The Dictionary..


"And this is where we buried our dog, Mavis!" I stepped back from Mr.Turn. It was a grave, who the fuck does that. I gave my mother, who glared at me, a weak smile. She smiled back at Mrs.Turn who tried to show her the plants they put in after a year of "Mavis" being dead. I guess it beats the price of cow shit.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Turns!" the boy I saw yesterday say. He pulled up beside me in a red truck and country music blaring. I crinkled my nose and sighed. He looked cute, but he acted just like the others.


"Well hello Jason," Mr.Turns said shaking Jason's hand. I watched his eyes follow their way to me. I sighed and tapped my foot on the ground.

"Mum, we have to go visit Aunt June by five, it's four now!" I said, pulling on her arms in hopes that she would get the message.

"Well, now we can be a little late. June always is late anyway," she said and sent me a glare. I groaned slightly and rolled my head back to look at the sky. Sunny, just like me.

I do love my name, but I'm not really a happy person. I'm a snob and I'm proud. I always get what I want, when I want and nobody gets in my way. Ever. People and school have called me a bitch, a brat, and a whore but their just jealous. Really, really jealous, so much in fact they stoop to names. I shook myself out of thought when I heard my name.

"That there is Sunny, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Damon," Mrs.Turns said shoving me out in front. I glared hard at the space behind Jason and sighed. My mother cleared her throat.

"Hello Jason," my mother said and shook his head. Suck-up.My mother cleared her throat again.

"Are you OK mother? Maybe we should go home," I said with no worry at all. She gave me a pointed look and nodded her head at Jason.

"Hello, I'm Sunny," I grumbled. He smiled and held out his hand, I bit my lip and kept my hands at my sides.

He shrugged. "I'm Jason,"

No shit. I pulled my sunglasses from the top of my head and returned to where I was sitting before. I pulled at my necklace that my brother gave me before he went and got all famous and looked around the Turns house. It was small, one story, and had clipped white paint and green shudders. It looked like it hadn't be mowed in years. I shivered at the thought of what could be under the house and looked towards the lake that stood out as the only nice thing. It was clear and fine to swim in, they said. I figured I would, I loved swimming. Swim team would be crap without me.

"Wouldn't you Sunny?" I looked at my mother and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked her hopefully wishing she meant go home.

"Go with Jason to the store for Nancy and Drew,' she told me. I glared at her and was about to say no when my dad cut in.

"She would, go on Sunny. Jason said he would drop you off at June's," I glared at him. That traitor! I grumbled under my breath and followed Jason to his truck. I opened the door and three bottles of soda rolled out and to the ground. I decided between leaving them or picking them up, but decided on the latter and bent over. I grabbed the three, tucking one under my arm, and jumped in beside Jason.

"Thanks," he said. I dropped them to the floor and looked out the window.


I kicked my flip flops off and brought my feet up to my chest and lent my chin on my knees. My Hollister shorts rose up and I pulled them down before glancing at Jason who was smiling at me.

"Enjoy the ride princess," he smirked. I glared at him.

"My name is not Princess-" the rest of my sentence was cut off by a scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh god.
Car accident?
Really fast?
Big bird?
You'll see.