Status: Finished.


chapter 7


What the fuck just happened? Did I just kiss a girl well technically she kissed me but I don't understand I mean hello I am a girl. I should have moved away from her when I figured out she was flirting. But I kind of liked her flirting with me. What the hell was I thinking? I have a boyfriend who I've wanted for so long and here I am being a whore.

What am I going to tell Bryan? No I'm not going to say anything. He doesn't need to know it wasn't a big deal it's not like I like her or anything. I didn't, I don't even know her and I'm not gay so that solves it. I'll probably never see her again. Bryan returned and wrapped his arms around me. I started to blush and instantly felt bad. I was feeling kind of under the weather since…earlier. I mean it was awesome with Bryan I just don't want to regret it. Maybe now that he's gotten me he will go back to his old ways and mess around with other girls. Why did I have to get involved with my best friend? That girl was bothering me. I loved her hair and her personality was so outgoing. She didn't even tell me her name or anything. I told her mine I'm never going to see her again. I'm so stupid.


I hummed that cheesy song "untouched" by the Veronicas. I loved that song its cool how she kind of raps then they sing. I wasn't paying attention and almost ran into the car in front of me. I slammed the breaks on just in time. I beeped at him it was a green light what the hell? Someone in the car put their hand out the window indicating me to go around them. I pulled up next to them and cracked my window.

"You guys okay?" I asked I was in a "Good Samaritan" kind of mood.

The passenger was a blonde kid. He turned to me and shook his head. The girl started shouting at him and screamed to me.

"The car stalled out and Jake here is too shy to ask for help" she stated in frustration.

"Well I have jumper cables in the trunk…I mean unless you're going to just wait at this light until someone else comes along. Someone else nice enough to stop." I say smoothly.

He gave me a dirty look.

"I don't know how to jump a car" he replied sharply.

"Oh a girly boy, I see. I know how so do you want my help or not?" I am such an asshole. The girl hit him in the back of his head and then he turned to me with a tired expression.

"You're going to jump me in the middle of the street?"

"No dummy." I pulled off to the side, popped my trunk and took the cables out. Then I walked to the front of the car and placed them on the hood. I signaled for the car that pulled up behind him to go around then crossed the street.

"Well are you going to sit there and make me do all of the work pretty boy." He mumbled something under his breath as I laughed. I patted him on the back and motioned for him to help me push the car to the side as best we could.

"Put it in neutral or better yet do that then come out and help us." He yelled to the girl in the car.

"Are you stupid? I'm not breaking a nail because you have a shitty car." She replied evenly.

"You are by far the most annoying girl I’ve ever met." We started pushing the car which wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. It was close enough to my car so I signaled him to stop.

"Go in your car. I'll tell you when to start the engine. Make sure everything is off."

He nodded then opened the door to his vehicle.

"Oh yeah pop the hood" I said.

He popped the hood and I placed the jumper cables on my battery then his.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah go for it and pump the gas a little."

His engine roared a couple of seconds later and relief spread across his face. He got out the car then gave me a hug and pulled away with a sheepish grin. Boys are so touchy feely. The girl in his car shot daggers at me with her eyes.

"Don't worry I'm gay if anything he should be the one worried."

He looked at me like I had three heads and I chuckled to myself as I removed the jumper cables from his "hoopdey". I walked up to the passenger window and gave her a wink. She turned away from me quickly. I headed back to my car as they sped off. To my luck pink's song sober was on. I love that song too. I started singing with her at the top of my lungs and headed to my house. Jake that name sounded familiar now that I think about it. Hm I can't put a finger on it. Man this thing was going to bother me all night. Once I got home I hung my keys up next to the door and went on the computer. I pulled up MySpace in search of the red head. I had no idea where to start. Did she even go to the same school as me? After a while I gave up because there were way too many Jess's in this world. There were two with red hair but they didn't live anywhere near here. I pulled up my blog and started writing about what happened earlier. I was fascinated with her red hair and I had no idea why. I got so annoyed I slammed my keyboard down and headed toward my drums. Maybe If I beat the shit out of them I'll feel a little better.
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im excited that i have 17 readers and 3 subscribers
if ya read chappy 1 read the rest it onli gets better!!

P.S. this was a bit of a filler ill post another now