Everything Slips Away

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Fuck Bri, harder!” Abby’s voice hitched, she moaned lightly. “Oh god,” her legs locked and her toes curled, her pleasure was evident on her face. I pushed harder, feeling her freeze up for a moment and relax. “Damn, Bri.” She blinked a few times, “You should consider a career as a masseuse.”

I continued to rub her shoulders; she leaned back into me slightly as I worked at her muscles. “Are you going to pay me?” She moaned again as I rub out another knot. I inwardly groan, all of her moaning is turning me on. She moved out from under my fingers and turned around so she was sitting on her knees facing me. She placed her lips on my cheek, giving me a purposely wet kiss.

“That was your payment,” I stick my tongue out at her. “I went running with you earlier, this is my payment for that.”

“We have a good system going don’t we?” She nodded and pulled the bottoms of her shorts further down her thighs.

“I like it,” We grinned at each other. “I’m gonna go get some cookie dough, do you want anything?”

“Cookie dough is fine,” she stood up and walked to the door, it creaked loudly as she pushed it open but tonight we didn’t flinch, her grandparents were out at the movies. Although I don’t think Jack or Nona minded me spending the night. “Bring up the left over pizza too, babe.” Surprise registered on her face when I called her babe; usually it was Abs or kiddo. Never babe. But she shot me the double thumbs up and continued out the door.
I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket; I turned on my side slightly to pull the brick like phone out. “Hello?”

“Brian?” The voice on the other end crackled. “It’s Jimmy.”


“Dude what are you doing tonight? I was thinking we could go to the park with the guys and get fucking smashed but Matt is with Val and Zack is doing something and I don’t even fucking know where Wendt is because the bastard won’t pick up his goddamn phone,” Jimmy finished with a deep breath.

“Sorry man, I’m at Abby’s” The door opened and almost as if she had heard her name Abby entered carrying plates of pizza and raw cookie dough.

“Who’s that?” Abby asked quietly pointing to the phone.

“Jimmy,” I mouthed, holding the phone away from my ear slightly.

“Like in the band Jimmy?” I nodded. Abby dropped the food on the desk and leapt onto the bed. She leaned towards me so she could talk into the mouth piece. “You can come over here!” I inwardly groaned. I had a system; I kept Abby away from the rest of the guys, not that I thought anything would happen or that Abby wouldn’t like them or vice versa, I just wanted to keep Abby to myself. I was her only friend, she had girls that she would occasionally go shopping with if they invited her along but that was a rare occurrence. Maybe I was being selfish but I didn’t care, Abby was my best friend and I wasn’t planning to share her.
Abby wrestled the phone from my hands and rattled off directions to get to her house. She laughed at something Jimmy said and hung up the phone. “He sounds really nice,”

I snorted, nice wasn’t the word I would have used to describe Jimmy. He was a great guy but nice wasn’t the first word that came to mind when he was brought up in a conversation, crazy was. “He’s cool, completely fucking insane but really cool,” Abby slid off the bed to retrieve the food that sat neglected on the dresser.

“Don’t get shit on my bed,” She warned as she passed off a plate to me.

“Sure, sure.” I took a large bite of pizza, watching Abby stuff a large piece of cookie dough in her mouth. Her pink lips closed around the dark dough, her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned. What was it with girls and chocolate?

She swallowed slowly; if I hadn’t known Abby I would have thought she was teasing me. But as smart as she was in the world of books, formulas and tests she was the only eighteen year old girl who knew almost nothing about the real world. She would have been mortified if she knew she was the reason my pants were getting tighter. I could see her cheeks go bright red if I told her I thought of her in the shower. Abby. Abby my best friend who thought having boyfriends was too time consuming. Abby who had only had one real kiss. Sometimes I wondered if it would be easier if she actually dated.

“So tell me about the band,” Abby prodded gently. She knew that I wasn’t going to tell her much and I knew that she was going to pick Jimmy’s brain about everything and anything to do with Avenged Sevenfold when he finally climbed through her window.

“We have four songs, I haven’t helped write anything but what they have sounds fucking great.” I wiped my hands on one of the napkins Abby brought up and put my empty plate on the bedside table. Tapping on the window stopped me from saying anything else. Abby shot up from her position on the bed, her hand was on the window latch before I could blink.
“Hi Jimmy!” She took a step back when his long leg came through the window, searching for a place to land.

Jimmy slithered into the room and straightened up, brushing the leaves out of his hair. His gaze fell on the ample amount of cleavage displayed by the tank top she wore as pajamas. “Hi Abby,” He took her outstretched hand and shook it. He looked around the room, taking in the multiple Dime bag Darrell posters and the rows upon rows of CDs that filled one of her bookshelves. “Fuck, you have a shitload of CDs,” Abby grinned, she was a proud parent displaying her baby for all to see. I chuckled when Jimmy walked by her, his tall frame towered over her short one. Jimmy ran his fingers over the cases, muttering the names as he went. “Black Sabbath, Exodus, Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer. Great line-up.” He pulled a CD off the shelf. “You have Beethoven?” Abby nodded. “Weird,” Jimmy replaced the CD.

“Abs plays the piano, Beethoven is her idol.” I threw in when Jimmy held up a second Beethoven case. Abby shot me a look that clearly said ‘shut the fuck up.’

“Oh yeah.” Jimmy slid another case back into the empty shelf space it belonged in. “Brian told me about that, you kick ass right?”

“Umm,” she faltered, clearly shocked that I talked about her.

“She rocks,” I stated.

“Play something,” Jimmy grinned; with his hair sticking up on end like it always did he looked like a tall, thin troll doll. Abby blushed and shook her head no, Jimmy frowned. “Another time then.”

“Band practice tomorrow?” I asked, breaking the small silence that had blanketed the room.

“Just like every Saturday Syn.” Jimmy confirmed. Abby’s head perked up at the sound of my nickname.

“Syn?” She inquired.

Jimmy laughed, “He hasn’t told you about that?” Abby shook her head no. “We were drunk
off our asses a few Saturdays ago and we were driving through the park, that asshole,” He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at me. “leans out the fucking window and screams ‘I am Synyster Gates and I am awesome.’ I was so fucking confused but that’s his name now.”

Abby threw her head back and laughed, “So do you have a name?”

“The Reverend Tholomew Plague.” He announced proudly.

“That’s fucking awesome,” Abby looked at him, her eyes steely. I knew whatever she was about to was a joke but Jimmy didn’t know that. “But you steal Brian away from me every Saturday night, leaving me to deal with his hung over ass on Sunday mornings.”

Jimmy turned to me, “Syn, she fucking takes care of you when you have a hang over?”

I nodded, “She makes me waffles,”

Jimmy jumped up, “Why the fuck do you even spend time with me? She makes you waffles on hangover mornings and she lets you copy all her class notes!” Abby laughed, Jimmy swung his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. “You’re my new best friend Abby, Brian doesn’t appreciate you.”

“I’m bossy and a bitch though,” Abby argued.

“But you make waffles so you can boss me around whenever you want,” he winked.
“If you want I can send some waffles with Brian when he goes to band practice tomorrow.” Jimmy clapped his hands like a little kid who found out he would be receiving lots of candy.

“How about you come to practice, I don’t trust Brian alone with waffles.” I scoffed.

“I’d love to go,” Jimmy high fived her and my heart dropped into my stomach.
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I'm sorry it took me so long, my teachers went a little homework crazy this week.
Thank you all for reading, it really means a lot to me.