her yelling at her boyfriend in the background to hold his penis.

“I don’t know. It’s just the way she looks at me sometimes. Maybe I’m wrong. I could be wrong.”

“Well why don’t you ask her what she wants from you? That way you’ll know if it’s worth it or not.”

“If what’s worth it?” I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Having to choose between her and Bryan because I mean darling it’s inevitable.” She was right and I sighed big to show her that. I told her I had to go and hung up the phone.

My life really wasn’t supposed to be like this I should have never gone to that party.

The next morning I woke up for school, showered and got ready. Bryan picked me up as usual and there was still some awkwardness but I didn’t care. I had other things to worry about. Like second period art with Susie. I swear just thinking about her makes me blush.

“Why are you blushing?” Bryan asks and I just shook my head. I could have sworn I heard him grit his teeth but I didn’t bother to ask him about it because I really didn’t care. He was really starting to work my nerves lately. When I arrived to my class I give him a quick peck on the cheek and walk in.

I take my usual seat and think about Susie. When was I ever not thinking of her? Im so confused and I don’t know which way to go with this. As always I am snapped out of my trance when Mr. Lancaster slaps a huge packet down on my desk.

“Test Friday, you should get started.” He sneers and I give him a small smile and open it up to work. I swear one more year of this shit and its goodbye and good riddance. I shudder at this thought. Does that mean goodbye to Susie as well? I really need to pee so I raise my hand and ask for a bathroom pass. After a lot of mumbling, Mr. Lancaster gave me a pass and I half walked half ran to the nearest girls bathroom. I found an empty stall and instantly felt good as I relieved myself then I heard two girls talking.

“Jaz it was absolutely amazing. I never felt so much pleasure and satisfaction in my entire existence.” Someone giggled as I started to wipe.

“You are being so dramatic lady. I mean you barely know this girl and now its all this big catastrophic experience.”

“Well if you felt what I felt last night then you would see what I mean.” Another giggle I flushed and exited the stall. I washed my hands as they continued to plaster make up on their faces.

“Lina your too much. So what was her name again?” So this girl was a lesbian or a bi sexual. I never knew there were even any in my school. Out of the corner of my eye I could see “Lina” looking at me, as if to see if I was really listening.

“For the millionth time its Susie girl.” I instantly felt dizzy and grabbed hold to the bathroom counter tightly.

“Susie right shes the one with the really nice eyes and black hair?” her friend asked her.

“yes that’s her shes fucking hot.” Lina replied and there was no doubt in my mind that this Susie was my Susie. I felt my knees get weak and fell to the floor in a daze.

“Hey are you okay?” Jaz asked as she put a hand on my forehead as Lina tried to help me up. I wanted to pull away from her, smack her and tell where to go. But I couldn’t how was she to know anything, I am sure I wasn’t mentioned during there little rendezvous last night. Last night after I had just seen her am I really so easy to forget? I started to cry and Jaz patted my back trying to soothe me.

“Jaz I have to get back to class so um…see you.” Lina told her friend as she exited the bathroom. Thank god.

“Im sor-.”I tried to say but all I could do was choke up again.

“No no its okay. I have moments like these too. Everyone does don’t feel bad.” She was a sweet girl too bad I could kill her friend right about now.

“Thanks” I replied as I tried to pull myself together. Once I got my face to look alright, Jaz gave me a hug and told me everything would turn out okay. But I knew too well that it wouldn’t. Especially for Lina.
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sry i had a brain freeze lol
this ones for Maia =p