Status: Finished.


chapter 21


As soon as I walked out the room I punched the closest thing to me. This ended up being a brick wall.

“FUCK!” I screamed and gathered some stares as well. Soon hands covered my eyes.

“Guess who?” a sweet voice chimed.

“I’m not in the mood” I responded and took the hands off my eyes. I turned around and saw Lina's hurt facial expression.

“What’s wrong babe?” I cringed at the word babe and hoped she didn’t notice.

“Nothing I’m just aggravated ill talk to you later.” I gave her a quick kiss and stormed off to my next class.

After sitting through a long ass period of boring economics I was nice and cooled off. I went to lunch and sat at my table with my friends.

“Hey Susie what’s up?” Freddy asked as he cuddled up with his girlfriend Tanya.

“Ever do something really fucking stupid?” Freddy and Tanya laughed as I stared across the lunch room looking at Jess and Bryan kissing one another. I almost snapped my drum stick in half.

“Relax Susie. You’re going to break your stick and we all know how you get when you do that.” Tanya stated and I loosened my grip and sighed.

“Do I have fuck-up printed across my forehead or something?” I asked as I buried my head into my hands.

“Nope but you do have dick printed there.” Max’s voice answers. I punch him in his groin and he cries out in pain. Everyone laughs everyone but me.

“Oh jeez Susie cheer the fuck up would you. You’re killing my buzz.” Kiki tells me and I put my head up and flipped her off.

“Alright what’s wrong with my best friend?” john asks. He really is the best guy in the world.

“I fucked up with this girl I really like for a girl I don’t even know and don’t like and now have to call my girlfriend because I’m such an idiot.”

“Whoa you have a new girlfriend? Is she hot?” Max asks tongue practically hanging out. I guess he recovered.

“Yes but you can have her because I totally don’t want her.”

“So why did you get with her Susie?’ John inquires and his guess is just as good as mine.

“I don’t know. Well I do but ugh okay well it’s because I was lonely and I was mad at Jess for teasing me and not letting me do her…” I explain to john half heartedly.

“Jess…as in Jessica Greensley?” Max asks.

“Yes.” I reply.

“Oh the one from the party? She can sing really well. I remember vaguely because I was wasted.” Kiki adds.

“She sang?” I asked Kiki but Tanya answered for her.

“Yeah she was great. But like doesn’t she have a boyfriend?”

“Yes.” I answer shortly.

“So isn’t she straight?” Freddy asks.

“Yes but that’s not the fucking point!” I scream

“Relax Susie people are going to stare.” Max says.

“I don’t care I don’t want to be with Lina. I want to be with Jess.” I whined.

“So it’s easy. Break up with Lina duh.” John replies.

“I can’t I will feel like such a dick!” I exclaimed.

“Either that or be unhappy. It’s really that simple.” John tells me.

I slammed my head on the lunchroom table then put my iPod on blast. I am such an idiot.
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