Status: Complete


Part #1

“Paty!!! Move your freaking ass!” My friend Jay yelled.

“Jay! HELP! I can’t find my 30STM t-shirt!!!” I yelled in panic while turning my room upside down.

“Which of them?” He asked.

“The one who is black and has the white arrow in the back!” I said looking under my bed.

“Did you look in your drawer? The drawer with all your blue stuff.” He said smirking at my clumsiness.

“No.” I said standing up. I blushed a deep red when I found my t-shirt in the drawer he had said.

“Great now MOVE!” He said happily while going towards the living room.

I dressed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, my 30STM t-shirt and a pair of converse. I put some eyeliner on my eyes, I put my Echelon red bracelet in my right wrist and I picked a flag Jay and I had made 3 years ago.

“Ready?” He asked moving his blonde hair from his green eyes.

“The other flag?” I asked.

“In the car.” He answered.

“The tickets? The rose?” I said.

“My pocket and car.” He smiled.

“And you look magnificent.” He said pulling me by the hand.

Soon we met our other friends that were already expecting us.

“They are already there, doing the sound check. Some girls were lucky to get in.” My friend Lilly said sadly.

“Oh hun don’t worry, we’ll see him anyways.” I grinned happily, sitting on the floor.

“Paty ready to yell?” Jacob another friend of ours said excitedly pulling me up.

“Why?” I asked.

“See those guys right there sitting cross legged? Guess who…” He smiled.

I focused on the people and I realized they were Tomo and Shannon.

“HOLY CHRIST! HI!!!” I said waving like crazy while Tomo and Shannon laughed.

Jacob made me jump in his back and we ran of to where our group was.

“I saw them!” I yelled in happiness making everyone around us stare.

We spent the next 2 hours drawing the glyphics in our arms and I even made them in my converse.

“A security!” Our friend Martha said grabbing my arm and Lilly’s arm dragging us behind her laughing with our little backpacks and all the stuff we had brought.

The security looked at us suspiciously but then he moved everyone started running, I had my back pack in my shoulders and I started running like mad.

“We have to go faster.” Jay smirked speeding of leaving me behind.

“Jay!” I called when we entered the Coliseum going to the part of the standing audience.

“Here!!” I heard him yell back though I had a lot of people in front of me I was to see him with the flag.

“Come on guys, I found him.” I said.

“Where’s Zack?” I asked.

“A little late.” Martha said probably texting him.

I placed my backpack in the ground and I looked around it was going to be totally sold out. We were very close to the stage, probably in the second row of people.

“Ready P?” Jay said smiling at me.

“Hell yeah! We’ve been waiting for this show for months!” I said while more people started to get in the coliseum until it was completely full.

“I can barely move how am I gonna jump?!” I said while our group of now 6 people was very close.

“I’ll make you move.” Jay smirked moving his head ready to grab my butt but I jumped making a karate position while laughing.

“I’m the kick master.” I laughed with Jay while a white curtain fell on the stage not letting us see anything.

“Oh god.” I said widening my eyes while Martha and Lilly came to my side.

I hold their hands and we all smiled at each other. 30 Seconds to Mars were very important to us since I could remember us being friends, we’ve been listening to their songs for 2 years now.

Suddenly the lights were turned off and everyone started yelling and whistling. Some red lights from the stage started moving and shadows appeared. First a man in a guitar.

“IT’S TOMO!” Martha squealed grabbing my hand tighter while jumping in excitement.

Then we saw a man pass and sit in the what seemed to be a drum set.

“OH MY GOD IT’S SHANNON!” Lilly joined Martha in the yelling.

They weren’t the only ones, all the suspense on knowing who the figures were was making everyone scream, jump and whistle even more than before.

I saw the figure who seemed Tomo pass again to the right, then maybe Tim and finally there he was.

“JARED!” I yelled hysterically with tears already in my eyes while jumping like a maniac.

“Calm down or you’ll have a heart attack.” Jacob laughed putting his hand in my shoulder while I turned to him smiling brightly.

Then the white curtain fell and Battle of One started. My eyes shined, He’s really here! I said suppressing a scream while singing and jumping to the song.

When Battle of One ended Jared turned to my side of the audience and I swear I was in heaven. He was wearing a white suit, a white shirt and a black tie and of course his sneakers.

“Hello beautiful people.” He greeted waving to the whole coliseum.

“HI!” Everyone yelled at the same time making the band smile.

Then they played From Yesterday, Savior, Capricorn, The Story, A Beautiful Lie, The Kill, R-Evolve and Attack. In the middle Jared gave his best and he jumped into the crowd and I almost touched his hand!

In the end of Attack they all vanished quickly. I stared at my friends.

“What happened?” I asked out loud.

The lights kept off, everyone was talking at the same time and then from the presidential balcony, that had the best visual contact to the stage appeared Jared and his acoustic guitar.

“Well first of all I want to thank you all the amazing night! This is the last night of our tour but we are so fucking happy to play in this beautiful place to such incredible people. THANK YOU!” Jared said while everyone cheered.

He started playing Was it a Dream, then Echelon his melodic voice was almost making me cry when he sang ‘our’ song A Modern Myth, that song had always been special because it was the first song that made me cry.

When he finished he waved again smiling beautifully and he disappeared.

“Is it over?” Zack asked randomly.

“I don’t think so…” Lilly said.

Then Shannon, Tomo, Tim and Jared all entered the stage again and they played Hunter, Buddha for Mary and the to finish the concert The Fantasy.

They bowed, Shannon gave his drum sticks to some girls and Lilly was able to catch one. The lights went on and everyone started going out.

“Let them all go, we have time.” Jay said.

My legs were shaking, my feet were hurt. I was all sweating and my voice was not doing well.

“Beaten up?” Jacob asked.

“Yeah but totally worth it!” I said while buying some bottle of water to share.

“So what now?” I asked.

“I think we leave.” Lilly said.

“WAIT!” Martha and Zack yelled.

“They are giving autographs!” Martha said.

“WHAT?!” I yelled running to where they had came from to the endless line.

“Who’s coming?” I asked.

“Everyone!” Jay said while they placed in the line.

I started by patting my foot on the ground.

“Paty knock it off.” Jay groaned.

I sighed while seeing amounts and amounts of girls getting in the exit saying ‘OMG Jared smiled at me’ or ‘Shannon said my t-shirt is cute’ it only made me more nervous! What if I can’t speak? What if I forget to say something important? What I fall? I thought nervously already shaking.

“I wanna be the last okay?” I said.

All of them stared at me with wide eyes but let me be the last. Wrong idea being the last was making me crazy and we were really the last ones. Hours seemed to pass when I saw Jay shaking Shannon’s hand. I opened my eyes and my heart started to beat faster by the step I gave closer.

Lilly was ahead of me and she almost fainted, I smiled at her happiness while Shannon glanced between me and her. Lilly passed to Tomo and I have my ticket to Shannon.

“You made those?” He asked pointing at my arms.

“I did Lilly’s and she made mine’s.” I smiled at him.

“Cool converse’s too.” He said.

“Thanks dude, amazing beard!” I giggled while he laughed.

Shannon waved and I passed at Tomo.

“Aren’t you the fluffiest thing?” He asked giggling and stretching his hand pinching my left cheek.

“Jesus.” I said backing away with wide eyes but smiling.

“You have no idea of how red you are!” Jay said while the security didn’t let any of them pass.

“Thanks dude!” I said making him the peace sign while trying to find a way to get them in.

Then I found two amazing blue eyes staring at my converse.

“Someone’s good with art.” Jared said handing me my ticket already autographed.

“Huh, thanks.” I said my eyes never leaving his.

“Amazing voice by the way and great show” I said felling my nerves going away, Jared’s presence was amazing.

“Is that yours?” He said pointing his pen at the flag I had been holding all along.

“Yeah.” I said smiling clumsily.

“Boys you mind on signing it?” Jared asked making one of his accents.

Tomo and Shannon made some accents and they started ‘fighting’ who should sign first.

“She said I had a nice beard so I should be the first!” Shannon said.

“Hey dudes! The flag is big enough for you to sign at the same time!” I laughed.

Suddenly all of my friends were around me, I looked around and I smiled and then I found Jared looking at me again.

“Ask him.” Martha whispered in my ear.

“Why don’t you ask Tomo bear?” I whispered back teasing, smiling.

“Ask panda face.” Jay encouraged.

“Can I get an early birthday hug?” I said laughing.

“What?” Tomo asked.

“In about 2 and half hours I’ll be older.” I grinned while my friends laughed at my easy way on talking to my idols.

“GROUP HUG!” Shannon yelled and the 3 of them squealed me while people started bagging on the door, fans all over the windows trying to see every minute of the conversation I was having with 30STM.

“Well we better go.” I said sadly analyzing the people.

Everyone started saying their goodbyes when I got the rose out of my pocket.

“It survived.” I smiled.

“Thanks.” Jared said while I smiled and turned my back to him reluctantly.

Don’t leave yet. Stay until I go please.” He whispered behind my ear.

I shivered and I nodded. When I walked out of the coliseum I cried.

“I TOUCHED JARED LETO WOOT! I TALKED TO JARED LETO WOOT!” I yelled, dancing around like crazy while laughing.

“Paty almost your birthday!” Jay said.

“Okay let’s sit down and just wait.” I said.

“What now?” Jacob asked seeming bored.

“Let’s do teams and just sing!” Lilly said.

“I’m with Jay!” I said grabbing Jay’s arm.

“What are you singing?” Martha asked.

“DECODE!” We said at the same time.

There is something,
I see in you,
It might kill me,
I want it to be true”. Jay and I sang then hugging.

Then we bowed and we started hearing people yelling and running, suddenly I saw Jared Leto sitting in the stairs that led to the coliseum doors with his acoustic guitar, he sat cross legged, he was wearing a hoodie, black fingerless gloves, jeans and some vans. He had 1 security behind him.

“Good evening everyone.” He said, Martha and Lilly almost fainted while I just stared.

Jay, Jacob and Zack were all staring too.

“I heard that it was someone’s birthday tonight, so I came here to celebrate.” He said.

“Where is panda face?” He asked.

“Here, here!” My friends yelled pushing me forward.

"Ah ah here she is. Everyone I want you to meet Bunny face.” He said placing his arm around my shoulder while pulling me down to sit beside him.

Nervous?” He whispered.

Surprised.” I whispered back observing the amount of people around us, it was overwhelming.

Jared smiled and he started playing with the guitar strings.

“Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear panda face,
Happy birthday to you.” Jared finished giving me a kiss in the cheek and then winking.

“I told you it would be worth it.” He smiled and he stood up leaving.