Please, Help Me

Chapter 1

“Baby, please.” He begged, pleading that it would end soon, and end well.
“NO! Go away!!” She screamed, her hands pulling at her matted hair, crying.
“Just calm down, we’ll work through this together.” He held his hands up slightly, hoping to calm her down.
“Calm down, please. It’ll be ok, just calm down…” He continued to beg.
“Get out OF MY HEAD!!!” She broke, and she fell, collapsing onto the cold wooden floor, crying. Whimpering.
He ran to her, scooping her into his arms and gently comforting her, whispering words to sooth her pain. They’re pain.

He’s grown use to the fights, the screaming, the shouting. Everything. She was always shouting at the voices, pleading for them to shut up and go away. Screaming for them to leave her alone.

It never worked though.

They sat there, on the cold wood floor, her sobbing into his shirt, him clutching her tightly, never wanting to let go. Eventually the sobbing stopped, but he still held her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, barely audible.
He shushed her, “its not your fault.”

Then they collapsed into their own dreams.