I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


I stood there, staring at him in shock with my mouth open. “What?” I asked him after a moment.

“I like you” he repeated, slow and uncertain, “I like you” he said again, confidently.

“Umm…” was all I could think to mutter.

“I think I started liking you the first day you moved here,” He rushed at first, but then began talking normal, “You were so pretty and funny. Then when we all hung out at your house, I had so much fun; I started liking you even more. And then yesterday, at the club,” he said, angrily, “I saw you dancing with that guy. It made me so angry. I wanted to be the one dancing with you. I told Jason about all of this, he said I should just tell you. Ive been thinking about it all night; I knew that if I didn’t tell you soon, someone else would get to you before I did.”

I had to sit down, that was a lot of information to take in. Derek sat on the ground across from me. “Wow.” I said after a moment. Derek didn’t say anything; I knew he was waiting for me to say something. “I think,” I started off slowly, “I think I like you too.” Derek broke into a huge grin, I couldn’t help it, I smiled back.

Derek and I lay on the ground at the park for what seemed like hours. I asked him at one point why he didn’t just ask me to dance. His reply was that he was embarrassed; I laughed at him, his checks burned red.

“So what now?” I asked Derek while we were walking to my car. He knew what I was talking about.

His face was thoughtful. It made me nervous; he admitted that he liked me, but what if he wanted to just be friends? Or bump buddies, I definitely wouldn’t accept that one, I wasn’t a slut. He walked over to me slowly and grabbed my hands, staring into my eyes. “I think we should give this a try. You and me.” He whispered. I couldn’t talk at first; my voice was caught in my throat. Derek’s face began to fall; I figured I better say something before he gets the wrong impression. I nodded my head, “I think so too.” Derek smiled, he had an amazing smile. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, “Good.” We hugged for a moment; he kissed my forehead before pulling away.

I walked into the house smiling. Mackenzie, James and Alex were all sitting in the living room. Opps, I must have missed the memo about family bonding. I don’t think it was too interesting because Alex looked like he wanted to shoot himself.

“Why are you so happy?” Alex growled the same time Mackenzie asked, “Where have you been?

“I was at the park with Derek.” I said, flopping down next to Alex on the couch.

“Derek?” James asked, looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

I sighed, “The boy with blond hair, he had an orange tie on. Mackenzie, you met him.” I added the boy whos amazingly hot in my head.

Mackenzie nodded; James went back to reading his newspaper. “You still didn’t answer my question, why are you so happy?” Alex repeated.

“Oh, yeah. Derek and I are dating now.” I said smiling. Alex’s eyes widened, Kenzie and James looked up from what they were doing.

“A boyfriend?” James said, very sternly and fatherly.

I groaned. “Yes James, a boyfriend. I have had a boyfriend before.” He took this in for a moment, and then nodded, returning to his paper. Mackenzie sat there for a moment, then she squealed, “Aw, that’s so cute.” She sounded like a fifteen year old girl, to be honest.

Well, this was enough family bonding and twenty questions for me, “I'm going upstairs!” I yelled; already halfway to the stairs. Alex death stared me because I had left him.

I went upstairs to call Kristin and Sarah; they weren’t surprised, they knew we were going to get together sooner or later. I talked to them for a few minuets before I hung up and called Jess. I felt bad I hadn’t talked to her in a while; we sat and talked for a while. I missed her so much; I was glad my birthday was in about a month so she could visit.

I was a little nervous about school. Now that Derek and I were a couple, would things change between us? We were friends before, so would it be different because were boyfriend and girlfriend? What happens if we break up; is our friendship ruined? I seriously hoped not. I shook off these thoughts and headed for school.

“I knew it.” Jason said to me in the hallway; Derek had just left after hugging me, heading for his class.

“Knew what?”

“I knew that you too would get together soon.”

“And how would you know that?”

“I'm psychic,” I turned to look at him, he had a huge smirk on his face, “Oh, and Derek was extremely jealous at the club; he wouldn’t shut up about you.” I laughed; I already knew that.

“Maybe you should start up your own fortune telling business.”
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welll, i now have 28 subscribers! so that made me want to update. enjoy!