Status: Finished.


chapter 34

“Ugh.” We hung up the phone and I stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes. There were so many feelings inside me I didn’t even know where to start. I walked over to my closet to look for a hoodie. I knew it would be chilly tonight and I didn’t want to add freezing to the list of shitty things that happen to Jess. I dialed Susie never having called her number and listened to it ring. She didn’t answer as I got her voicemail so I left her message almost begging her to meet me there tonight.

The ravine was this enclosed area in the middle of the Sundale Woods. Our little “Haven” which some of us called it leads to this awesome waterfall slash swimming area. It was beautiful in the summer and exciting at night. I wasn’t all too excited though. I didn’t want to see Jake or Bryan for that matter. I really just wanted to be by myself. I heard a car horn and ran downstairs. Cassie was waiting in the car with her lovely boyfriend.
After a long ride of awkward silence in the car, we finally arrived at the Woods. I got out the car as fast as I could and made my way over to the pathway that lead to Haven. Once I trudged through the path for a couple minutes I could see the clearing up ahead.

When I reached the light I felt a little surge of excitement, I mean come on it’s the freaking ravine!! Cassie and her boyfriend Robbie were right behind me. We had brought blankets snacks and booze because everyone who goes has to bring something. Which I had totally forgot to tell Susie. I wasn’t all too sure if she would come. She’s definitely the play it cool type of girl. One of things I like so much about her. Wow it still shocks me to even think I like a girl.

“Were here!!!” Cass exclaims as we walk through the bushes to the opening of the Ravine. The party was already in full gear. People were already diving off the cliffs ugh I wanted to do that so bad.

“Cass can we please go cliff diving this time?” I begged her. She was terrified of heights and I didn’t trust anyone else enough to jump off with them. You’re supposed to jump with a buddy just in case except for the crazy dare devils. I was no way near one of those.

“Are you freaking crazy, id pee my pants. Why don’t you go with her Robbie?” I look at him with hope but he shakes his head and looks away.

“Don’t think that’s much of a good idea. I can’t swim remember?” we both laugh totally remembering the incident with him at the lake. It was absolutely hilarious.

“Ugh well who am I going to go with then?” just as I said this I saw Bryan with a girl. She was all over him. They looked ready to cliff jump until he caught my eye and came towards me. The girl stared daggers at me and I couldn’t remember who she was.

“Hey” he said quietly. I replied back with a wave.

“So how have you been Jess?” he asked shuffling his feet. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’m alright, your friend doesn’t seem to like me too much.” I stated and waved at her. She flipped me the bird and I smiled. “Dating her?”

“No we are just…friends.” He replied shortly and I glanced around trying to get out of this awkward situation. I checked for any sign of Susie but I didn’t see her. “I just wanted to see how you were; I’m going to go cliff dive with Trish. Were you diving tonight?”

“I don’t know I don’t have a partner” I responded and his eyes lit up. “They haven’t showed up yet.” He instantly frowned and shook his hair.

“Well alright if you want one come find me.” With that he walked away and I relaxed my shoulders.

“Awkward much?” Cass asked nudging me and handing me a beer. We settled onto the blanket and I took a sip of the beer.

“I don’t think she’s going to show.” I said solemnly.

“Well Lina’s here” she said and I looked in the direction she was looking at. Sure enough Lina was dancing with her friend Jaz looking gorgeous as always.

“Seriously how the hell can I compare to that?” Cass laughed as did Rob.

“You seriously don’t see yourself do you?” Cass responded.
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Here ya gooo I saw some phantom readers so it gave me the initiative to post the next chapter leave some comments if you have the time :)<3