Redemption of the Fallen

"What sight he is. He'll make a great man someday." A description from a mother about her 3 year old son, Michael. Mike was a good kid. Honest, obedient, smart, and had a good heart. He never bothered anyone at school, he had plenty of friends, and he always cleaned up his toys when he was done. Dream child, right?
All was fine and dandy up until a few months after his third birthday. Suddenly, his mother tells him to stay in the basement and locks him in. In the next half hour, he hears strange noises and then a silence ended by the slam of a door. From then on, Michael was never the same.
Now at age 19, Michael Robert Insiglio has become more than your average kid. Grown from the sweet little boy he once was, to an isolated machine of anger and pain. Why must Michael be this way? What will he do with his new lifestyle?
  1. Afternoon Delight
    The start to Michael's adventures.