Status: Finished.


chapter 36

I waited and I waited and I waited but she doesn’t show. I didn’t see her jump and I didn’t see her splash down around me. I’m getting worried and decide to swim to the rocks around me and hoisted myself up from the water. That was such a rush I think to myself as I ring out my hair. I throw it up in a quick ponytail and tread back up the cliff in search of Susie.

It is like nobody saw her. Except when I finally caught up to Cass she instantly turned pale. I didn’t have a good feeling about this is at all. I pulled my thoughts together.

“Have you seen Susie? She was supposed to jump off the cliff with me but she never made it down.” Cass shakes her head slowly and nudges Robbie who is hiding behind her like he’s intimidated. I give them a weird look and start walking away.

“I saw them go to the trees.” Rob yells to me, I whip my head around and grab him by his arm.

“Show me” I tell him through gritted teeth. He gets up unsteady and begins walking into said direction he saw them go. Cass is trailing behind us in seconds.

“Now Jess don’t do anything rash, please?” She actually sounds truly nervous. I wonder how pissed my face looks. We break through the brush and crouch down near a tree. I can hear them talking quietly so we move an inch or two and they were in perfect sight. Hidden behind the leaves of the trees I tell Cass and Robbie to be quiet.

Susie is leaning against a tree, her bottle of jack nearly finished in her hand. Lina is lying in her lap looking up at her. I want to break both their faces instead I wait patiently to hear what they are talking about first.

“I just don’t understand what you see in her. She doesn’t even know what she’s doing. She’s straight and she’s just playing you until another guy rolls along and sweeps her off her feet.” Susie’s expression grew kind of dark and then it lightens.

“You don’t know her. So how can you claim to see inside her head?”

“Gosh Susie there are so many girls out here like that. They play the whole bi card but when it comes to a real full blown lesbian relationship its, ‘oh well I just like kissing girls’. I wouldn’t actually want to be with one.” Susie chuckles and shakes her head.

“Sounds like a personal experience eh? Did you get crushed by a girl like that?”.

“That’s beside the point but haven’t we all? I just don’t want you to get hurt because she clearly doesn’t know what she wants. She’s never going to be in a relationship with you.” Susie turns her head and it was like she was looking directly at me. Like she knew I was there. Then she smiles sadly and turns her head the other way.

“Regardless I’ll enjoy whatever time I get to spend with her and if that does happen, I would respect her decision but it wouldn’t stop me from trying to be with her. She’s special.”

“So I’m not special?” she asks as she lifted herself up to face her. Susie kisses her on the forehead and rested her hand on Lina’s face.

“We have fun but it doesn’t go any deeper than that. Jess and I…the chemistry between us is I can’t even put it in words. I beat myself up for fucking her over and doing things with you when I know who I want. It isn’t you Lina. As weird as it sounds I kind of think I’m in love with her.” My heart drops into my stomach. I almost let out a gasp but I keep it together. Cass squeezes my hand for support.

“You’re just in love with the idea of being with her.” Lina responds as she gets up and dusts herself off.

“Whatever some people have to learn their lessons the hard way.” Lina states then stomps away.

“Yeah and some people should just accept that I want her and not you.” Lina flips her off and Susie laughs getting up from the tree and starts walking in my direction. Cass and Robbie make a run for it and I grab Susie’s arm and pull her down.
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