I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Corny Pickup Lines

We were currently in the car jamming to Everything I Ask For by The Maine. Jason was driving, badly, Sarah in shotgun, Kristin, Derek and I was in the back. Kristin thought it would be funny to take up the whole back seat, so I was basically on Derek’s lap. We arrived at the club, The Landing, about fifteen minuets later. We got right in because Jason’s mom was best friends with the owner. I immediately grabbed Sarah and Kristin’s hands and dragged them to the dance floor. I loved dancing, I wasn’t particularly good, but hey, I had fun.

I was having a great time when some guy started grinding up on me. Hardcore grinding.

“Excuse me.” I said, as nicely as I could.

He just looked at me and smirked. He had short blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing holey jeans and a polo. “Damn babe, you are so fine.” He slurred. I started to walk away when he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. “What has one hundred fourty-two teeth and holds back the incredible hulk?” he asked, still grinding on me, well now it was like humping.

“What?” I asked confused. This is probably a corny pickup line.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, “My zipper.” At this he laughed profusely. I was right, a corny pickup line.

“Wow, that was lame. Later.” I said, pulling myself out of his grip. He wouldn’t have that; he just grabbed me again.

“Wait, babe. I'm milk, ill do your body good.”

“You seriously need to get some new lines.” I looked around the club for my friends. I saw Sarah and Kristin dancing with some guys, but they were across the room and didn’t see me. Derek and Jason were no where to be found. Shit.

“There you are! I was looking all over for you. Heres your drink.” A voice came from my right. A boy with long light brown hair that was straightened and teased was standing there, holding two drinks. His eyes were grey. He had on black jeans and a black jacket. His lip was pierced and his ears were gauged to at least a six. I was about to give him a strange look and tell him he had the wrong person when he winked at me.

“Hey! Thanks.” I said, grabbing a drink, playing along.

“Are you with this guy?” Blondie slurred.

“Yes, she is. Got a problem with that?” the boy answered darkly. The blond looked scared, shook his head, and walked away.

“Wow, thank you so much. He used one to many corny pickup lines on me.” I said, handing him his drink back.

“Keep it. And its no problem. I saw your face when he was all over you, so I figured you needed saved. I'm Eric by the way.”

“Marley.” I took a sip of my drink.

“So are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten I see.” Eric said after a moment. At first I thought he was joking, but his face was serious.

“What?!” I screeched at him. He burst out laughing.

“Aha, that was funny. I just wanted to see what you’d do.” He said smiling. “You want to dance?”

“Sure.” I quickly finished my drink and set the glass down. Eric grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. He was an amazing dancer; a funny one too. At one point he did the robot, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Eric was off to get more drinks when Kristin and Sarah came running up to me. “Wow, he’s hot!” Sarah rushed, Kristin nodded. Sarah was about to say something else but then changed her mind and said, "Got to go bye!” and they rushed off.

“Who were they?” Eric asked, handing me my drink.

“My friends Kristin and Sarah.” He nodded, chugged his drink, and then motioned to the dance floor. I nodded, finishing my drink. While we were dancing, I felt eyes burning holes in my back. I looked around, but didn’t see anyone death staring, so I shrugged it off.

“Marley, it time to go.” Derek said harshly a while later. I looked at my phone, dang, four thirty. “Alright, I'll be there in a minuet.” He nodded, walking away.

I turned to Eric, “Well, I got to go. Thanks again for saving me.”

He nodded, “Hey, its not a problem. I had fun. Maybe we could do it again sometime?” he asked.

“Sure, that’d be great.” I gave him my phone number, he gave me his. I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist, I turned to face him. Eric kissed my lightly on the lips, and then said good bye. I walked away smiling.

“Looks like someone had a nice time.” Jason sang to me when I got in the car.

“Yeah, I did.” I said laughing. The car ride home was silent, except for music. Jason dropped the twins off first, so it was just me, him, and Derek. When we got to my house, I got out and said good bye to them both; Jason said goodbye happily, while Derek seemed distracted when he said bye.
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I would really really appreciate comments. ;)

Oh, and another thing, the pickup lines in this chapter are real, I had some time on my hands since it was a half day, so I Googled them! :D