I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Dress Shopping

After school, and volleyball practice, I rushed home so I could shower and sleep before I found something to do.

“Marley! Good your home! Hurry up and shower, we’re going shopping for your dress.” Mackenzie yelled when I was halfway up the stairs. I groaned and took the longest shower I could.

“Thank god! Could you take long enough? Ive had to pee for the last half hour!” Jeremy shouted at me, legs crossed.

“Theres other bathrooms in this house you know. And I'm sure you have a bathroom at your house.” I said, laughing at him.

“Whatever!” he yelled, pushing past me. I got dressed in black jeans and a black t shirt; I layered on my eyeliner. “Good, Marley, you’re ready. Let’s go.” Mackenzie said once I finally made my presence downstairs. I groaned. The car ride to the store was semi-silent; Mackenzie and I made small talk.

“Here we are!” She shouted excitedly when we walked into the store. I grimaced; the store was full of frilly dresses. Most of them were pink. I hated pink. Mackenzie immediately went to the racks, grabbing dresses at random; I let her do most of the choosing.

“I love that one!” Mackenzie gushed for what seemed like the one hundreth time. Every dress she had given me was pink or frilly, or a combination of the two. The dress I currently had on was, of course, pink. It fell down to my mid-shin and was strapless. The skirt was a little bit poofy, and had a satin ribbon right under my breast. It was a beautiful dress; if it was a different color.

“Isn’t there any other colors besides pink? I think a black dress would be perfect.”

“You are not wearing a black dress,” she said sternly, “and whats wrong with pink? Pink is a lovely color.”

“I hate pink. I want something bright, fun.” She shook her head; “Fine, I give up, go pick your own dress, that’s not black!” I went up to a sales girl, “Excuse me, do you have any bright dresses, that aren’t pink?” She nodded and led me to a rack full of dresses in bright colors; reds, blues; oranges; purples. “Thank you!” I skimmed through the racks, looking at the dresses. I grabbed a couple I liked and went back to the dressing room. The first few I tried on didn’t fit me right; I was trying on the last one. I slipped it over my head and looked in the mirror. It was a bright purple strapless that was silky all over; the bottom part had sparkly lace over the satin. It sparkled whenever I moved. The dress came to my mid-thigh, it was a little shorter than I wanted, but it was perfect. I could also wear it when I went clubbing afterwards.

“Its not pink, but I like it.” Mackenzie told me when I showed her. After we paid for the dress, we headed home. We were almost home when I subtly mentioned my friends and I were going out afterwards, she didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

“Opff!” I shouted because I ran into someone when I got up the stairs. My dress and purse went flying; I just laid on the floor, not moving. A hand picked up my purse and dress, “Here” whoever it was said. I looked up at them, Eli. It seemed like I was always running into him. “Sorry Eli.”

“Its cool, whats in the bag?” he asked, handing me my stuff.

“My dress for the formal party.” I groaned mentally.

“Oh. Can I see it?”

I looked at him funny, “Um, no. You’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to see it!” I sang, leaving him standing in the hallway.

I got out of the shower, and turned my IPOD on shuffle, volume loud. I began getting ready for the party. I blow dried my hair, and then curled it; leaving it down. I put my dress on and black converse. Mackenzie expected me to wear heels, shes funny. I don’t do heels.

“Marley, get down here! Guest will be arriving soon!” Mackenzie shouted.

“Well, here goes nothing.” I muttered, heading downstairs, groaning.
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im going to be busy this week; so this is out sooner. comments are GREATLY appreciated! =)