I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Wish Me Luck

Some people were already here. Mackenzie gave me a look when she noticed I didn’t have heels on, but she didn’t say anything because she and James were talking to some couple.

I walked over to her and she introduced me to them. “Marley, this is Steve and Keri Robinson.” I said hello; Mackenzie and James continued to talk to them. James whispered to me that my friends were over there; he pointed. I excused myself and walked over to them.

“Hey guys! Thank you so much for being here. I would probably already be dead with boredom.” They laughed. Kristin and Sarah looked amazing; Kristin had on a green dress that matched the color of Sarah’s bangs, Sarah had on a purple dress that matched the color of Kristin’s. Both of their hair was pin straight. Jason looked cute; he had cut his normally long brown hair, it was now shorter and spike into a Mohawk, except the sides of his head weren’t shaved. He had on black skinny jeans, a white button up polo with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a bright red tie on. Derek was Derek, he looked amazingly hot. He had on black skinny jeans and a white button up like Jason, except he had on a bright orange tie. Instead of his hair being spikey like it normally is, it was straight and sort of poofed up; it hung in his eyes. I resisted the urge to drool.

I turned to the twins, “You guys look amazing!” They smiled, “Thanks so do you!” they said at the same time. “Jason, you look cute. I love your hair.” I had to tell him. He nodded, smirking, “I know.”

“What about me?” Derek asked, whining.

“Oh, yeah, Derek. You look fine, I guess.” I said in a bored tone. He looked hurt. “I'm kidding!
You look cute.” He laughed. All of us continued to make small talk; basically making fun of all of the snobs at the party.

Alex’s POV!

I fiddled with my tie for the one hundredth time. I hated going to these stupid parties that my parents dragged me too. I knew Marley would hate them even more, and this was just her first one. My friends were always at the fundraisers or whatever, but we were expect to act like proper gentleman, so they weren’t fun.

“Dude, wheres your sister at? Isn't this thing for her?” Eli asked, annoyed.

“Stupid, shes been standing right there for the last fifteen minuets.” Jeremy stated before I could. He pointed to where she was. Marley was standing with her friends, laughing, her hand on the arm of that one kid with blond hair, pointing at something. Eli did a double take when he saw her; his mouth wide open. He closed his mouth and his eyes narrowed. He quickly recovered, but I saw it. Looks like Eli has a crush on someone.

Marley POV!

“Look at that lady. I dare you to steal her dog. She’d probably attack you.” I said to Derek, pointing to an extremely large woman who was covered in feathers, and she was carrying a small dog.

Derek shook his head, “She would attack me. That would result in her probably falling on me and crushing me to death.” Everyone burst out laughing.

“Marley dear, I want to introduce you to a few people.” Mackenzie said, interrupting our laughter.

“Okay, oh, and this is Kristin, Sarah, Jason, and Derek.” I said, pointing to each individual.

She nodded, said hello, and walked away. “Well, guys, wish me luck.” I said, following Mackenzie. She introduced me to so many people, I didn’t really pay attention.

“Marley, this is Dean and Susan Webb, and their daughter Megan.” That caught me attention, skankface herself. I glared at her, she did the same. She had on an extremely short pink dress, that showed more skin than it covered. “Do you to know each other?” Susan asked, breaking our death stares.

“Yes, we play volleyball together.” Megan said, bored.

“Oh good! You two will be such good friends!” Mackenzie squealed. I almost puked. Me, friends with Megan? There was no way in hell. “Yeah, maybe.” I said, forcing a smile. The parents walked away, leaving Megan and I staring at each other.

As soon as they were out of ear shot Megan said, “Thank god. I hate these stupid things.” I looked at her funny.

“You mean these types of parties happen all the time?” She nodded, I was shocked. There was no way I could stand more than one formal party.

“But don’t worry,” she said icily, “as long as you don’t trip, you’ll be fine.” She had on a fake smile.

“Oh, well I'm sure if your fake ass isn’t there, I'll do fine.” I shot back, the same fake smile on my face.




“Whore.” It went on like this for a few minuets, until she huffed and walked away. She probably couldn’t think of another word to call me. Mackenzie called everyone to dinner. I was placed by Alex and Derek, Kristin, Sarah, and Jason on the other side of him. Alex’s friends were across from us. Every so often, Eli would give me this weird look. At first, I looked at him funny; he just avoided my gaze. After a while, I just ignored it. Dinner was boring, adding the already boring party. The guest all left around ten thirty. Finally, we were allowed to leave. I quickly said good bye to James and Mackenzie and headed out the door with Kristin, Sarah, Jason, and Derek.
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I would LOVE comments! :)