Status: Finished.


chapter 28

I felt a hand on my back. It was John. He looked concerned.

“Don’t worry love she’s smitten with you.” I half smiled but shook my head.

“How can I compare to that? I can’t even hold her hand without getting all self conscious and this girl whose done stuff with her before just told her that she wants to sleep with her in front of my face like I wasn’t even there and I didn’t do anything. I’m such a pussy. Plus she’s gorgeous, why does Susie even want me when she can have that?” This alcohol was making me way too emotional.

“Ah don’t think like that. It will only make things harder in the end. You’re new at this whole girl thing right?”

“Yes and I suck as you can see.”

“No you don’t it just takes time to get used to it that’s all. I’m sure Susie is in no rush, I mean she came to the party with you not her. That counts for something trust me.” He was right my god he gave good advice.

“John you’re a really nice person” I said as I gave him a hug.


I took Lina to the backyard where all the beer pong games were going on. I wanted to play so bad but there was a bigger issue at hand.

“Listen Lina don’t ever pull some shit like that again. Especially in front of her, I want to be with her and I’m not going to have you screw it up.”

“Why do you want to be with her when you have everything you need right here? She asked me pouting whilst trying to look sexy. She did look sexy but that’s just the alcohol making me horny. I put a hand to my forehead trying to stop my dizziness.

“We had fun Lina that’s all it was and now we are over. So please let’s just make this easy.”

“I’m willing to fight for you if that’s what you want.” She said as she grabbed my ass. I’m not going to lie it did feel good.

“Mmm really I mean stop it Lina. Ugh quit fucking with me like that. I don’t want you to fight for me I just want you to move on and just be nice to Jess. Yes that’s what I want.” I told her as I backed away from her a little.

“I don’t want to move on I want to kiss you.” She said then pounced on me. She crashed her lips on mine and started kissing me intensely. I was shell shocked and I didn’t know how to respond but I did part my lips which was so dumb because she stuck her tongue in my mouth and I couldn’t help but kiss her back after that. A few minutes later she pulled away with a smirk on her face and I with a grimace on mine. I smacked myself mentally and turned around to go back in the house.

“You’ll be back” she yelled to me and I waved her off trying to keep my balance. I wasn’t looking and I ran straight into Jess who looked rather pissed. Fuck I hope she didn’t see. Fuck fuck fuck I thought in my head as I mentally slapped myself again.

“Done making out?” she asked straight to the point and I scratched my head like I didn’t know what she meant. Maybe playing dumb was my best bet.

“Err what?”

“You heard me don’t play dumb, I’m already pissed off as it is.” Damn playing dumb not working.

“Why are you pissed my lady?” I said as pulled her into my arms and she tensed up.

“Get off me your drunk and your stupid. I hate stupid people.” She replied then walked away from me. What the fuck just happened here? This was not what I had planned for tonight. I shook my head and stumbled to the keg. The drunker the merrier because it seems I’ve royally screwed myself tonight.
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gah =p